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Postlude to Holocaust Part VI: Strangers


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*Sir-Vin sat on top of a pile of rocks and boulders meditating in the think fog. His thoughts, he kept strangely to himself since he awoke trying to cope and if anything process in his mind what happened during the war...*


*Visions of him attacking and most of the time defending himself agenst the endless sea of Sith, witnessing almost every event that he saw up to the last moments that he remembered. Everything happened quickly, but the last moments slowed down progressively up to the point where he passes out when he circumed to his wounds....*


*In one instant Sir-Vin stands up, opens his eyes and exhales. The immedate fog around him gets pushed away in a 15 foot sphere, then returns slowly somewhat as eriee as it arrived eariler.*


Sir-Vin "Irvine Cracern... It seems like you did not make it through the battle." *saying with a slight morn in his voice* "I could almost envy you, silly how it is that we both went into the battle knowing that we could both die. Yet I warned you, and you persisted... I consider you lucky to not have to deal with anymore with Universe being torn to shreds..."

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*After the cermony only Gerd went to sleep, the rest of the Aesir were in the forward lounge on the upper deck of the ship. Their armor and cloaks were lain along the walls, the Aesir wore only short sleeved shirts and pants and boots. A drake appeared along their forearms, and when the light caught the image it glinted like it was made out of metal. Indeed if you ran your fingers across the image it felt like metal.


Heimdall stood looking out a window at the incoming fog, his hands clasped behind his back, thinking about standing on the cliffs of Himinbrog looking out at the countryside and feeling at peace. It seemed like ages since he had that feeling.


A hand gently touched his shoulder, and he looked to his side to see Idona smiling at him. He put his arm around her shoulders, and she slipped her arm around his waiste and leaned her head against his chest. Heimdall looked down at Idona, and not for the first time thoughts of marrying her passed through his head. Looking up, he put the thoughts out of his mind and just enjoyed being in her company, one of the few joys that remained in this doomed galaxy.*

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((Admiral: Wheel of Time?))


*Drago sits in the lounge sharpening his broad bladed knife and humming a Mearan war song.*


*Hal and Allessa sit on the beach, Hal has his back to a large rock and Allessa leans against him with her eyes closed.*


Allessa: Do you remember when we first met?


*Hal nods.* I cut a rather dashing figure with my armour ruined and my face spattered with blood.


Allessa: Yes a dashing nearly unconcious figure, with mor than a little of his own blood on his armour.


Hal: I remember, you bandaged all my wounds yourself, you wouldn't let the nurses near me.


Allessa: Well they weren't any good! *She puts on a mock frown then relaxes and snuggles closer against Hal.*

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Woman: Thirty seconds. Go.








*A group of eight objects, in rings of four, streak down through the atmosphere*




Guy: One moment. *He touches his ear* Anomaly detected.




*The objects impact various parts of the beach, raising a cloud of sand that would've easily been seen if not for the all-covering fog.


If anyone had been able to see through the fog, might have also detected a slight shimmer appearing around the beach near the Asgardried immediately afterwards.*


Guy: *as the sound from the series of impacts echoes through the air* They're here.


K'Warra: No ****?




*The small objects, burrowed halfway into the sand, project a large blue circle of light above them. Eight blue circles. After an instant, eight figures emerged from the circles.*


Guy: *yelling* We're being attacked! Get up! *As he yelled, he fingered a small device on his arm.*


The first to emerge were the lizard-man and the gray-armored humanoid tank who had attacked the group as far back as Enoy, the wand-carrying elf, and the man in the white trenchcoat. The lizard-man carried a small crossbow. The tank carried his familiar halberd. The man in the white trenchcoat carried twin pistols.


Immediately afterwards, the two ork twins emerged, both carrying a gun. One carried a morningstar, the other apparently having not replaced her sword that Gortick had taken. This second twin immediately headed towards Gortick.


