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ChAiNz.2da's W.I.P. ...w00t!...


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You could do what I did with an old saber from K1, package different texture files with the same name, and let the player choose which one to install. Also since this uses a baseitem that is based off of lightsabers, does that mean the PC/NPC would need lightsaber feats?

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Originally posted by maverick187

You could do what I did with an old saber from K1, package different texture files with the same name, and let the player choose which one to install. Also since this uses a baseitem that is based off of lightsabers, does that mean the PC/NPC would need lightsaber feats?

That's what I was thinking, just offer optional colors and a player chooses beforehand which color they'd like. I'm not too keen on hoarding 7-9 more models... I think I've used my quota with the USM, plus this one ;)


As for the feat... nope, it only "requires" a melee proficiency. Took care of that too ;)


In essence, I tried to make this as much a sword as possible, the only reason I had to use the lightsaber base was so that the texture wasn't "always on" like the force pike and stun baton...


But I am grateful everyone seems interested in the Darksword. It's been fun working on it.. now getting it into the game is a different story .. hehe


My thoughts are geared towards encountering a Nightsister to get them. Hostile encounter of course, so I'm doing my homework on spawning encounters and such.


Details to come! :D

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We're getting there peeps! :emodanc:


Created the optional colors, hilt icons and crystal 'fixture' icons... updated a few stats... and (drum roll)... got the darn things in the game! :D


Needless to say, you'll be meeting up with a Nightsister Witch (conveniently looking alot like a Female Dark Jedi Master :rolleyes: ).. and seeing as it takes forever and a day to get a decent weapon in TSL, you'll get to meet the witch on the Harbinger. Unfortunately, she happens to be wielding the Darkswords (that's right, 2 of 'em) and she's not one for small talk ;)


Some words of advice:


1) Stock up on stims / meds


2) If you find something in the random generated loot you like before running into the witch, SAVE the game. I won't be held responsible for you getting killed and losing the item due to the randomness loot :dev11:


3) Stock up on stims / meds.. hehe (Both Kreia & I died 'meeting' her, luckily Atton is a decent shot)


I've got to get some of the "basics" done (readme, file packing, etc.), but I anticipate a release perhaps tomorrow or Wednesday if all goes well...




- Upgradeable


- Damage: 1-10 physical 1d4 energy

(since it's a saber upgradeable device, it won't take you long to make this Uber, or at least usable enough during the entirety of the game)


Interested? Here's some screenies to tide you over :D Keep in mind these are stills, so the blade emissions look funky. They still have the strobing/flashing effect

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Originally posted by Lion54



Did you ever get the sound to work as you wanted, or did you settle on basic sword sounds?



Currently it sounds like a sword, which is pretty much what I was wanting :)


Plus, in all intents and purposes, it acts a sword as far as requirements, wielding, sounds and descriptions.

I even tested it on entering Dantooine to see if the chick recognized it as a saber... nope, it fooled her too ;)

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Originally posted by ChAiNz.2da

Currently it sounds like a sword, which is pretty much what I was wanting :)


Plus, in all intents and purposes, it acts a sword as far as requirements, wielding, sounds and descriptions.

I even tested it on entering Dantooine to see if the chick recognized it as a saber... nope, it fooled her too ;)

Cool, I guess it makes more sense than sounding like a sabre..


This is going to great. I really like that you put it early in the game, too. Now I won't get impatient waiting to build my sabre.


(I noticed a typo in my post, you might want to change the quote, or not)



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Originally posted by maverick187

I dont want to be rude, but could I see a screenie of the UVmap... it intrigues me :D, there's just soo much detail in the skin ;)


I AGREE Mav, Looks like ChAiNz had 20 little oriental ladies with tiny brushes making the "master sword" under a microscope....lol


I just LOVE these :) Me' likum sword :laughing:


VERY NICE DETAIL "darksword-uv1.jpg" :)

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Sounds good ChAiNz, I so do love a good challenge! :D


Hmm... you have a beefed up hostile NPC out for blood with 2 of your finely crafted implements of destruction, and I also have beancounters Hardcore Mod (Insane Level)... sounds like tons of fun to me! :p


Gotta earn them thar' blades! :D


[Lo Wang] I like... sword! It's a... personal weapon. [/Lo Wang]

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  • 8 months later...
So what will you work on next?

