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The Official EU Trivia Thread !


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Leviathan, whilst reseraching answers is enouraged, please try avoid straight copy n pastes from CUSWE.


Also be sure to name the source(ie. book/comic) as stated in the rules on page1. This makes it easier for those interested in info given in answers to check out that particular book/comic :)


anyways, you get the point for that answer :)


I actually got mixed up, as 'Emperors Sword' only appears iin the CCG, and isnt really applicable here... what I meant was


Q. What was 'Emperor's Spear' ?



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"I had a headache" is the oldest excuse in the book, cant you come up with something better !!!!


Just kiddin


"Emperor's Spear" was an operation planned by Wedge Antilles and Eldo Davip, the basic aim being to use the Super Star Destroyer Lusankya to ram into the Yuuzhan Vong Blockade of Borleias... This of course happenned in the NJO, in "Enemy Lines II"


pretty awesome stuff :)


* * *


Q. Name the young Han Solos cat-like companion as described in the 'Han Solo Trilogy', what was his name and species ?



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Nice work Niner... Muurgh is a cool name for a cat-dude IMO :)


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Q. What is "The Current" ? Who is sensitive to it ?



A. The 'current' is an interpretation of the force as believed and practised by the fallanassi. Source : Black Fleet Crisis, Dark Nest Trilogy


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*Almost* a question for the movie trivia thread, but not quite !


Q. Who designed Darth Maul's ultra cool 'Sith Infiltrator' Why is this significant ??



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Q. Who designed Darth Maul's ultra cool 'Sith Infiltrator' Why is this significant ??

Republic Sienar Systems. It is significant because in later times, it is Sienar who manufactures the TIE fighters, the chief starfighter class of the Empire. The Sith Infiltrator uses one of the earliest known prototypes of the TIE (Twin Ion Engine).


Assuming this is what you were looking for:

Q: Who is the youngest senator to be in the Republic Senate?

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Please let us know the answer jedispy
It actually is a bit of a trick question. You wouldn't expect it, but the answer is Luke Skywalker. He was furious at Dash for abandoning Leia and Lando on Gall. He even began to imagine using force choke on him. However, he fought the temptations of the dark side. Needless to say, Luke was never Dash's #1 admirer.
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So quickly? I gave the answer after 3 days.


Q: Who was the leader of the droid army on Praesitlyn?

Bonus: What colour did his tea give his teeth?

Oooh!!!! I know this one.....but can't remember the name.......Blast!!


EDIT: This isn't from the clone wars cartoon is it? Cuz that would not be EU according to Astro

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So quickly? I gave the answer after 3 days.


Oooh!!!! I know this one.....but can't remember the name.......Blast!!


EDIT: This isn't from the clone wars cartoon is it? Cuz that would not be EU according to Astro


hehe... never mind me, Clone Wars is C level canon, I just have allowed questions about CW in the movies thread to increase scope o fquestions over there. It is, as per LFLs applied definitions EU. (see Kurgans canon thread)


HOWEVER, you seem to have missed my question !


Yun Yuuzhan - nice to see you here :) please note - there is only allowed to be one active question at a time(see rules p1)


Q. What is Zonama Sekot ? Who was it originally home to ?



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ok. sorry for the tardiness :( I have been *extremely* busy recently...


yes, Zonama Sekot is a living, sentient planet as Leviathan has stated.


* * *


RC, feel free to provide the answer to your question, namely

Q: Who was the leader of the droid army on Praesitlyn?

Bonus: What colour did his tea give his teeth?



* * *


New Question


Q. Who went to Mirnic University ??



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An inventor named Simonelle the Ingoian would have created the first Human Replica Droids ; But more generally, the Imperial Department of Military Research produced them in a few small quantities... (Three of those HRDs are Guri, Frija and Molierre Cundertol)

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A Vornskr is a dog-like creature, whose home-world is Myrkr, which is able to locate any Force's user. (By the way, in the Expanded Universe, Talon Karrde has domesticated two of these "animals")


PS : In my previous reply, I've forgotten to say that Ssi-ruuks also used Human Replica Droids... ;)

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A "Solo Slingshot" is an assault's technique using the distortions of a Basal Dovin. A star-ship just have to let it getting "trapped" into one of those Yuuzhan Vongs' "weapons" and realize a certain operation to be catapulted out of the distortion field...

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