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The Official EU Trivia Thread !


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I swear this has been asked before..


A. Vaapad is a lightsaber style, it is a dangerous form that can easily find the user susceptible to the dark side. Mace Windu is a master of it. Source: Shatterpoint, Jedi Comic - Mace Windu


Q. Who becomes the president of the Peace Brigade? Supposedly the Chief of State tried to form an alliance with the peace brigade is this true? Explain.

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no abes, the previous lightsaber style question was about ataro, which is Yoda's style.


* * *


carry on



Q. Who becomes the president of the Peace Brigade? Supposedly the Chief of State tried to form an alliance with the peace brigade is this true? Explain.




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[EDIT] I am closing that question, because no one seems to know the answer. I remember the character but not the name :(


abe, can you tell us teh answer ?? :)


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New Question :


Q. What special exemption from a part of the jedi code was granted to Ki Adi Mundi ?



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argh... wasnt that hard, no one seem to be postin here ne more..


peace brigade president = thrackan sal-solo. The supposed chief of state was Pwoe, however the majority of the senate did not believe he was legally the chief of state so they had their own vote.

Source: Ylesia

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Originally posted by Astrotoy7

Q. What special exemption from a part of the jedi code was granted to Ki Adi Mundi ?


A) He was allowed to have wives and children, because his species was dangerously underpopulated.


Q) What are dashta eels? Where can the be found? What makes them useful?

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Abes, not everyone would have read that e-book... and alot of ppl havent read the NJO full stop ! Stop whinin about no one posting. Alot of us have families/work/college etc.. I ensure there is at least one active question everyday on both trivia threads, and Im doing it for free !! :p


OMG ! Shok remembered to ask a question :p



Q) What are dashta eels? Where can the be found? What makes them useful?

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sorry for the vague answer, but I'm writing based on a sketchey rememberance.


Dashta eels are a sort of robotic killer in the Prequal Trilogy era with a mixed up moral code where they die if they kill.


Anyways, since I could be wrong, I'll wait to ask a question.

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Originally posted by Astrotoy7

OMG ! Shok remembered to ask a question :p


hey, i usually remember, but choose not to ask one.


Originally posted by JediKnight_114

Dashta eels are a sort of robotic killer in the Prequal Trilogy era with a mixed up moral code where they die if they kill.


Not quite what i was looking for. I'll wait for Astro to decide if he wants the question to stay active, or wants me to give the answer. In the meantime, I assume it is still in play.

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Dahsta eels were force sensitive creatures that were intended to be used by Dooku in the JK series of Droids through tehuse of cybernetics... it didint go well though, which is what JediKnight_114 was probably referring to....


so i'm giving him a point :) (rather than myself)


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Q. What became of Captain Panaka ??



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Gaaaa, I know this one dammit, but I just can't remember. *strains* gaaaaaaa, stupid answer being on the tip of my brain...*head explodes*


Crap. I'm gonna say you're asking a really simple question and it's the first thing that comes into my star wars facts cluttered brain:


He retired. :D

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nope, not retired.... try again :)


Q. What became of Captain Panaka ??


[EDIT] No takers ? He died under somewhat suspicious circumstances....most likely another attempt at Padme's life... source : various, including Episode II visual dictionary


* * *


New Question :


Q. What was hidden in the famous Alderaanian sand painiting, Killik Twilight ?



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Killik Twilight was a painting of questionable interpretation that depicted a native alderannian species either facing certain doom or fleeing it, or any other number of guesses.

Hidded inside the painting was the key to a secret code used to communicate with New Republic agents deep under cover.


Source: Tatooine Ghost. Surprisingly a very good book that really walks the continuity tightrope without falling off.


My question: What significant item did Luke Skywalker find in Obi Wan's abandoned home on Tatooine.

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A: Obi Wan's Journal. It contained tons of instructional information. It was also safeguarded with a detonator that only Luke and Obi Wan could disarm via vocal recognition.


Source: Shadows of the Empire Novel.


Q: What is a Gorax?

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A. a gorax is a 6 foot humanoid species native to Endor. They are covered in fur and have sensitive hearing with poor eyesight.

Source: SW Databank :p (though i suspect this is from an ewoks comic/cartoon)



Q. Which 2 are snubfighters used by the Rebel Alliance/ New Republic


* L-Wing

* B-Wing

* D-Wing

* E-Wing


(Bonus: pictures of the correct ones)

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I'm gonna have to say the E-Wing and the B-Wing.


The B-Wing is sort of a workhorse bomber with fighter capabilities. Though slower and less maneuverable than the X-Wing or A-Wing, it gets the job done and has a tough enough hide to come away smiling usually.


Don't know much about the E-Wing, other than it is pretty much the most recent and advanced fighter in the NR fleet.


Pics below.


b-wing E-Wing


[edit] oops, forgot to ask a question. Who was the first member of the new Rogue Squadron (under Wedge Antilles command) to be killed? What was was the circumstances of his/her death?


Spoiler tag the answer if ya want

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Yeah i didnt know much about the E-wing either, that was one of the reasons why i was asking. The b-wing was also the next generation bomber after the y-wing, and there a few that can be seen in ROTJ


Who was the first member of the new Rogue Squadron (under Wedge Antilles command) to be killed? What was was the circumstances of his/her death?