* Dusts off the thread * Wow.. it's been awhile eh? ;) To answer the question, and in response to this Mod Request:

In homeage to Kreia winning GameSpy's Best Videogame Character of 2005, I would like to suggest a mod which would give Kreia a little bit more interaction and replay value.


Kreia is extremly limited in what armor she can wear (being that she can only equip the regular 20 or so robes) and her appearance never changes, which can make her boring to take around. So I propose she should be given a new appearance for every robe you can equip on her, like the way AVol did for the armored robes on his Bastila Mod . For example, color her cloak and robes brown and white to match a Jedi Knight robe when shes equipping one, and change them black when she's wearing a Dark Jedi Knight robe. Maybe even a skin that would place the Peragus mining uniform under her cloak.


It just makes sense and would make using her in the party a lot more fun. So any takers out there?

this will be my next project:


Kreia's Assorted Robe Collection


^^^ DONE! Grab it here:



I'll be making a total of 17 new skins for Kreia so that we can get her out of that burlap sack thing she calls a robe ;) hehehe...


Here's the list of robes/armor I'll be making for Kreia. No stats will be changed from the in-game original, just a new skin so the Kreia will properly depict what she's wearing :)

  • Peragus Minning Uniform (uniform goes under the cloak)
  • Padawan Robe
  • Jedi Robe
  • Jedi Knight Robe
  • Jedi Master Robe
  • Dark Padawan Robe
  • Dark Jedi Robe
  • Dark Jedi Knight Robe
  • Dark Jedi Master Robe
  • Grey Jedi Robe
  • Baran do Novice Robe
  • Baran do Sage Robe
  • Norris Robe
  • Ossus Keeper Robe
  • Matukai Apprentice Robe
  • Matukai Adept Robe
  • Jolee's Robe

Notes to ponder:


Because of Kreia's "full" model (body + head) I will have to make Kreia specific robes. It's the only way I know how to do this. Using in-game appearance.2da settings will make her "headless" if I don't. SO.. after deliberating with Master Kavar, we've decided that:


- robes will be obtainable via workbench

- robes will be usable only by Kreia (model restrictions)

- NO stat adjustments, we're using in-game rules and bonuses

- Component and LVL requirement will have "balance". Don't expect Uber-robes on Peragus ;)


As always, if you have any comments or suggestions... now is the time to get them in gang! :D

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Because of Kreia's "full" model (body + head) I will have to make Kreia specific robes. It's the only way I know how to do this. Using in-game appearance.2da settings will make her "headless" if I don't. SO.. after deliberating with Master Kavar, we've decided that:


- robes will be obtainable via workbench



As always, if you have any comments or suggestions... now is the time to get them in gang! :D


If you don't mind modifying Kreia's scripts, you could make it so that when she equips a standard robe, the script will substitute the standard robe for her "special" version instead. That way the player would only have the normal robes in their inventory, but the one they put on Kreia will automatically be replaced by one of her specials (and when unequipped it would be changed back to the standard robe).


The only problem with this would be for upgradable robes where you'd have to remove upgrades from a standard robe before equipping Kreia, and remove upgrades from a Kreia-robe before removing it from her body slot.



Or... alternatively, a better solution might be to just use the standard robes, but make the script change Kreia's appearance type depending on what she's wearing. This way you wouldn't need separate kreia-robe templates at all, but could use the standard robes just like any other party member jedi. It would bypass the problem with upgrades.


(I.e. check the tag of the item in Kreia's BODY slot and call ChangeObjectAppearance() in the script to switch her appearance type if the tag matches that of a robe you've made a special appearance for, which has just been equipped.)


This is perhaps more trouble than it's worth though, but it's an idea at least. :)

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Or... alternatively, a better solution might be to just use the standard robes, but make the script change Kreia's appearance type depending on what she's wearing. This way you wouldn't need separate kreia-robe templates at all, but could use the standard robes just like any other party member jedi. It would bypass the problem with upgrades.


(I.e. check the tag of the item in Kreia's BODY slot and call ChangeObjectAppearance() in the script to switch her appearance type if the tag matches that of a robe you've made a special appearance for, which has just been equipped.)