The last two were both gargoyles, the green, and the yellow-skinned one. The green-skinned gargoyle seemed to be carrying a mass of giant snakes writhing around his shoulders, and at each of his flanks was a large, feral-looking dog. The yellow gargoyle carried what looked like an entire weapons platform harnessed around his body.


The lizard-man immediately fires off his crossbow at Aidan, striking him from behind with a dart between the shoulder blades.


The man in the white trenchcoat fires off both his guns in continous blasts, the flashes making his position easy to see through the fog.


The gray-armored man barrels through the fog silently, heading towards Matt.


The wand-weilding elf points her metal stick at Hal. A ray of light streaks from it towards him*





((OOS: Admiral: The Drakes and the Asgardried are outside the force field that has just been conjured over the section of the beach containing pretty much everyone else who's outside.))

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"What's going on?" Elaina demanded, sitting up straight. Tanara frowned and shook her head.


"We're being attacked," she said. "This fog is excellent cover for them, whoever they are. I can't see a thing!"


"What do we do?" Elaina asked, her voice almost inaudible. Tanara leapt over her sister's head and said, "Back to back."


The two sisters stood back to back and Tanara ignited her lightsaber. Elaina handled the one Kira had once owned and ignited it. Its blade glowed red and Elaina sighed.


"One of these days, I'd like one that doesn't remind me of Kira," she said. Tanara nodded.


"One of these days, you'll have one," she said. "For now, that will do. Be prepared to fight."

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*Sir-Vin senses the disturbence as the attackers come to attack. Then sees the man in the trenchcoat firing his weapons.


He jumps from his perch and lands silently on the ground as he circles around the attackers in the fog, keeping his saber off while making his movements sound nothing but brief subtle shifts in the wind.*

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*Gortick sees twin number 2 move toward him.*


Gortick: Hells.


*He picks up the rock he was about to skip and uses the force to fling it at breakneck speed toward his attacker, and draws the sword he took from her [he left his lightsaber on the ship]*

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*Hal sees the elf-witch, he actives both his sbares and completes his force flip before the bolt reaches him, his right blade sythes down, aimed at the top of the elf's head.


At the same time Allessa rolls to the left away from the beam and actives her purple lightsabre. She runs towards the elf.*

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"I can't see anything!" Elaina exclaimed, a hint of panic in her voice.


"Keep calm," Tanara said. "Use the Force. Sense what's going on. Tell me, what do you feel?"


"The attacks aren't exactly nearby," Elaina said slowly. "I don't sense anyone coming this way."


"Deactivate the saber," Tanara said, doing the same with hers. "If they can't see our sabers, they can't find us."


"And we can continue sensing them to make sure they don't come close," Elaina said. Tanara nodded.


"Exactly," she said. "If you think about it, this is a perfect training experience for you. See if you can isolate any one attacker. Tell me what you discover."


"Twins," Elaina said slowly. "Two of them are twins."


"Good," Tanara said. "I hadn't expected you to get anything so fast."


"I always was a fast learner," Elaina grinned.

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((Sorry about the delay in replying (again). For some reason I've had trouble getting on LF.


JM: Does Matt have a weapon?))





*Aidan leaps to his feet in surprise, then drops like a stone.


The man in the white trenchcoat continues firing his blasters in a wide arc, hitting nothing but kicking up alot of sand. He doesn't seem to notice Sir-vin.


On the other side of the shimmering field, brightly colored bolts of light lance through the air from Guy's ship, still 'parked' in the water. The bolts rebound off an invisible wall before even reaching the beach.


The gray-armored being reaches Matt and barrels through his position, picking him up bodily with his free arm*


The first twin - the one carrying a morningstar - fires her gun at Hal as he vaults through the air, hitting him in a glancing blow. A charge of energy spiders through his body and starts to dull his senses even as he descends. As he does, the elf rolls just barely out of the way of his sabers descend on her. She leaps backwards, aiming her metal wand at him and chanting something incomprehensible.


As she does, she notices Alessa out of the corner of her eye and turns the wand towards her just as it fires. At such close range, the bolt of light hits Alessa before she can dodge, stunning her and knocking her back.


