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Realism Project Mod (official LF thread)


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I am sure you have seen TK-8252's Star Wars Realism mod, but as you know he quit working on it for JA. But if you havent, the purpose of the mod was to add more star wars universe realism to JA. So I have been working on continuing the idea of the mod for JA under "Realism Project Mod". I am almost finished but you may have seen that I am in need of a weapon modeler. But the real reason for this thread is to ask you people what you would like to see in the mod that would make JA, as I said more realistic to the Star Wars movies. Any brainstorming is accepted.


Anyway here is a little background on what I (and TK-8253) have done already.



The Mod=

RPM - Realism Project Mod is a mod which adds more realism to Jedi Academy. When TK-8252 first loaded up academy, ugh. Missing sounds all over in multiplayer, crappy skins and sounds, and basic laziness on Raven's part.


We've done the best we can to spice up both the single player and multiplayer aspects of the game, by changing NPCs, models, skins, sounds, Siege classes, Effects, And weapons.


I would recommend also the VES by Wes Janson you can get it from the link below.




To view more information on RPM go here




What the mod does:


- Adds and modifies NPCs (see list for all new or modified NPCs)

- Removes buggy NPCs

- New effects

- New sounds

- New weapon skins and models

- New skins and models for single and multiplayer

- Fixed sounds for multiplayer skins

- Most Jedi Outcast sounds have returned

- New Hoth and Tatooine Siege classes

- Improves vehicles

- Basically overhauls JA and makes it more like the SW movies therefore makes it more impressive game play.



RPM NPC Information=


- atatpilot (New model and NPC)

- alora_dual (Proper model)

- bartender (Proper sounds)

- bespin_cop/bespin_cop2 (New sounds)

- bossk (New Trandoshan NPC)

- cultist (Uses dual pistols)

- cultistcommando (Uses blaster)

- desann (Proper sounds)

- galak (New skin)

- granboxer (Gamorrean Guard with axe)

- hazardtrooper (Proper sounds, uses torpedo launcher)

- hazardtrooperconcussion (Proper sounds)

- hazardtrooperofficer (Removed)

- human_merc (Different model)

- lannik_racto (Uses DL-44)

- luke (New skin)

- lando_cin (Used in Siege Destroyer, now is Han Solo)

- imperial (New skin)

- impofficer (New skin, uses blaster pistol)

- impcommander (New skin, unarmed)

- impworker (New skin)

- jan (Proper sounds, uses blaster pistol)

- jawa_armed (Removed)

- jedi/jedi_rm1/jedi_rm2/jedi_kdm1/jedi_kdm2/jedi_zf1/jedi_zf2/jedi2/jedif/ jeditrainer/jedimaster (Random lightsaber color, proper sounds)

- merchant (Neutral, unarmed)

- morgankatarn (Jedi)

- mark1 (Proper model)

- mark2 (Removed)

- shadowtrooper/shadowtrooper2 (Fixed missing Force crystal hud icon)

- stormtrooper (New model with no holster)

- stormtrooper2 (New model)

- r2d2 (New skin)

- r5d2_imp (New skin)

- ragnos_sith (Working Ragnos)

- ree-yees (New Gran NPC)

- rebel (New sounds, uses DH-17)

- rebel2 (Proper sounds, uses DH-17 pistol)

- rebel_pilot/rebel_pilot_hoth (New NPCs, new Hoth skin)

- reborn/rebornacrobat/rebornfencer/rebornforceuser/rebornboss (Added skins and sounds)

- reelo (Proper sounds and uses concussion rifle)

- rockettrooper_ver1 (Removed)

- rockettrooper (Now a jetpack trooper, uses flechette)

- rockettrooper2 (Uses flechette)

- rodian/rodian2 (New skin, proper weapons)

- rosh_penin_noforce (Uses blaster pistol)

- saboteur (New model, uses repeater, no cloak)

- saboteurpistol (New model, uses E-11, no cloak)

- saboteurcommando (New model, uses concussion rifle, no cloak)

- saboteursniper (New model)

- stcommander/stofficer (New model)

- stofficeralt (New model, uses torpedo launcher)

- stormpilot (New skin, uses fists)

- sandtrooper/sandtroopersergeant/sandtroopersquadleader (New models and NPCs)

- tavion (Proper sounds)

- tusken/tuskensniper (New model and sounds)

- ugnaught (New sounds, no tool box)

- ugnaught2 (Removed)

- weequay/weequay2/weequay3/weequay4 (New skin)

- protocol/protocol_imp (New skins)



About The Team=


TK42235 : (Me) Current Lead Modder


jedispy : Working on E-web blaster canon coding








The team claims no credit for the following work included in RPM:


- TK-8252 : Former Mod Creator & Leader, Lead Modder(He did most of the mod.)