This is perhaps more trouble than it's worth though, but it's an idea at least. :)



This is exactly what I wanted to do.. problem is I didn't know where to attach the script..or which script I'd actually need to adjust (clueless hear when it comes to scripting :xp: hehehe..).


I would definitely want to do it this way (how I wanted to originally) if I knew precisely what script to fiddle with :D


Also, would I need to attach this script to the onheartbeat? It's the only script/check I know of that does a check every so often (clueless reminder ;) )... but I didn't know if it would also cause a major hit on PC resources..

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This is exactly what I wanted to do.. problem is I didn't know where to attach the script..or which script I'd actually need to adjust (clueless hear when it comes to scripting :xp: hehehe..).


I would definitely want to do it this way (how I wanted to originally) if I knew precisely what script to fiddle with :D


Also, would I need to attach this script to the onheartbeat? It's the only script/check I know of that does a check every so often (clueless reminder ;) )... but I didn't know if it would also cause a major hit on PC resources..


The easiest way is probably to run the check on Kreia's heartbeat. If you block out the script as much as possible with conditionals so it only does things when needed it shouldn't cause any noticable slowdowns, since it's only run for one character, and most of the time it wouldn't do much but check a few things. Hardly something that will make the game crawl since it's only done every 6th or so second.


The biggest problem would be that the new appearance wouldn't be immediately visible to the player until they close the Inventory-screen and return to the game for a few seconds or so. You could eliminate the delay (but not the need to close the Inventory and return to the game) by using a recursive function that runs more often than a heartbeat, but then it may slow things down more. A heartbeat is probably safer to use.


Here is an example function that might (untested) do something like this, if it's called from Kreia's heartbeat script. Maybe it'll be some help to look at at least:


void ST_UpdateKreiaRobe() {
   if (!IsObjectPartyMember(OBJECT_SELF))

   object oRobe = GetItemInSlot(INVENTORY_SLOT_BODY);

   if (GetIsObjectValid(oRobe)) {
       int nType = GetBaseItemType(oRobe);

       if ((nType == 35) || (nType == 36) || (nType == 37) || (nType == 103)) {
           // Don't forget to add new global to globalcat.2da...
           string sLast = GetGlobalString("ST_KREIA_ROBE");
           string sCurr = GetTag(oRobe);

           if (sLast != sCurr) {
               SetGlobalString("ST_KREIA_ROBE", sCurr);

               // Standard appearance if no special should be used.
               nType = 627;

               // List of robes that should use special appearance.
                    if (sCurr == "a_robe_07")  nType = 671;
               else if (sCurr == "a_robe_08")  nType = 672;
               else if (sCurr == "a_robe_09")  nType = 673;
               else if (sCurr == "a_robe_10")  nType = 674;

               // If should use standard appearance, keep hand on Peragus & Harbinger 
               if (nType == 627) {
                   int iMod = StringToInt(GetStringLeft(GetModuleFileName(), 3));
                   if ((iMod > 7) && (iMod < 200))
                       nType = 455;

               ChangeObjectAppearance(OBJECT_SELF, nType);


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ooooo.. pretty script :drool1:


Thank You stoffe! This is exactly the headstart I needed. You even included the gimped vs non-gimped Kreia check, something I was definitely unsure on how to go about. :worship:


I realize it's untested, but I have faith.. even so, it's definitely the direction I needed... You are da'bomb :D

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Well, since the pic has changed since it was posted.. I'm not too sure what you guys saw.. :xp:


However, I haven't posted anything yet on what I've done. I received a model from oldflash (and I got your PM too .. no worries, it's all good) :)


I'll have to take a look at them later this evening, but in any case, hopefully you guys & gals won't be dissappointed.


With oldflash's model in & stoffe's script & advice.. everything is coming along smoothly :)


Hopefully I'll have something to show you here in a few days




@General Kenobi


yah, we have Master Kavar to thank for this idea.. I think it's something everyone will enjoy




@oldflash, If you wish to re-post the pic, by all means feel free to. It seems to have brought up some interest.. I'd welcome feedback on it.. but the pic I got in PM's had several different ones.. so I'm not sure which one you had in mind ;)

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