Immediately afterwards, a larger bolt of blue light streaks through the air and knocks the elf off her feet. K'Warra's eyes glow through the mist.


The second twin reaches Gortick*


Twin 2: I believe that's my sword you've got there. I want it back.


*A long, ropelike green form wraps around K'Warra as he approaches, then another, then another. He stops his advance.


The yellow gargoyle carrying the mobile weapons platform keeps moving, situating himself in the center of the group, unseen through the fog*



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*A blood freezing battle cry distracts Tank-Man and Drago's black wolf sword decends, aimed squarly at the back of his neck.*


*Hal shakes off the stun effect as he draws on the Force and aims one sabre at the elf attacking his wife while the other wards off the next attack from the gun weilding elf.*


*Suddenly the elf with the weapons platform finds himself set upon by a pair of highly skilled maniacs with battle axes.*


((Red: By morningstar you mean spiky ball attached to chain, attached to handle, right?

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((BD: It's a gargoyle carrying the weapons platform.


I assume the maniacs with battle axes are illusions, and wouldn't be affected by weapons. If I'm incorrect and they would react like actual creatures, well so much the better. [if they're not illusions then they wouldn't have been able to surprise the attackers.]


By morningstar I mean spiked mace not spiked flail.))




*The gargoyle with the weapons platform opens fire. Invisible blasts of force pass through the axe-wielding maniacs - and nothing happens.


The gargoyle turns his fire on the rest of the group, targeting them as if the fog wasn't there, aiming first at Guy, Drago, Hal, Tanara, and Elaina.


K'Warra, covered with snakes, struggles, distracted.


Drago's sword embeds itself in the thick carapace of the gray-armored man's armor and sticks. The gray-armored man backhands him with his halberd-carrying arm.


Hal's thrown lightsaber impacts on the elf's neck - and glances off the gray material covering it.*


((Assuming Hal can't follow up since he's deflecting/dodging force blasts.))


Elf: Ashaneriskafilesium.


*A blast of light, a sleep spell, hits Alessa, who is already stunned. The woman drops to the ground, asleep.


Orthos' attacker puts her hand up, resisting, and is shoved back by the Force wave but manages to stay on her feet. She lowers her hand and smirks*


Twin 2: Oh no, I think it'd be much better if you came with me.


*She turns her stun blaster up to full power and fires, and keeps firing*



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*Sir-vin stops somewhere between Matt and twin 2.


Sir-vin senses the force being used agenst the twin, and then sees the fire from the twin.


He extends his hand at the twin and force pulls at the weapon, somewhat greater power behind the push that was done to her from orthos.

Then he flicks his wrist and force pushes at her ankles attempting to make her fall on her face.*

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[OOS: Red...Orthos is safely away. You mean Gortick]


*Gortick drops his sword*


Gortick: Arg


*He tries using the force to hold the blasts back, but eventually they begin to build up against his wall of force. They break through and he is knocked flying backwards, unconscious*

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((ROFL! Red, you're wrong on all counts.))


1. The Axe weilding maniacs are the two House Guards who, unless the gargoyle has special sensors, would be very able to sneek up on him, especially since they're not waering armour.


2. Hal never threw his sabre, he attacked hand to hand


3. How the hell do you back hand some one while carrying a halbard, unless Tank is supposed to have split his head open.


4. I find it very odd the sword got stuck.))

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((Deac: Correct.


BD: 1. You should've explained that. :p And yes, all the attackers have special sensors, why do you think they're attacking in very thick fog? :) In this case, they'll just get blasted backwards for their effort.


2. Ah, misunderstood that.


3. Very awkwardly, and not literally backhanded him necessarily. Poor wording. He hit him, with his hand, which was holding the halberd (and getting in the way).


4. I'm assuming Drago's sword was able to pierce it. He could jerk it loose, naturally, but the armor is made of very weird material.


Admiral: The answer to your PM is that your assumption is correct (would reply specifically but I have about a minute left on the computer here.)


Will post later :p))

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