Lujayne Forge, she was killed in her sleep (or as she was awaking) on the Rogues secret base when the imps ambushed them there. Her sister later joined the squadron. Source: X-wing: Rogue Squadron


EDIT: damin now ive forgot to ask a q too


Q. Who is Carnor Jax? How does he die, and who kills him?

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Originally posted by abespam

Q. Who is Carnor Jax? How does he die, and who kills him?


*BZZT* This question has been asked before[Robotic voice]


Q. Name 5 force sensitive "creatures" that appear in the SW universe.... describe each briefly ?


* * *


[EDIT] No takers ??


OK - New Question ?


Q. What is a Voxyn ? Name the tragic event caused by a Voxyn ?



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Voxyn are genetically engineered Jedi Hunting Monsters created by the Yhuuzan Vong. Extremely aggressive and very dangerous, they were so successful in their job, that the Jedi sent a strike team of Jedi to destroy the Queen Voxyn that all others came from.


The mission took a turn for the worst and several Jedi were killed when they became stranded on the Vong worldship.


Among those slain was Anakin Solo, which was a huge blow against the Jedi and the galazy at large.


Source: Star by Star.


Question: Who was Han's love interest before Leia? What became of her?

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Question: Who was Han's love interest before Leia? What became of her?

A similar question to this was asked previously. However it wasn't exactly the same.


Bria Tharen was Han's prior love interest. She was a cult member on Ylesia, a planet he was smuggling spice from. Later she joined a rebellion against the Empire (not the Rebel Alliance from the OT). This rebellion was quelled and disbanded. Bria Tharen was later killed by Boba Fett for having a sizable bounty on her head.



Q: Who is Vyyk Drago?

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Originally posted by jedispy

Q: Who is Vyyk Drago?


*BZZT* This question has been asked before[Robotic voice]


gee, I'd hate to leave the running of the quiz to you fellas, you'd be recycling the same questions every 2nd page :p


Vyyk Draygo(or Drago in the EGC) is a Han Solo alias etc etc... source - paradise snare


* * *


Q. Who was Gantoris ? How did he meet his demise ?



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A: Gantoris was a Jedi Student at Luke's Praxium on Yavin 4. He was able to detect earthquakes before they happen, and was known as a hero among his people. He was tempted by the spirit of Exar Kun, but resisted. He was then killed by the former Sith master.




Q: Why was Lando mad at Han in ESB? (hint: this is a EU question. Not mentioned at all in the movie.)

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Originally posted by jedispy

Q: Why was Lando mad at Han in ESB? (hint: this is a EU question. Not mentioned at all in the movie.)


This is the best guess I can muster jedispy, but most likely because Han defeated him in sabacc to win the falcon using somewhat dubious tactics...


thats why Lando says

"why you slimy double crossin no good swindler! You got alotta guts cominhere, after what you pulled.."


I dunno, the HS Trilogy was ages ago :(


Please let us know what you were lookin for..


* * *


Q. Who is Callista ?

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A) Callista was a Jedi Knight from Chad III. She eventually left her body and stored her consciousness on the Eye of Palpatine. Later, when Luke, Cray Mingla, and Nichos Marr arrived, she eventually took the body of Cray Mingla, who stayed to destroy the ship. She became a love interest for Luke, and the two of them traveled the galaxy attempting to restore her force powers (which were lost when she took on the body of Cray). Eventually, she decided to leave Luke to try to recover her force powers on her own. Aside from some events on Nam Chorios, she has not been seen since (to my knowledge).


Sources are Children of the Jedi, Darksaber, and Planet of Twilight.


Q) Who lied to Aristocra Formbi about being a New Republic ambassador?

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A. Dean Jinzler, he was the brother of one of the jedi on the outbound flight. he made up this lie so that he could be part of the team that investigated the outbound flight when it was found by the chiss. Source: Survivor's Quest


Q. Who did Vos Quinlan think was the Dark Lord of the Sith that was controlling the Republic?

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I dunno, the HS Trilogy was ages ago


Please let us know what you were lookin for..


Actually no. Lando was mad about that, but the real atrocity was yet to happen. Han never truly intended to double cross Lando, but it happened by accident. Bria Tharen was a member of a rebellion that rose up against the empire. In fighting the empire, she became a representative to a group of smugglers stationed on Nar Shadaa. This included Han, Lando, and a ton of others. The deal was that they were going to come into a big amount of loot, and the smugglers were going to get a cut. However, when the Empire fleet was defeated (I believe it was actually at Nar Shadaa), and push came to shove, the rebels kept all of the money for themselves, and gave none to the smugglers. However, since Han was a former beau, Bria gave him some money. So he profited from the deal, when all the other guys got the shaft.


No good, double-crossing swindler.

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Q. Who did Vos Quinlan think was the Dark Lord of the Sith that was controlling the Republic?


Damnit ! This was mentioned in LoE and Ive forgotten.... My guess is Dooku, as Vos traced him back to the coruscant hideout....


If not correct, let us know the answer :)


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Q. in AOTC, the EU novel reference was the border dispute on Ansion(from "The Approaching Storm" What is the EU tie in in ROTS ??



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