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ChAiNz.2da's W.I.P. ...w00t!...


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Originally posted by ChAiNz.2da

Thanks T7 for the heads up, and yes, there will be TONS of thank you's & credits along with this mod :D Though writing the readme is going to be a :swear: I hope everyone likes 'novels' ;)


We're almost there kiddies! I have just a few small questions, a little dlg tweaking and we might just have this sucker ready by tonight or early tomorrow morning...


1) Based on the conversation with RedHawke, I had noticed in k_inc_generic the headers have this line:

#include "k_inc_gensupport"
#include "k_inc_walkways"
#include "k_inc_drop"

Does this mean I need to include those as well or do I stop at just the 3 files Darth333 mentiond (inc_man, inc_generic & inc_utility). The scripts seemed to compile fine using just the three along with my script, but heaven forbid I leave something out :eek:


2) Do I need to compile the scripts after I've done all the dialogue editing, or is this something un-related whereas I can edit .dlg without having to worry about it. From what I gather the scripts have nothing to do with the dialogue other than activate "triggers" at a given node...


Sorry for being a pain, I just want to dot all my "i's" and cross all my "t's". I appreciate all the help and feedback so far :D


1) well it is always better safe than sorry when compiling your scripts such as having all the needed include files in your folder if the script compiles and works fine without those then I wouldn't worry about it. I personally keep a copy of all the include scripts in my compile folder that way I never have to worry about it.


2) Well you definetley gather correctly you can write a dialogue and even tell it what scripts will be the triggers without ever creating the scripts. because the dlg files are not dependant upon other files when you save them. infact the only thing that is dependant on another files presence are scripts when you compile them.

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The Xia Terashai Set Project


This is now available for download :)Get Your Copy Here


ChAiNz.2da is on a roll! Yet again I've agreed to undertake a mod request before the release of TSL :rolleyes: I think RedHawke is spiking the water or something ;)


Anywho, with the input and source references provided (ing) of JediKnight72482, we've a new set in the works. It will consist of a new Robe and a new model short saber(s), designed with the female PC in mind!


Seeing as how I've been PM'ing JK to death, he's graciously given me permission to release this mod publicly and share my progress with the rest of the Community.


Here's a few screenies of the new saber, upon approval that is from JK (let me know what you think via PM or post). There's still some touch-ups to the skin I have to make, but otherwise this is pretty darn close.


I'd also like to hear some feedback from the rest of you :D

and yes, the blades are meant to be pink :p

The robes will be a little tougher to style, and I've not really progressed with anything worth a screenie, BUT I need to ask a question...



The robes will be based off of Bastila's clothing. It's the only model that has a front 'drape' that I know of. Since this is going to be for a PC, it will need to incorporate your "Bastila's Clothing for PC" mod (a variation rather).


How would you like to do this? Should I tell people that they will need to download and install your mod for this one to work (with proper instructions)?...or would you be interested in a Co-Release mod? Either is fine with me, and of course you know I've never lacked in giving proper credit to those involved. Please let me know via PM or post at your convenience :D


OK, I've rambled enough...


P.S. - hehe maybe not quite enough. The saber is 384 polycount for those interested. And I'd also like to thank T7 & svösh for turning me on to yet another aspect of KotOR modding (modeling) to keep me from getting any sleep :fist:

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Originally posted by ChAiNz.2da

I think RedHawke is spiking the water or something ;)

*Quickly hides a strange looking jug*


Who me? :D

Originally posted by ChAiNz.2da


The robes will be based off of Bastila's clothing. It's the only model that has a front 'drape' that I know of. Since this is going to be for a PC, it will need to incorporate your "Bastila's Clothing for PC" mod (a variation rather).


How would you like to do this? Should I tell people that they will need to download and install your mod for this one to work (with proper instructions)?...or would you be interested in a Co-Release mod? Either is fine with me, and of course you know I've never lacked in giving proper credit to those involved. Please let me know via PM or post at your convenience :D

Done! :)


Mmm... more white lacy clothing for Bastila... and... hmm... *Sound of something falling into shallow water is heard* Oops, there goes my mind into the gutter again! :D


On Topic: That saber model looks awesome ChAiNz... it has a unique sword like quality to it. :cool:

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Thanks for the feedback so far, and yeah... the source these are based off of is a 'futuristic' sword/saber hilt. There's a reason as to why they look as such, so I won't leave everyone "hanging" as to why this isn't a traditional style saber hilt.


