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Skinny Puppy: "Pro-Test"

Darth Groovy

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This is for all those here who don't know who Skinny Puppy is.


Skinny Puppy has been making dark electronic terror since the early 80's, and I discovered them in the late 80's and followed them all the way up to the end in 1996, when they had tried to re-invent themselves and go mainstream, but the process only tore the band in half.


In 2000, They got back together for one show to show the younger audiences what Skinny Puppy looks like on stage. (which involves alot of prose, and performance art, props, and violent graphic images of the decay of civilization)


In 2004, they released a new album called The Greater Wrong Of The Right and they are currently on tour.


The following video was released some time ago, but It's very funny for a band as dark and mechanical as Skinny Puppy, but I thought you swampies would love it.


Also, for those who do not know, the spinning logo in my sig is the logo for Skinny Puppy.



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Originally posted by IG-64

I just like to watch people do extremely difficlult/nearly superhuman things.


yeah, you should see astro at work in the boudoir :p


* * *

Groovy, so being an old SP fan, are you telling us you were a teen goth terror :p Like our very own Pie :D


*imagines Groovy in black cape*



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Originally posted by Astrotoy7

yeah, you should see astro at work in the boudoir :p


* * *

Groovy, so being an old SP fan, are you telling us you were a teen goth terror :p Like our very own Pie :D


*imagines Groovy in black cape*




Nah bro, I was a skater punk, make up was never my style, more or less a steady diet of concert tee's shredded jeans, flannels and good old canvas Chuck Taylors.


This is a pic of me when I was in High School:



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ARRGHH!! Not those pics again ! I told you last time that you look way too much like this girl I went out with when I was 14 :(


*she was a girl, I checked* :p


skater huh, great now you've reminded me of a certain Avril Lavugne song...... :(


what a day for astro *sigh* :(




as far as categorisating my look when I was that age, I was a mixture of long haired european playboy and long haired metal freak :p



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Originally posted by Astrotoy7

ARRGHH!! Not those pics again ! I told you last time that you look way too much like this girl I went out with when I was 14 :(


*she was a girl, I checked* :p


skater huh, great now you've reminded me of a certain Avril Lavugne song...... :(


what a day for astro *sigh* :(




as far as categorisating my look when I was that age, I was a mixture of long haired european playboy and long haired metal freak :p




You WANT me, just admit it!:p

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Originally posted by Darth Groovy

You WANT me, just admit it!:p


yeah, I want 15 yo boys....I'll end up on Law & Order : SVU :(


as many know, Im into MILFs and soccer moms, thank you very much :D


now, re - skinny puppy. I cant say I know too much about how they sound. what do you liken them to...because 'industrial' can sound like many things ?? ie. are there alot of electronic sounds/ keyboards/sampling, or more organic sounds(like einsturzende neubauten) or is there some good ole guitar, drum and bass in there too :D



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Skinny Puppy claims to be influenced most by Caberet Voltaire, and Throbbing Gristle, but Skinny Puppy evolved into something very different. No two albums are identical, and they cannot be pigeon holed into one particular style. And they were around before the term "industrial" ever existed. They sometimes use guitars, but most of it is scary, heavy, and mechanical, with alot of distortion, special fx, and samples. Hop on MSN messanger one of these days, and I'll send you some tunes(darthgroovy@hotmail.com), or just visit me on mIRC, #echonet, #jediknight, or #lucasforums and msg Darth_Groovy, and i'll DCC you some stuff.





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Skinny Puppy and Ministry are two fav music choices for me

listening to either one of them makes me feel happy and calm,

sort of like Alex from A Clockwork Orange. I have seen Ministry live a long time agao at a record release party for Land Of Rape and Honey. I followed Skinny Puppy up until Too Dark Park and or maybe one more. anyhow Groovy at least some one here knows and likes and shares your appreciation of this gendre of music.

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