- Major Clod : Tusken Raider and Han Solo models


- GrimsEXE : RotJ Luke skin


- Scouttrooper : Help with the improved TIE Fighter Pilot skin


- Corto Maltes : Imperial Commando model


- Maddog : Jedi Rodian skins


- Wes Janson : Rodian, Kel Dor, and Zabrak Jedi sounds


- HapSlash : Stormtrooper/Sandtrooper and E-11 Blaster Rifle models


- Monsoontide : Biker Scout model


- Jp-30 : The AT-AT Pilot's helmet, life-support box, gloves, and boot textures


- Duncan : Gamorrean Guard and AT-AT models


- Melee Mod : Axe model


- LightNinja : Playable Ragnos model


- _Jedi_Outcast2_ : New swoop bike sounds


- Evader : Coruscant skybox


- Majin reven : Thermal explosion efx file


- Fracman : For helping out with the SP menu files



Blaster pistol model bug : The blaster pistlol in SP does not have a working model after you spawn it.


Note : Most of the models above will be replaced with Hapslash's models.



So if you have any ideas now is the time to state them.

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Originally posted by TK42235

Wow only compliment in five months:D


Aye, sometimes reponse is dissapointing. But we modders just gotta stick to our work and do it for the sake of modding rather than popularity, the love you pour into your work will eventually show. Nice work btw :).

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The mod sounds promising, especially since you're working on it for SP as well as MP. Thanks for thinking about us SP gamers...we're forgotten so often these days...*sniff*


Anyway, I have three major gripes with JA that could possibly be addressed in this mod if you guys are interested...


#1. Projectile speed. The projectiles for almost every gun (with the possible exception of the Concussion Rifle) are too slow. Something as simple as doubling the projectile speed for each gun would be a big improvement.


#2. Human mercs take WAY too much damage before they finally die in SP games. I mean c'mon, they don't have armor like the stormtroopers do, yet they can survive a charged blaster shot to the head?! What's up with that?!


#3. Gun-toting enemies in SP must have cement shoes or something, because they hardly ever run around! In Jedi Outcast, stormtroopers and other common enemies were somewhat intelligent, with squads trying to flank you and falling back in disarray when an officer was downed. Sometimes you got the feeling that the enemies were hunting you, not the other way around. Now they simply stand glued to the floor and shoot, like zombies with their legs shot away. Perhaps the AI from Jedi Outcast could be implemented to do this?


That's about all I can think about for now. Good luck on your mod!

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Originally posted by Neverhoodian

#2. Human mercs take WAY too much damage before they finally die in SP games. I mean c'mon, they don't have armor like the stormtroopers do, yet they can survive a charged blaster shot to the head?! What's up with that?!

Excellent point. The cloaked guards are a royal pain, maybe they should have the same resilience as say imperial officers?

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Thanks for the support guys!


Hay Neverhood, I made all the enemies except the sith/jedi and models with heavy armor like flight troopers and hazard troopers down to 10% helth so I think that will fix the merc problem (that just ticked me of to no end when I first played JA:)) cuz blasters are too powerful to shoot at a stormtrooper and let him take 5 shots before he dies. So one shot kills!


With the projectile problem I know what you mean and the Ai bugs me too but I think that would take major C coding. I do have a coder (jedispy) but I dont want to over work him at the moment especially if he is working on a mod of his own.

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Originally posted by Neverhoodian

#1. Projectile speed. The projectiles for almost every gun (with the possible exception of the Concussion Rifle) are too slow. Something as simple as doubling the projectile speed for each gun would be a big improvement.


What do you think of the blaster rifle I think its got an ok projectile speed what do you think?

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Hmmmm, I would go with blaster bolt #2, since the bolts in the movies have a white center like that (well, most of the time anyway).


EDIT: Actually, I think the blaster rifle's default projectile speed is also too slow. Try shooting someone in MP with the weapon when they're using Force Speed; it's extremely hard to hit them.

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Originally posted by TK-8252

In the movies, lasers are an entire color whether it be red, green, or blue, with no white core. Only lightsabers have a white core. See my avatar for proof.




I could have sworn they had a white center in the movies...maybe I should have my eyes checked. :nut:


In that case, go ahead and use the all red one.


Oh yeah, I checked the projectile speed for the blaster rifle in SP, and it didn't go as slow as I thought it did (not on the higher difficulties at any rate). It could stand to go a little faster, but not by much.

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I was thinking about that. And I think I will alpha RPM when I get either the weapon models done or jedispy finishes the coding or if Majin reven finishes the efx files wich he says might take awile but he promised me he would get them done before the end of the year. Then again,... if you put pressure on me I could release an alpha now:lol: I will need a website though:(

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