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Seinfeld on DVD!!! (non haters only!)

Darth Groovy

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Originally posted by Kain

Anytime I watch Seinfeld I feel like I'm being shot from the inside of my brain. Its the same feeling I get whenever I meet a Spongebob Squarepants fan or hear SBSP's theme.


Then why do you watch Seinfeld and listen to Spongebob you jack ass?! :rolleyes:


All you Seinfeld haters can feel free to exit the thread now.


*points to the door*

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Then why do you watch Seinfeld and listen to Spongebob you jack ass?!
Oho, calling me a jackass, eh? Personal attack. Beneath me. :p


As for the question, I watched two whole episodes of Seinfeld, the first when I had heard from some American person that it was funny... The second when I wanted to make SURE that it was totally unfunny and without merit.


Following this, I have been unfortunate enough to see various scenes from the show sporadically through no fault of my own.


As for spongebob, why, I watched quite a few episodes while in a drug-induced haze a while back. That and the teletubbies. Bad trip.

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I believe I quoted Kain.
Hardly relevant, since I'm saying exactly the same things about Seinfeld and Spongebob as Kain is. Anyway, why do you find Seinfeld funny? How can you? Enlighten me, do. Perhaps a quotation you find amusing would help. Perhaps a link to a clip that you find riotous.


Read before you post, it makes you appear more intelligent.
I think the fact that I'm saying "I dislike Seinfeld, it is not funny" makes me appear intelligent enough.


Have fun with the drugs.
That IS the point...
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Okay okay, let's all simmer down now.


AL, you and Kain have established that you don't like Seinfeld. Well and good. You came in here, said your little schpiel, boom. Now, this thread, ostensibly, is for those who like Seinfeld. Now that you've made your opinion known, it would be best to leave the thread to those who do like it. Because you're not going to get anywhere debating the merits and demerits of Seinfeld, at least not with the lot here. So just agree to disagree and leave it at that, all righty? All righty.

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Originally posted by Spider AL

Anyway, why do you find Seinfeld funny? How can you? Enlighten me, do. Perhaps a quotation you find amusing would help. Perhaps a link to a clip that you find riotous.


Kramer: "No more underwear"


Seinfeld: "Oh my god, all that is standing between me and your manhood is a thin strip of cloth!"




Elaine in a crowded theater during the realease of The English Patient:




George's mom after catching George in the act:


"I come home and see him using his body as an amusment park!"


Mr. Bookman, the library detective. ("Nuff said")


"And i'll tell you another...."


Jerry to a telemarketer:


"Now is not really a good time, could I call you later at home, say around 8 o'clock? Not convenient, well now we understand each other..."


Not to mention, countless guest appearences from Lloyd Bridges.

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Wow. People sure can become opinionated pompous smartass bastards when you get on the heated subject of twenty minute sitcoms.


As for Seinfeld. I "hahwdly" think being a fan is synonomous with a lack of intelligence. It was a good show, some of us like to think. You don't like it. Who cares? This just in: I've checked my underwear, and it seems I don't give a ****. Don't post. To quote Jason Alexander: "Jerry would've liked to have been here tonight, but he was busy ****ing a supermodel on a pile of money."

Or something like that.

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Originally posted by CapNColostomy

Wow. People sure can become opinionated pompous smartass bastards when you get on the heated subject of twenty minute sitcoms.


As for Seinfeld. I "hahwdly" think being a fan is synonomous with a lack of intelligence. It was a good show, some of us like to think. You don't like it. Who cares? This just in: I've checked my underwear, and it seems I don't give a ****. Don't post. To quote Jason Alexander: "Jerry would've liked to have been here tonight, but he was busy ****ing a supermodel on a pile of money."

Or something like that.


LMAO! Jason Alexander is brilliant, just once i'd like to see him catch a break and get into something that makes Seinfeld look like a daytime talk show. Seinfeld really failed when he denied any possibility of spin offs. He probably knew any spin off, would have done just fine without him.


Edit- I changed the thread topic to avoid the confusion among Seinfeld haters.

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Originally posted by RpTheHotrod

Guys...keep it cool. We're all friends here.


Arguing over a TV sitcom is just.....childish.


No arguments here, I am just finding it difficult to understand why certain members post constantly in a thread about a topic that they hate. I see it happening in the Senate all the time, and i'll never figure it out.

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Originally posted by Darth Groovy

LMAO! Jason Alexander is brilliant, just once i'd like to see him catch a break and get into something that makes Seinfeld look like a daytime talk show. Seinfeld really failed when he denied any possibility of spin offs. He probably knew any spin off, would have done just fine without him.


Edit- I changed the thread topic to avoid the confusion among Seinfeld haters.


Funny, you made it perfectly clear that haters can post in threads too


Ok, so your saying that if you post a thread, that only people interested in HL2 are allowed to post in it?!?


If us "Halo Lovers" bother you so much, you can always add them to your ignore list! Under user cp, go to edit ignore, and just add our names to your ignore list.


To post a thread in Yoda's Swamp expecting only certain people to post in it, is an exersise in futility. I don't recall bashing your game, but I did think it seemed a bit silly to have to be online to install a game, but then again, these are just my opinions, just like when you thought it was silly for me to get upset after waiting outside in the cold for an hour, only to go home empty handed. Sorry if they bother you. But they ARE just opinions, nobody's breaking any rules here at this point.


You know, I think I see two standards in the little army you have. :dozey:


(And on that note, Half-life 2 time!)

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Originally posted by Tyrion

Funny, you made it perfectly clear that haters can post in threads too




You know, I think I see two standards in the little army you have. :dozey:


(And on that note, Half-life 2 time!)


Right, and did I keep at it, over and over, and over, and over?


Nope. Made my peace and moved on. Know why I posted in that thread in the first place? He kept coming into the Halo 2 thread stirring the hornets nest. At least we agreed to dissagree, and now you don't see him in the Halo 2 thread, and by that same respect, I stay away from the Half Life 2 thread. Which brings me back to my first point. If you hate it, just like....hate it and shut up...why drag it out? What is the motive? If not to gain negative reaction, which is classic troll behavior.


Now the next reply to this thread had BETTER be something about the Seinfeld DVD set, or i'm locking this down forever. This is NOT the Senate Chambers!

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Originally posted by Tyrion

Funny, you made it perfectly clear that haters can post in threads too




You know, I think I see two standards in the little army you have. :dozey:


(And on that note, Half-life 2 time!)


Ty, keep the newfound testosterone at home, away from your computer.


And nothing, I repeat, NOTHING, is better than the Soup Nazi.




I idolize that man. :D

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