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First person shoting in KOTOR 2


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I saw this image on IGN.com http://media.xbox.ign.com/media/679/679264/img_2472150.html and it seems to show the ability to shoot in first person. this it proberly just you controling a turret to kill sith. But by the look of the cross-hair you are definatly controlling it. This does not seem to fit normal rpgs as this is based on the players accuracy rather than the characters skills.

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nice pic


but looking at it the gun thingy your controling looks similar to turret guns i've seen in kotor so from this piccy i would devise that your controling it from a computer, as in a turret gun with a camera so u can manually shoot the enemy with it or you can program the turret gun to shoot the enemy and you get to watch, similar to gasing a room in kotor

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Originally posted by Emperor Devon

I've read that there is a gun inside the Ebon Hawk, where you can either blast the sith troopers or kill 'em with your saber.

I could be wrong, but I believe, from what I can accertain from certain screenshots, that the Turret Mini-Game, will happen in a number of places, like on the entrance to the Ebon Hawk, or us being able to man a Heavy Repeating Blaster in a hangar near the Hawk, etc. If that is so then that would be a really cool addition to the game IMHO. :D

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Originally posted by RedHawke

I could be wrong, but I believe, from what I can accertain from certain screenshots, that the Turret Mini-Game, will happen in a number of places, like on the entrance to the Ebon Hawk, or us being able to man a Heavy Repeating Blaster in a hangar near the Hawk, etc. If that is so then that would be a really cool addition to the game IMHO. :D



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