Well, actually JediKnight72482 has written the history so he won't leave you hanging ;) hehe


Just wanted to let everyone know as to why it has that sword-like quality :)




I'll have to check those out then :D The only reason I was going to use Bastila's was that the drape was on both front and back, and it's longer. The main problem is going to be those goofy looking things on the side of her thighs. Not sure if it's even possible for them to be removed, but luckily JK has stated it doesn't need to be 'exact' just a close resemblance.


I can get the floral pattern no problem, the colors are no problems either, though the symmetrical model skins are going to cause me to do some creative working around ;)


SO here's where if anyone knows some 'tips' & such can ring in if they'd like :D

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OK...first thing's first, these are VERY, VERY rough drafts. But, before I start investing the painstaking time of tweaking this skin to look 'usable' I'd like some opinions on whether this is the direction I need to be taking (especially from you JediKnight72482) ;)


I'd like to thank RedHawke as well for giving me permission to incorporate his Bastila's clothes for PC mod. Without it, this mod would (or will) be a major pain in the keester to install. Expect a co-release when this hits the 'final stage'. Thanks RH! :D


Keep in mind this skin will include, but doesn't have at the moment:


1) leg stockings


2) an actual texture to the cloth so it's not bare white (I'm lazy at the moment) :rolleyes:


3) Upper Arm flesh, with elbow length gloves (red trim to be added)


4) Ummm... let's just say I'm not going to post the 'backside' of the skin as of yet...it's a little drafty back there at the moment :naughty:That will be fixed as well... (sorry guys) hehe


5) Relating to the above, the front drape area will also be more covered as well. It's a bit 'risque' at the moment, but in order to not waste even more time, I went ahead and submitted these for an overall review. I will be PG'ing this skin a little more... no offense..


6) Odds & Ends Trim... colors? I'm guessing red, but I'd like some ideas just in case...


7) Matching up skin tone(s). BIG question here... does anyone desire all 3 available flesh tones? The mod is originally for Asian PC's, but a little more time and I can maybe get the other 2 made...


And now.... (drum roll)

All opinions welcomed, be brutal if you must...but please make suggestions as well if it's not to a particular liking. "This sucks" posts will not be taken into consideration unless there's a "because" accompanying it ;)



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Powder puff girl of Dooooooommmmm~!




Now, actually, they look good. A bit, well, girly for me... But they look good.


Makes for an interesting combination, especially with the pink lightsabres.


What kind of damage bonuses are you planning to give the 'sabres?

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Well, its certainly a start! It looks as though you've got the structure right. I can't think of anything else to change that you havn't already listed, so my advice is to just go with your original plan. It seems as though your on the right track. Good luck!:)

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Originally posted by ChAiNz.2da

All opinions welcomed, be brutal if you must...

*RedHawke puts on a hocky mask, pulls out a chainsaw starts that puppy up, flurries it around like leatherface, and starts chasing ChAiNz around the thread...*


Sorry ChAiNz but, you did say to be "brutal!" :p


I'm with C.Skye, your on the right track and doin' darn good! :D


And making the different fleshtones would also be a nice addition...

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Well, we're getting there. Tell ya' what though, I freakin' hate the color white now.... ugghh what a pain in the keester to work with :headbump:


Because most of the good planets have an ungodly amount of light, Xia shines quite brightly :rolleyes: so I guess I have that still to work on, but getting a nice balance is really getting my shorts in a knot!

(nice visual huh? ;) )


Screenshots kinda crap up the actual texture detail, but her 'undershirt', drapes & gloves really do have a meshy look to it I swear.


The torso piece will have some 'gleam' added to it, though I can only imagine what effect that will have on a planet as bright as Tatooine... that idea may be canned after experimenting. Or may migrate to the darker red areas...


