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Postlude to Holocaust Part VI: Strangers


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((I meant that so far in this thread, two people have had to beg to be able to stay onboard. It kinda reminded me of the description a friend gave me of Survivor, never watched it myself))

*Matt took a drink from his canteen, which he had taken with him when he first wen to train*

Matt: Guess so. *He girnned* Maybe pretty soon I'll be able to beat you. Or at least last more than 3 moves.

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*Hal arrives and addresses K'warra's question.*


Hal: No, they did it. The reason given is that otherwise 80% of the galaxy would suffer terribly. I don't think there are many here who are genuinly convinced.




Drago: You might be able to beat me, in a few years. At the moment the most important lesson for you is to learn who you can and can't fight. If you can't fight a warrior leave him to someone who can. Then deal with someone else so that you'r friend's back is safe.

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*The drake listened to K'warra, Orthos, and Hal before deciding to speak*


Drake: It did not start with the mass slaughter of innocents but with the death of Odin. His death doomed this galaxy, and the Aesir in order to spare as many as possible destroyed the stars. It would have been more than eighty percent of the galaxy if it was possible.



Each passing hour, each day Fenrir, Hel, Loki become stronger. In a couple years time Hel will have enough power not only to resurrect the weak sith but to bring forth an army of dead Jotuns.


Those who survived the destruction of the Stars will be rounded up into camps. Where they will either be given to Fenrir as food, or be tortured to death, after working as slaves. All those that resist will be seperated and made to watch the torture and deaths of those they failed to protect. First to be killed will be children starting with the youngest, their bodies ripped apart while their families watch. Then the women, and then the men.

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Hal: I don not believe that the death of one man can doom the galaxy. Odin, great as he was, was not a god. There must have been another way. What if the Aesir had just destroyed the planets that had most of the Heloki and Jotans on? Are Hel or Fenrir Imortal?


The problem with prophecy is that its often self fulfilling, what if there was another means of defeating Loki and it was on one of the planets destroyed?

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Drake: Some prophecies are others are not, the ones the Aesir follow are not. As far as a weapon hidden on another world that could defeat Loki, think again. Loki, Fenrir, and Hel are immortal and can only be killed during the true Ragnarok, not this false one.


What would happen if the Aesir just destroyed the worlds that held the Jotuns and Heloki, exactly as I told you. Hel would raise them from the Jotun two years from this date, the Heloki in a year.


If there was another option available to the Aesir they would have taken it in a heartbeat regardless of how many lives it would cost them. There was not. When your older you will realize that sometimes you have to pick between two evils, that is what they had to do. Count yourself lucky that you do not have to make the same choice.


I find it funny that for one that does not believe in prophecies you are following the Aesir on a quest that was fore told in one of their prophecies.

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K'Warra: Fascinating. Immortals hitting the self-destruct button? Must've been a pretty convincing prophecy. Now, hmm, pardon me, but I really have to wonder how a mess like this could be 'tidied up'. I expect this 'quest' has something to do with that?

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Drago: Plenty, for the moment though lets join in the debate.




Hal: I did not say that I don't believe in prophecies, I said they aren't fixed. I saw Heimdall take Loki's eye out so he's not invulnerable. Show me undeniable proof and I will believe you.

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Drake: You saw Heimdall wound Loki, what you're not seeing is that wound regenerating. Next time this group faces Loki, and there will be another time try and attacking him, you will find it futile.


Really the only one Loki has any fear of is Heimdall, but that is because of Heimdall's eyesight and hearing.

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Drake: You can slow me down, but you won't be able to stop me if I want to do something.


*the Drakes turns his head to look at Matt*


How do you think they kepted them imprisoned for so long. Also it was the Aesir who made the chains and cages that kepted Fenrir, Loki, Hel, Nidhogg and the others imprisoned, not us. Also there is no longer anyone alive skilled enough to craft such devices.

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Drake: Always ask questions Hal, even if you never voice them. However, when you do voice them take care in the wording you use, especially if you truely wish to understand. Then you will escape the foolishness of blindly following others.



*The Drakes turns his head to Matt*


By them I take you mean the Aesir? If so how do you know that?

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((BD: Who is Drago referring to?


I'm a little surprise that Hal can't understand what the Drake meant. Since the Drake told him to constantly ask questions, even if only to himself. When he does ask others take care in his wording so he doesn't offend the person he is asking.



Oh, I forgot to put following in what the Drake said. This is purely due to me being sick and my head swiming at the moment))



*The Drake kept his gaze on Matt while speaking to Hal*


Drake: Even you should know that asking a person nicely will get you a better answer then being rude, that is all.

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((In point of fact Drago is talking the Drake and Hal, because the Drake is displaying an amazing amount of arrogance and Hal is antagonizing him. As to Hal's comment, well what the Drake said, in substance doesn't quite make sense. Hal is supposed to ask questions but not voice them? Is the Drake say that Hal should question himself? I think I know what you're getting at but there is something wrong with that sentence.))

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*K'Warra rolls his eyes.*


K'Warra: Technically, you're all wrong. Something your enemies - the ones who brought me here, not your undead armies - have realized, and you have not, is that the multiverse is a big, big place, and just because something is impossible in this one little dimension doesn't mean it's impossible everywhere else. Oh, and...Hal, was it? There is no such thing in the multiverse as undeniable proof. This is a fact I would think would be self-evident. But maybe your universe has been deprived of magic for a little too long.

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((Drum roll please...


one rpg at a time XD))


*From behind, to K'warra* "Or it hasn't been apart of it as much as any other dimension altogether to begin with... For example, this 'Mrear' you spoke of and Drago, how you knew him, it could be the possibility that the events that took place on 'Mrear' could be 100% the same. How ever, there could be any number of alternate 'universes' you speak of..."


*Sir-Vin stands in the doorway, leaning on the frame, holding his neck as if it were sore...

His wounds seemed to have healed, but his appearence was a bit rugged, clothes needed to be washed, his facal hair needed a shave, badly, just unsat to what a jedi would look like...*


Sir-Vin "Unless I misunderstand the concept of that 'mulituniverse', and someone has to 'brush' me up on it. You know, being out of action for a while..."


((you're cue on Cracern, admiral ^_^))

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