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Postlude to Holocaust Part VI: Strangers


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Elaina felt terrible! How could Tanara have done this for her? She rolled over and got up, moving away to the rock Tanara had been sitting on hours before. Climbing up on it, she let her emotions go and cried.






Half an hour after Elaina went to the rock, Tanara regained consciousness. Unlike Elaina, Tanara was instantly aware of what had gone on before.


"How is Elaina?" she demanded, struggling temporarily against the Drake's claw. Almost immediately, she stopped struggling, knowing it was useless. "Where is she?"

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*Guy's ship emerges from warp space above Kartin, invisible to humanoid eyes, and cloaked from the types of detection equipment the ship's databanks guessed Kartin's inhabitants might have.


Locating the Asgardried, Guy's ship enters the atmosphere and speeds towards it. Guy comms the Asgardried*


Guy: I should be arriving at your location in a few minutes. Is there anything I ought to know? Also, can you tell me if Aidan or Marin are awake? I'd like to confirm the captive's story if possible.

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Tanara hesitated before answering Idun's question.


"I... I took her back," she stammered. With a little laugh, she continued. "She's locked away where she can't get out. I can still hear her... she's screaming at me, trying to get me to let her go... I can't... not after what she did to Elaina..."


Her voice faded away into nothingness. "I won't."

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Asgardried: You realize if they were sleeping we could easily wake them up, but yes they are awake.




*Idun stares at Tanara for a little while, then she crouches down by her head and spoke in a low voice*


Idun: It was wise of you to tell the truth, I can see that Kira has been locked away in the recesses of your mind. Your life now depends upon you keeping her there under your control. Always remember that I will be able to tell if Kira gains control of you.


*Idun stood and nodded at the drake, the drake raised his claw freeing the Jedi*


Idun: Your sister is over there, she is rather upset over what has happened. You need to reassure her what you did was the right thing. Also both of you may retrieve your weapons whenever you wish.


*Idun walked back towards Viddall, and Valda. They exchange a few words. Viddall and Valda head back inside the ship, while Idun and the Drake headed towards the beach.*

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Guy: You never know. We seem to have a problem with comas around here.




*Marin turns from watching the drakes to watch Heimdall watching the ocean. After a moment she gets up and walks over to him*


Marin: Heimdall, do you have a minute?

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Heimdall: We believe that you are worth protecting, and there has not been a single instance where we have regreted taking that oath. Now, I bet your going to ask why, so I'll just explain now.


Our lives are centered around fighting evil, and protecting those who are good. Over the millennias we have learned how to tell who are worth protecting and who are not. You are worth protecting.

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Heimdall: Well to begin with you are a child, even though you are one of the most mature members of this group. I don't know Aidan's age but he at least acts like a child.


You entered a galaxy in turmoil and needed someone who was going to look out for you, especially with the Shadows actively pursuing you. It may have been better for you to know of this earlier but we have spent our lives protecting people in secrete and its a hard habit to break.


Why haven't we taken oaths to protect the others? Well, one of our oaths covered them in general but that oath would also cover you and Adian. However, we knew that they could protect themselves. We did not know your abilities when we took the oath concerning you.


And no, we do not have any alterior motives in taking the oath. We have also taken a similar oath for another member of this group.

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*Marin contemplates that. She opens her mouth to say something else when the sound of Guy's ship decloaking and coming in for landing distracts her.


Guy's ship coasts through the atmosphere, coming to a landing on the water and resting on the surface. It idles there for a moment, the newly-added bank of engines glowing.


Marin turns back to Heimdall*


Marin: Gerd?

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Heimdall: Very good, she has come from similar circumstances as you and Aidan, and recieves similar treatment. Idun told you about the oath so you know that you have friends, people you can turn to if you need something.


You may have realized that our idea of protection does not mean keeping you from all danger. Instead its more along the lines of ensuring that you stay alive and being there if you need us.


Since we are on this topic, have you thought anymore about our offer to train you on how to use a sword?

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Marin: Well...thank you... And yes, I have thought about the offer, and I accept. I can't depend on morphing for everything...if I can depend on it at all.


*A section of Guy's ship opens, and he steps out. He is dressed considerably differently from 'normal'. Instead of only gray, his bodysuit is white and black as well, and is of a completely different design, with etching designs decorating some of its surfaces. A cloak hangs over his shoulders, replacing the high-collared coat he'd worn constantly before. He holds a large staff, and an odd mechanical device appears to be incorporated into the band covering his eyes.


He stands on a floating disk made of a strange-looking metal with more strange designs on it. On his wrists and upper arms are devices made of the same metal with similar designs.


Guy approaches Marin and Heimdall on the disk*


Guy: Excuse me.


[er, will finish this post later. or, just go ahead and reply, either way XD]

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The instant Tanara was free, she jumped to her feet and ran toward the rock Elaina had been sitting on. Though she was facing away from the ship, Elaina had occasionally looked back to it. When she saw Tanara running toward her, she slid off the rock and met her sister halfway.


