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Postlude to Holocaust Part VI: Strangers


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Orthos: The same barriers that keep Mrear from being detected are blocking my return. When this is all over I will have to plane-skip to get back. And I've had plently of hosts who interact with peoplea round them, just you've never bothered to notice.

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((Admiral: :D ))


Allessa: Thankyou.


*Hal and Allessa head towards the lounge, when they arrive Hal addresses Heimdall.*


Hal: Lord Heimdall, may I speak with you.


*He stands very stiff backed while Allessa stands to his left with her hands clasped in front of her.*




*Drago blocks, then twists his blade, making a horizontal cut aimed at Matt's ribs.*

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K'Warra: I knew four other hosts of yours, and none of them seemed to have any friends, except a few other demon hunters. But hey, what do I know?


Raschel: *wearing an unpleasant expression* So, old friends of your..."guest", Orthos? Another Avatar?


K'Warra: Oh, hardly. The gods of Mrear never really liked me. They were afraid of that - *ahem* - "old wizard" Kejim, and Kejim made me what I am, so...By the way, Starkiller, are you going to explain this Gotterdammerung or not?

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K'Warra: Intending to do? Leave this dimension as soon as possible, unless there's some reason to stay. Starkiller, I think you missed the fact that I was brought here against my will and used as a power tool for eleven months by a bunch of bastards with some grandiose plan for Gaining Great Power or something along those lines. I didn't come here to eat your babies, tasty and delicious as you might think they are. Now, what is this End of the World, and what do you mean by "solve it"?

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Heimdall: I care nothing about your mariage, and no you are not all gold thread and green eyes from your behavior you shown that you are also rude, and have a sever lack of control over your emotions. Furthermore, Hal's moods matter very little to me, or the possibility that you can change them.


It is rather arrogant of you to say your good in a fight. How much combat have you seen?

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Allessa: Yes I am rude and so are you. I don't see that I owe you musch curtisy, considering you blew up my planet. As far as combat goes, aside from having to continually fend off the local warlord of whatever system I was in over the last year I have also managed to deal with eleven seperate assassins that got past my guards, before you commited your little "mercy". Before you ask Taklin Flax was the one who taught me how to use a lightsabre.

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Heimdall: At least your being honest, although wisdom would say you do not try to insult the person your asking a favor from. As far as you owing us anything, we did save your life twice on Midgard, without so much as a thankyou.


I'm still waiting on some good reasons, and Hal don't you have anything to say in support of your wife?

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Hal: She can argue her own case. I will however say this:


I hate you, and your brother. I don't hate you because of the way you treat me, I probably deserve at least some of it. I hate you because, aside from dooming my race to a shameful death, you deprived me of the right to carry out my father's last command. When my father died the responsiblity for my people, for our planet, fell to me. What you did was no better than smothering them in their sleep. A man, a people, should have the right to choose their own time and way to die. That is why I hate you.


I follow you because, ironically, you are the only ones who can undo this. I follow orders, I do as I am told and you mock me at every oppertunity, you use the same name for me my mother used. You won't even allow me my title.


I fought in you battle because I told you I would, I keep my word and that is why I'm here, instead of simply leaving.


Allessa: I asked him not to fight, he told me he had already given his word. I have spent enough time seperated from him, I'm not leaving him again. We stay together, so you can have both of us or leave both of us. If you decide you don't want us I'm sure Drago would be more than willing to take Hal's place.


You don't need me for anything specific, you already have two healers better than me, and they use something other than the Force. You have more that enough fighters and Jedi but you will be better off with me that without.


I won't lie either, I hate you just as much as Hal does, more, because you hurt him.

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((JM: what are you talking about.

BD: Your making very difficult for Heimdall to agree to let Allessa come along. I also don't understand Allessa saying you have enough fighters. Given the size of the enemy army and the uncertainty about what the quest is going to involve she should be saying you need as many allies as you can get..))


Heimdall: You have the misconception that your people would have died valiantly had we not destroyed the star. In reality a few may have, but most would have been enslaved and either tortured to death, or be given to Fenrir as food. I have seen them do this before during an ealier war to stronger people then yours Of course Nidhogg could have just paid them a visit and your world would have gone up in flames. Do not forget that your responsiblity for your people still remains since you can still save them. Also remember that the entire galaxy is doomed if this timeline is allowed to continue.


