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Juhani's Dark Robes AVAILABLE! (finally)


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It's the "Cat's" meow ppl'z! Part 2of2 of my svösh re-sKiNz is available for download at PCGM. Get yours today!.... it'd be a "cat"-astrophe if ya' didn't ;)


Juhani's Dark Robe by ChAiNz & svösh (NEXUS)

Juhani's Dark Robe by ChAiNz & svösh (Deadly Stream)

Juhani's Dark Robe by ChAiNz & svösh (LucasFiles)

Juhani's Dark Robe by ChAiNz & svösh (FileFront)

Juhani's Dark Robe by ChAiNz & svösh (my site)




Juhani's Dark Robe


Upgradeable Item, Juhani's Dark Robe


These robes were given to Juhani as a gift upon acceptance of her Jedi training. Well aware of her insecurities, the enclave provided these custom robes to aid in her diplomatic missions. Unfortunately, Juhani's 'fall' prevented her from ever adorning these robes...until now.


Defense Bonus +5

Wisdom +2

Strength +2

Dexterity +2

Defense +3, requires upgrade

Dmg. Reduction +5, soak 10, requires upgrade

Skill Bonus- Stealth +3, requires upgrade

Improved Saves (Specific-All) +2, requires upgrade




Special thanks to:


- svösh, for whom without his exquisite skins (and permission), this mod wouldn't have been possible. Thank you for allowing me to do this svösh. Your amazing skills and talents are matched only by your generous spirit, and "go for it" attitude! I am grateful...



- Darth333 for the Easy Warping Armband and the "give script" I dissected.




ChAiNz doesn't apologize for the horrible play-of-words, we all know 'simple' folk can't help it (he doesn't know any better) :nutz3:

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11/8/04 @ 7:55pm EST

Hey Everyone! A little heads up. For some reason the download link for Juhani's Dark Robe is 'broken'?


I'm going to post it at Lucasfiles as well, but it's usually a 1-2 day wait till it's available. DONE


11/8/04 @ 8:50pm EST

The link works now (sorta), I had accidentally placed an "&" symbol in the filename, so *I* submitted the broken link :headbump


I have corrected the link in the above post to point to the CORRECT link and notified Kengo (posted in comments as well)

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dude thats a cool DS robe, does it only work on Juhani? :p id like to see that on other ppl, <thinks> Bastila......... maybe........... CARTH :D:D:D ROFL!!!!


i've always like Svosh's Juhani's Sanctuary Threads, and i know im gunna like this, (yes i know its from you Chainz) :p you should be proud of that one :D:D:D:D i know im going to use it



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Originally posted by Mono_Giganto

'Link's not working for me at the moment, do you think you could provide Mono with a screenie? Please? :D


Hey Mono, in case the link isn't fixed yet, you can check out some screenies in my WIP thread..




it's about 3/4 the way down. You'll see a big yellow title "The Juhani Project". There's not much change to the robes, but it beats posting more (something I tend to 'overkill' on ;) )


Originally posted by Glamador

you just never stop being amazing do you?

gosh, gee golly...shucks.. heh Thanks. But I think because svösh has so much talent, just working on one of his mods makes the outcome that much better.

I probably could've put polka-dots on it and it would've looked better than half the stuff available in the game already ;)

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  • 2 years later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Hello there. I am experiencing an issue with Juhanni's Sanctuary Robes. It appears that when I enter the Star Forge, A few of the Dark Jedi(not all) are decked out in Juhanni's Robes as well. Kinda strange to be fighting all these Juhannis! Anyway, I double checked the installation and according to the readme, I have made the correct changes and have everything installed correctly. If I enter the Star Forge without Juhanni in the party, this issue does not happen. Is there something I am missing?


Any help will be appreciated,


Thanks in advance!

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Hmm... ya' know, I've never encountered this.. but only because I've never taken Juhani on board. I'll have to look over my files, but in what I remember.. this wouldn't surprise me (and something I didn't take into consideration when first making it) :o


I may have included an altered Dark Jedi model that has the new texture hexed into the .mdl file itself. if so, this would explain why some of the DJ have Juhani's look. Though I would think they would have the look whether she was on the Forge or not.. that part does confuse me :confused:


I'll look over the files and see if there's any type of workaround to this. Thanks for the heads up :)




@jedi7000nathan eegadz man, I'm so sorry.. I didn't even realize this thread had been posted in last month.. :(


To answer your question (which may not be relevant anymore) is if the game crashes when they're in your inventory is either the .uti isn't in the override folder OR there's a baseitem/appearance.2da conflict going on in your files... it usually tends to crash when you either try to use/wear an item or click on the item in your inventory (for descriptors)...

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As an update to this, I deleted everything out of my Override folder and then re-installed the Sanctuary Threads. The same thing is occuring. The first time you will notice a Dark Jedi wearing the same Sanctuary Threads as Juhani is when you beat the three dark Jedi after you clear out a bunch of the red assault droids on the Star Forge. (you know, three dark Jedi are fighting three light Jedi in a little cutscene?) After you beat these three, there are two Dark Jedi in the bottom right corner of the map and one of them has on the Sanctuary Threads. I hope this helps for testing and I hope this is an easy fix. The area is sta_m45aa if that helps at all.

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As an update to this, I deleted everything out of my Override folder and then re-installed the Sanctuary Threads. The same thing is occuring. The first time you will notice a Dark Jedi wearing the same Sanctuary Threads as Juhani is when you beat the three dark Jedi after you clear out a bunch of the red assault droids on the Star Forge. (you know, three dark Jedi are fighting three light Jedi in a little cutscene?) After you beat these three, there are two Dark Jedi in the bottom right corner of the map and one of them has on the Sanctuary Threads. I hope this helps for testing and I hope this is an easy fix. The area is sta_m45aa if that helps at all.