The pink belt. . . . .the more I look at it, the more rage builds inside me. Any votes? I'm thinking off-white, silver-ish or back to standard black. Though if I'm just being a big dork and it's no big deal, let me know :D


I'm having a real tough time with clipping on the back of her neck. Apparently all the female PC's heads have fatter necks than Bastila?? geeesh... what a priss... heheh

Anyone know if this holds true, or am I just missing something horribly obvious. After looking back at my Bastila Revelation Robes, it happens there too, though not as often (maybe because it's actually Bastila wearing them) :fist: Is it something having to do with the model itself (the override version)??


With all of the small quirks & tweaks to adjust still, & TSL soon to be released, the Magic 8-ball says "Outlook Not So Good" for alternate skin tones. Sorry everyone, maybe I'll release them later as a 'booster-pack'. Though I will probably release the Master along with the mod so anyone feeling cheated can go through the pain I'm having (share and share alike :lol: )...


Anywho, here's something to peek at and throw stuff at... ;)

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First Chainz man I think your being overly self critical. While the Pink belt looks a little off I actually have to say leave it because it makes the outfit even more unique, I admit I would more readily have my female characters run around with the outfit because of it's unique qualities. As to the clipping issues I have noticed this with a few of the asian female heads in general that they clip so no matter what you do you will probably have this problem.


:p So I'm not the only one having issue with White's and well lit planets such as Korriban eh.:p


I would say only worry about and tweak the whites and leave the rest alone because it does look great already.

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Originally posted by Darkkender

First Chainz man I think your being overly self critical. While the Pink belt looks a little off I actually have to say leave it because it makes the outfit even more unique, I admit I would more readily have my female characters run around with the outfit because of it's unique qualities. As to the clipping issues I have noticed this with a few of the asian female heads in general that they clip so no matter what you do you will probably have this problem.


:p So I'm not the only one having issue with White's and well lit planets such as Korriban eh.:p


I would say only worry about and tweak the whites and leave the rest alone because it does look great already.

Thanks Darkkender, it definitely helps hearing other people's POV. I guess with all of us, we're our own worst critics when it comes to our own projects.


I probably will leave the belt pink (with more detail) seeing as how it brings out the print on her drapes. I tried changing the color last night and it really lost that effect. So verdict is, pink-ish but with better detail... :D


Yeah, white's are the bane of evil... heheh. Something I found that helps is going into your Levels and adjusting your Max white output from 255 to 200-235. It's a broadcast standard trick we use so your TV doesn't blow out uber-white when you watch a show or commercial. Apparently the trick helps with computer monitors as well. It still 'glows', but is at least bearable now... :emodanc:


The function is called Levels in Photoshop, but I'm pretty sure there's comparable features in most other Graphic Editing Programs. Look for Values of Black & White with a numerical value of 0-255.


Thanks all, everything is going smoothly now after my slight 'breakdown' last night. But I have THESE to keep me sane now... :D

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Well, I'm in alpha release mode :emodanc:


Other than stipple brushing the skin texture, I'm pretty much done tweaking (of course I say that now ;) )...


Here's a few peeks. Pretty much all that's left to do is create a few icons, get the suckers in the game & write the lengthy readme :p


Anticipated Stats (subject to change). I based these on Xia's history and what stats I thought would make her an effective ninja-esque assassin. Again, suggestions welcome...




+2 Attack

Blaster Bolt Deflection +2

On Hit - Stun, DC 10, 50% for 2 rounds

Bonus Feat: Sneak Attack - I, II, III



Skill Focus - Stealth

Stealth +10

Defense Bonus 5

Immunity - Sneak Attack

Bonus Feat - Scoundrel's Luck (base, improved, master)

Awareness +5

UPGRADE - Defense Bonus 5

UPGRADE - Dmg. Reduction +3, Soak 15


"Xia was an average swordsman, but had great patience. Her greatest skill, however, was her ability in stealth. She could seemingly disappear and strike suddenly with deadly precision. Because of this, she stylized herself after the ancient ninja, even styling her two lightsabers after ninja-to."

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