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Anakin/Vader was no hero!


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These movies make Anakin to be some savior to the galaxy in which he was more like a disease. Sure he may have brought balance to the force but at the galaxies exspense. Just think if he would have survived, Everybody would want his head on a stick. Just think how messed up in the head Luke must be after all of that he went through. He must be a ticking time bomb, heres some examples.


1. Grew up on Owens farm taking in all kinds of B.S. & lies from some farmer for 20 years!


2. Watch as his only friend & mentor get cut down by his so-called father.


3. Made out & had sexual thoughts about his sister. You saw how mad he got when Vader mentioned her LOL


4. Lied to by Obi-wan a man he respected & had to find out Vader was his father the HARD WAY.


5. Right when things get good he must burn his fathers body & just deal with things on his own. Yes the son of Skywalker deal with pain on his own lol.


There is a ton more but i just got carried away the bottom line is Anakin was better off left on Tattoine & better off dead on the Death Star. If anybody asks i was just bored

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i think what the prequels try and show us is that Anakin was only human and the choices he made (choices that would lead him to the darkside) would be the same as many would make in that position.

if your mother was kidnapped and killed you would want to kick some ass too. if you fell in love with someone, would you care if it was 'against the rules'?


anakin was a weapon that people wanted to use for their own purposes.

the jedi wanted him to be trained as a Jedi, even though they all saw the dangers, including yoda. why? because of the prophecy.


palpatine wanted him as he saw how powerful anakin was. the jedi were afraid of him because of his power and they tried to stifle his progress. palpatine however wasn't afraid, he was excited by it, so he encourage him.


in ep III we'll see palpatine seduce anakin, we don't know exactly how he does this. but again i think it will be a choice thay many wouldn't disagree with.

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Originally posted by Aryyn

These movies make Anakin to be some savior to the galaxy in which he was more like a disease. Sure he may have brought balance to the force but at the galaxies exspense. Just think if he would have survived, Everybody would want his head on a stick. Just think how messed up in the head Luke must be after all of that he went through. He must be a ticking time bomb, heres some examples.


1. Grew up on Owens farm taking in all kinds of B.S. & lies from some farmer for 20 years!


2. Watch as his only friend & mentor get cut down by his so-called father.


3. Made out & had sexual thoughts about his sister. You saw how mad he got when Vader mentioned her LOL


4. Lied to by Obi-wan a man he respected & had to find out Vader was his father the HARD WAY.


5. Right when things get good he must burn his fathers body & just deal with things on his own. Yes the son of Skywalker deal with pain on his own lol.


There is a ton more but i just got carried away the bottom line is Anakin was better off left on Tattoine & better off dead on the Death Star. If anybody asks i was just bored



ummm.... anybody else notice how he is saying Anakin, while he is talking about Luke....


might want to get your characters straight;)

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Worse. he's talking about them both like they're one character.


But he's not a 'ticking time bomb', watch.


1. He loved his aunt and uncle, and surely he has forgiven this all after they were brutally killed for protecting him...


2. ... To see him again some years later...


3. He got mad because Vader suggested that he'd take her to the dark side, not because he wanted to have sex with her. Perv.


4. Alright. But he's gotten over that.


5. cremating someone is an ancient jedi tradition, and to keep that up Luke burned vader's SUIT because his body had become one with the force.


And besides... Luke's a jedi, he's got Discipline like you wouldn't believe.

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Originally posted by Doomie

Worse. he's talking about them both like they're one character.


But he's not a 'ticking time bomb', watch.


1. He loved his aunt and uncle, and surely he has forgiven this all after they were brutally killed for protecting him...


2. ... To see him again some years later...


3. He got mad because Vader suggested that he'd take her to the dark side, not because he wanted to have sex with her. Perv.


4. Alright. But he's gotten over that.


5. cremating someone is an ancient jedi tradition, and to keep that up Luke burned vader's SUIT because his body had become one with the force.


And besides... Luke's a jedi, he's got iscipline like you wouldn't believe.


Yea This thread doesen't make much sense,


iscipline, when you say it is sounds funny:D

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Anakin was never there for Luke because he became Darth Vader, a different person. The good person who was once Luke's father was now being supressed. If Anakin could break free from the Dark Side he would've raised Luke to be a Jedi and raised him well.


When it comes down to it, Vader is a bad man, Anakin is a great man and a hero. Luke is also a hero and you're a very confused person Aryyn ;)

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I think Luke would have joined the empire had he realized that Beru was mad at Uncle Owen and used a thermal detonator to blow the whole place up, and the stormtroopers were just innocent bystanders trying to resolve the dispute.




the above statement makes as much sense as this thread.





Honestly, Anakin was a decent hero, if not bratty. He didn't seem like a great saberist however.

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i dont think Darth Vader is a different person, that i felt was kinda the whole point of Luke facing him in ROTJ. I guess we'll know more about the difference between Anakin and Vader in episode 3.


i dont think Anakin was supposed to be a hero. the story is of his fall to darkness and eventual redemption, so i dont think he was ever meant to be like Luke in the OT

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I wonder...


If Episodes I, II, and III were released before the trilogy, if Anakin/Vader would have been considered the main character over Luke, Han, and Leia. The prequels are heavily based around Anakin, ya know, and when you think about it, Vader got a lot of face time in the trilogy. Maybe when Episode III is out, we can have kids who are entirely new to the Star Wars series watch all the movies in order and ask what they think the main character is.

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Originally posted by Aryyn

LOL what about everything else in between" can you say eratication of the jedi" destruction of the republic the list go's on & on.


Good point


Except you last part





But really anakin was the prophised one to bring balance to the force eradicating all jedi and the lord of the sith!


he saw both sides!


Darth Vader is the evil anakin he even said a line in epesode 2 that he had believed all along something about how a dictatorship is right!


Good/Jedi Anakin said this when he was happy!


So something between epesode 1 and 2 led him on his way to becoming evil!

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