I don't have a K1 save at that point in the game, but if you're willing to be a beta tester and try this I'd really appreciate it. If not (which I completely understand), I can try to test it this weekend. I'd backup your savegame before trying this just in case :)




It's a shot in the dark, and really the only route I can think of at the moment.. but if all goes well I'll re-release the mod with the fixe(s) and proper credit of course ;). Yup, plural... remembered a bug that svösh had mentioned.


Included is also a fix that will make it so that Juhani is actually wearing the Sanctuary Robes when you first meet her on Dantooine (duel) rather than her being in her skivvies :o


There's no readme for now (since it's beta) but just drop the files in your override and overwrite the model when prompted. If it totally messes up Juhani, I've included the original model in a backup folder... (never hurts to have backups.. hehehe)


.mdl & .mdx files are for the StarForge problem


.utc files are for the robe appearance problem on Dantooine


only drop the file(s) you're interested in ;)

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Hey Chainz!


Ok, this may have been my fault for not being clear, or I'm just lost. I haven't tested the "black suit" model, just the Sanctuary Threads. Isn't n_darkjedif81 the black suit model? I thought the n_darkjedif80 was the Sacturay Threads model. Anyway I could be mistaken. Either way, I put the files in your RAR into the override folder with no noticable affect, and yeah, I can do some testing for you, no problem. If I knew how to upload, I'd send you a save game at the beginning of the forge...Oh well, what can I do? I'm taking of to my lady's in about an hour or so and I'll be gone for a few days so I'll assist in any way that I can when I get back. It wouldn't have to do with the appearance.2da and the copy of line 19, would it? By that, I mean, that since we copy and paste line 19 into a new line, that the game still thinks that part of the newly copied line is still the old n_darkjedif line? AS you can tell, I'm not very expert at modding so I'm just throwing out ideas, lol!


Anyway, there is no issue with Juhani showing up in her underwear....that has never been a problem. She's always been in her Sanctuary Threads when you first see her and again in the Enclave and she gives them to you after you talk to her for the first time on the hawk after she joins, no problems there.


I'll talk to you soon and thanks in advance for the hard work in making the Mod and the help you're offering to fix an issue, it's really appreciated.

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Oh.. eeps, the Dark Jedi are appearing in the Sanctuary Threads (burlap looking clothes) on the StarForge? ..hehehe.. that would be an odd looking thing for sure.. :p


If that's the case, then yeah.. the model I sent would do absolutely nothing for ya since the 81 model is my Dark Robe.


As for the appearance.2da it shouldn't be the problem IF you made the column entry changes to the n_darkjedif80 & 81. If you didn't change those lines but rather just copied the #19 line and saved.. then that would definitely cause the problem you're having. Though I'd think you wouldn't see either clothing option if you didn't change the entries.. unless it's a model fluke.


Double-check your appearance.2da and make sure you re-numbered the lines just in case. That bit could easily be overlooked in my readme. They should be numbered consecutively (not 2 rows being 19)... :)


If all else fails, I'll have more time over the weekend to look at it.. so don't stress yourself about testing. The Lady takes precedence over a silly mod... hehehe

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Hey chainz!


Yeah, I double checked and the correct entries are made in the appearance.2da. n_darkjedif80 has all the changes made in the readme and the new line# is 515 and I opened up jrobe.uti with the .gif editor to ensure that the change was made there as well and the change to 515 was made there as well. Everything with those threads (the burlap looking clothes) works great up to that point I've mentioned in the star forge.


Any assistance I can offer, I'm willing to give. Whatever you need me to do just let me know, thanks again!

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After mentioning what was "really" happening, I'll try my fix above, with the proper model this time.. hehehe :nut:


Other than that, just cross your fingers and don't keep your lady waiting ;)


I'll have something up probably tonight/tomorrow or once you get back.


Thanks for helping me debug though, I really appreciate it :)

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Thanks again Chainz! I'm not really sure what I did to assist you, but you're welcome. It's the least I can do after the hard work and long hours you put in to make this game more enjoyable. I should be back some time on Saturday, so I'll have a look for your corrections then and reprot what I find.


I've been with this woman for quite some time now, so no fears about me keeping her waiting....my last name is Smith, not Stupid, lol! I learned a long time ago that a happy woman means a happy, long life, ;).


Anyway, I'll check the thread when I get back and we'll take it from there, thank again!

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Went ahead and uploaded it for now in case my personal testing takes longer than anticipated (working the weekend it seems :fist: )


Let me know how it goes, once you get back that is.. hehehe




There's no readme for now (since it's beta) but just drop the files in your override and overwrite the model when prompted. If it totally messes up Juhani, I've included the original model in a backup folder... (never hurts to have backups.. hehehe)


.mdl & .mdx files are for the StarForge problem


.utc files are for the robe appearance problem on Dantooine


only drop the file(s) you're interested in

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Hey ChAiNz.2da, did you test this model in your game. I just say that because it can be dangerous to add characters to a model in a hex editor, oh but maybe you used mdlops.


It's kinda funny I was just playing through KotOR with svösh's Sanctuary robes, when I notice that I was fighting Juhani in the rakata temple, woops the mistake was not only yours, svösh's original mod was made before we relized that the game will use the model it finds in the override first, even when the model file itself is renamed if the aurorabase is the same as the games then thats the model the game will find first.


As I'm sure you know ChAiNz.2da the game will look for the aurorabase name first and not the file name, though I say that because I'm sure there are some out there that do not realize this.

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