"How could you?" Elaina asked quickly, hugging Tanara tightly. "How could you have put yourself in such danger for me?"


"The correct question is how could I have let Kira stay?" Tanara answered, returning her sister's hug. "Have you any idea what she did to you?"


"I... I don't," Elaina answered slowly, "but it... it wasn't much... was it?"


"More than you care to know," Tanara said. "She put you through a lot, turning you toward the Dark Side. She used the Force through you, though you had not been trained to do so. It had negative effects, all of which are nearly gone. Your skin has nearly returned to normal and so have your eyes."


"I still can't believe you would do that," Elaina said. Tanara smiled.


"I had to," she replied. "I have control over Kira, a thing you could never do. Unless..."


"Unless what?" Elaina demanded.


"Unless I were to train you," Tanara answered slowly. "You have the makings of a strong Jedi, Elaina. All you need is a little training and a little time. Kira's control over you did have some positive effects."

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Guy: I have brought the captives. *He looks - or more accurately inclines his head - in Marin's direction* Does the name "Chere" mean anything to you?


Marin: It...it rings a bell...


*Guy produces a small, flat device and holds it in his hand. The image of a human girl is projected in front of the rock next to Marin. The girl was small of stature, Marin being slightly taller in comparison. She had skin a deep shade of olive, unusually short and messy black hair, and black eyes. She wore dirty clothes which included jeans vaguely similar to the ones Marin had brought with her to this dimension. Also frozen in the image was the exasperated expression on her face.*


Marin: I know her...well, I knew of her. She was with a group Aidan was part of for a little while...I can't remember anything else about her.


Guy: Where is Aidan?


Marin: He's on the Asgardried...Guy, is she one of the 'captives'?


Guy: Yes, she is.


Marin: Where is she now? Why isn't she with you?


Guy: I didn't let any of the three prisoners out of their cages. The mercernaries were using them for some kind of power they have; they could well be dangerous. I wanted to confirm her story first.


Marin: Oh? Weren't there three captives?


Guy: The others are just waking up. All three were put into a chemical-induced sleep. Chere was the first to revive. Now excuse me, I need to find Aidan and question him.


Marin: Wait! We can't just leave them caged up just because they might be 'dangerous'! You know what Shadows are like...you were one! Aidan and I would be considered dangerous too, wouldn't we? Wouldn't most of us here be?


*Guy "looks" back at her*


Guy: I wasn't planning on leaving them in there forever of course. But caution is still in order. Once I talk to Aidan, I'll bring the captives out here and you may speak to them and decide for yourselves.


*Guy steps off the disk, which vanishes. He walks, rather slowly, towards the Asgardried and enters*




Asgardried, Aidan's Quarters


*Aidan's door is unlocked. Guy knocks anyway*


Aidan: *Groggily* What? Who is it?


Guy: It's Guy. May I come in?


Aidan: No. What do you want?


Guy: I need to know if you recognize someone.


Aidan: Who?


Guy: She calls herself Chere.




Guy: Marin said you knew her. I have an image if you want to see it.


Aidan: Fine, come in.


*Guy enters the room. Aidan sits up, an annoyed expression on his face*


Aidan: So the Shadows know the names of every person I've seen, heard, touched or spoken to within the last...how long has it been?


Guy: I doubt it. This may be a coincidence.


*He projects the image that he'd shown to Marin*


Aidan: Oh. Her! *He stops for a moment, contemplating* Ya, I know who she is. Wouldn't say I knew her. She was just sort of...there... *He trails off without an explanation* Why are you asking me? Where did you see her?


Guy: She is one of the three prisoners the Shadow-hired mercernaries carried with them when they attacked us. She claimed to have recognized you and I wanted to verify her story.


Aidan: What?! She is? Where are these prisoners now?


Guy: I managed to rescue them. They are on my ship. I still have not released them from their cages, however.


Aidan: What the hell? Why not?! I thought you'd been claiming to be a former Shadow...planning on bargaining your way back with them?


Guy: The three prisoners were most likely being used for some sort of power by the mercernaries. Without some assurances that we can trust them, or that they are not indeed dangerous...So what can you tell me about this Chere?


Aidan: *a suspicious tone in his voice* Not much really...and why should I? Why don't you ask her about herself.


Guy: Do you believe she is dangerous?


Aidan: No...at least, not to me. I can't really remember, but I think she could pull some kind of super-speed trick. That's all.


Guy: *after a pause* What about astral projection?


Aidan: What? Never heard of that. Why don't you go ask Marin your weird questions? She'd be more than happy to answer them, I'm sure. I can't remember anything else.

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*Heimdall listened to Guy in silence. Not talking until he leaves*


Heimdall: Don't worry about the captives we will deal with them in a little bit, and Guy is right to make sure that they are not a threat to us.


About your training with a sword. First thing I want you to do is wear your armor every chance you get. You need to get use to the additional weight. Your first lesson will be we have had dinner.


Is there anything else you wanted to talk about?

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