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The Official EU Trivia Thread !


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A: Kandosii is Mando'a and has several meanings, depending on context. It can mean: nice one, wicked, well done, classy and noble. Source: Mando'a glossary, appedix in RC: Triple Zero.


Q: A rather morbid question but: What happened to the bodies of the Jedi murdered in the Jedi Temple after Order 66?

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I do know they keep bits of them for some cloning game they have. I think Jedis not killed in the temple are usually burned by the clones, and won't be surprised if they do the same to at least some of those jedis in the temple as well. No it won't be the nice chestnut roasting fire you see for Qui-Gon, more like pile them up and burn them already.

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i believe Dan was right, thought Palp has to confirm it. i watched RotS again and the part where Obi Wan and Yoda got back to the temple, where Yoda is fighting all those clones, in the BG you can see a pile of things burning. i believe those are Jedi bodies.

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Ki Adi "Lotsa chixor" Mundi

Sharad "Oh me wanna be a Tuskin" Hett

Quanlin "I name my kid with my alias" Vos

Narjaa Halcyn(sp!) "father of bubba(?) Horn, grandpa of Corran Horn"


Can't find fifth one.

And since you say old Republic I don think "Ancient people" Like Nomi Sunrider counts

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Ki Adi "Lotsa chixor" Mundi

Sharad "Oh me wanna be a Tuskin" Hett

Quanlin "I name my kid with my alias" Vos

Narjaa Halcyn(sp!) "father of bubba(?) Horn, grandpa of Corran Horn"


Can't find fifth one.

And since you say old Republic I don think "Ancient people" Like Nomi Sunrider counts

Still, Morgan Katarn counts,


Ki-Adi Mundi

Quinlan Vos

Anakin Skywalker

Sharad Hett

Morgan Katarn


Ki Adi "Lotsa chixor" Mundi

Can't you just say women like an adult?

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Fosh gets the points, as he was the first who had 5 correct.

But people, Morgan Katarn was not a Jedi, although he was Force sensitive. He was a farmer on Sulon. It can be speculated that he once recieved Jedi training, failed and got sent to the Agro Corps, but no publication ever confirmed that.




Anakin Skywalker

Ranik Solusar

Quinlan Vos

Nomi and Andur Sunrider

Sharad Hett

Nejaa Halcyon

And I would have counted Etain Tur-Mukan as correct too, as she was pregnant 2 years before the declaration of the Empire.


New Q: Who are the Jensaarai?

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A: they were an order of force users that blended jedi and sith teachings.

pass if i'm right.

Supplement: They fled to the outer rim when the head of their order was killed... later his son was killed when he offered his service to Darth Vader... later the order was forced into the service of Leonia Tavira... a former imperial officer...

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Supplement: Jensaarai Begins as the founder is drawing upon Sith teachings trying to convert lightsiders to the dark. But since the Dark Side leader have been slaughtered by Jedis their Dark Side training/taint is incomplete, thus they are still honorable and serve the light. Jensaarais are distingulshed by their personal armor which they construct on their own as part of their training, usually adoned with a totem animal. They too use lightsabers. Force skills are generally not as great when compared to Jedis though.


(Well, while we are at it)

New Q: Who are the Fallanassi?

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