As far as your title, do your really think you have earned that title? I don't think you have, you act like a child and have poor control over your emotions. When you begin to behave like an adult, act like a true Jedi, and take responsibility for your actions then you will be given your title.


Now you say you both hate us. Both of you should be aware of how dangerous hate is for a Jedi, especially if you cannot control your emotions which both of you seem to have a difficult time doing. Futhermore, if you hate us then your free to leave anytime you want, and no Drago will not take your place if you decide to leave. Can you get pass that and acted civily to everyone in the group? That will be a requirement if I allow Allessa to stay.


Now getting back to what you came here for. Why Allessa will we be better off with you? I also want tto know how you think you can modify Hal's moods when you also hate us.


((BD: If Allessa can help train Matt, it would be good for her to mention that, Also if they give their word that they both will keep control of their emotions))

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((Obviously I'm making it difficult. To be honest they'd come off worse if they just capitulated because it goes against their nature and it would have been false.))


Hal: Hate is not what is dangerous for a Jedi, what is dangerous is allowing it to become the driving force in your destiny. I have not doen that, I have not always maintained full control of my emotions either. Would you prefer I simply became a bowing and scraping courtier?


I have undertaken to train Matt and that holds me here just as much as the quest does. I am a fighter, I can throw a man back into a wall or I can fillet him with both lightsabres at the same time.


Allessa: What he's trying to say is he can't do mind tricks, projection, or many of the other passive feats. I can and I can teach them to Matt. When do you think I lost my temper? When I threw Hal back a hundred feet? He deserved that.


I'm quick in a fight, I don't have Hal's power or his strength but I can beat him about half the time. If you let us stay together it will make us both better off and that will mean we are in a better temper.


Hal: As to our people, I don't believe you have the full measure of them.


((Allessa refusing to meet with Vidar is another culture clash. Vidar was insulted because she would not disarm in order to meet with him and Allessa was insulted at the insinuation that she would attack Vidar and needed to be disarmed. On Agamar only prisoners and enemies are required to disarm. Drago just took the insult on the chin.))

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((BD: Is Hal's full given name Harlen Flax? If so he wants Heimdall to call him that? or is there something else he wants to be called? Heimdall would know but for the life of me I can't remember))


Heimdall: You behavior will dictate at least how we treat you, act like an adult and you will be treated as one, act like a child and you will be treated as a child. Also both of you should remember your roles as leaders, set examples for others especially the more impressionable members of this group.


Now since I have your word that both of you will behave, Allessa may stay so long as she provides meaningful help in Matt's training, which will be determined by us. Futhermore, I expect her to become a valuable member of this group and to help out where ever and whenever she can.

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((LOL. His given Name is Halren. His House name is Flax, his title, well its quite long :) ))


Hal: Thankyou. If you will excuse me I will go and assist Drago with Matt's blade work lesson.




((Sorry JM, your post seams to have fallen off my radar!))


*Drago blocks the cut and then his blade whips around in an upwards slice which stops exactly 1/16th of an inch from the seam of Matt's trousers.*


Drago: Good, most people would not have been able to do that so don't feel bad. *He rests his sword point on the sand.* Remember that with vertical cuts you have to be very fast, and very careful. A cut like that can leave you very exposed for just long enough to be fatal.


You'r doing well, all that knife work has paid off.

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K'Warra: Working on that, although I believe your friend Jonathan *looking at Guy* offered us transport home.


Guy: That will have to wait for the time being. As soon as it's safe, I'll take the three of you home. Until then you'll have to stay on my ship. I don't expect the Aesir want to house you and I don't care to ask them.


K'Warra: These Aesir seem to be pretty interesting people. And the undead army they talked about sounds pretty interesting too. You all seem to know quite a bit about this end of the world. I know only a few details. I know this started with a mass slaughter of sentient life - I believe 80% of known sentient life was destroyed when their stars went nova? I recall that rumor has it the Aesir did this...but of course that can't be true, or the great, good, honorable Starkiller wouldn't be associating with them now would he?

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