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The One Year Thread Redux

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time to break it down old school!


I was pondering things while walking back to my apartment after class today and this romance bull**** was one of them many things I thought of (other subjects included "Wouldnt' it be awesome to have a jetpack" and "if I could telekinetically move things, would i just randomly pick people up and toss them about like rag dolls?"). I discovered I really dislike the whole 'really liking someone very quickly' thing.


For me, the first time I see a girl, I know whether or not I will like her. There's no real "warming up to her" or anything. I am either really attracted to someone or completely not interested. I suspect this may be related to having experienced that whole love at first sight thing they talk about in the movies. Its annoying because when things don't go right or as planned, it really affects me.


Back on January 28th, I first noticed this girl in one of my history classes. "Oh my," I said to myself, "I must be getting me some of that " Somehow two weeks of classes had gone by without me having ever seen this girl. Being a shy, quiet person with limited confidence in my abilities to charm the ladies, I decided not to try to talk to her. Also I was hungry. A week passed (i never go to class on monday and wednesday) and I saw the girl again. She was looking pretty hot and I thought "Man, I suck." I noticed she was talking to the guy she sits next to, but I figured it was only because they were sitting next to each other. She would talk to him after class, making it difficult to approach her seeing as she would already be talking to someone.


The friday before Valentines Day, I resolved to talk to her. Simply talking to someone is a big deal to me . But, as soon as we get out of class, she digs out her cell phone and starts trying to call someone. "Oh well" I said. Sunday night comes and I needed to get the email address of someone in my discussion group in that class. I saw her name on the list and that she has a small personal website. Curiosity demanded that I have a look. I learned some very minor details about the girl, but they were important to me. This girl was, by some enormous coincidence, a virtual duplicate of the girl that I was in love with back in the day. I was now compelled to do something; I was being presented with exactly what I'd been looking for for years.


This week, she and that other guy started being really, really friendly. I'm pretty sure she likes him and, unless he's gay or stupid, he probably likes her. She's always talking to him thusly making it nearly impossible for me, seeing as its illegal in this country to stab him in the neck and then drag her back to my cave. My failure to be aggressive probably cost me significantly.


But now, back to the whole point of this, I feel like crap. But why? Nothing happened. I'm beating myself up because I was a sissy and didn't talk to someone. Now I lost my train of thought. But I feel like crap because of something that existed only in my head.

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damnit nute, you must be my twin or clone or something. :( I've had the same problem...quite a few times. i see someone and i'm like 'ooooooooo' and before i can even 'catch her at a good time' she vanishes into thin air. there was only once when i actually carried on a communication...but then i never really spoke to her again. right now i've got one of those stupid crushes on this other girl at work. hell, i dunno what to do.

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I've always found the only thing worse than trying to get a woman you are interested in to talk to you, is actually finding things to talk to them about without making yourself look like a complete fool once you do.


I can talk to females that I have absolutely no romantic interest in all day about anything whatsoever,.. but I'm a totaly blathering idiot if I think that there might be even the slightest possibliity of chemistry there. I tend to send them looking for an exit as quickly as possible.


Yeah, I'm real smooth... :rolleyes:


The only way I've attemped to counter this natural inclination is to pretend to myself that I have no interest in a woman, or absolutely no chance even if I did... then there's some hope of being even marginally comfortable around said member of the opposite gender. I always hope that they will then see me as the nice and swell guy I tend to think I am, and things will develop from there... but what always happens is that in my attempts to fool myself into being comfortable I always send the signals that I'm not interested, and they look elsewhere.


The stupid hours I keep don't help any with my social life (such as it is,) either.




Not much to report. Another slow, dull day.


I just got finished watching the movie "I Shot Andy Warhol" on cable.

Meh. The movie was OK, I guess... but the story didn't really shock, surprise, or even enlighten me. I always thought he and the people he surrounded himself with were all full of **** anyways. Something about the artsy-fartsy affectations and forced-bohemian lifestyle that so many creative people seem to saddle themselves with turns me off completely.

I almost went to an art school upon graduating high-school, but I simply couldn't deal with the folks I met there when I had visited.


So I ended up at a music school... which is almost as bad, but not quite.

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Originally posted by Nute Gunray

But now, back to the whole point of this, I feel like crap. But why? Nothing happened. I'm beating myself up because I was a sissy and didn't talk to someone. Now I lost my train of thought. But I feel like crap because of something that existed only in my head.


This is your problem, old friend, this "feelings" stuff. You should do as I've done and embrace the Vulcan philosophy of removing all traces of emotion from yourself. True, you will never experience happiness, but there are compensations, such as the ability to kill without remorse.

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Originally posted by Keyan Farlander

This is your problem, old friend, this "feelings" stuff. You should do as I've done and embrace the Vulcan philosophy of removing all traces of emotion from yourself. True, you will never experience happiness, but there are compensations, such as the ability to kill without remorse.


But then you have to worry about that whole Pon farr thing. If one wanted to really get rid of the emotion thing, you probably can't beat being a Borg.


I'd rather be a Trill. I would be able to talk to girls because I'd know what its like to be on the receiving end of creepy guys approaching me and being all 'yur purdy." Plus look at all the fine Trill honeys we've seen. Its like a entire race of hot brunettes!

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Klingon is the way to go my friend.


Think about it... just let your id and superego go totally wild and unrestrained; smash and destroy whatever you don't like or don't understand whenever you get the notion. Lots of violent Klingon lovin' too. The forehead thing and the bad teeth is a little tough to get past...


I've always pictured myself as more of a Romulan though... and Romulan chicks are hot... at least if you are into the Moe Howard look: bowl-cuts and bangs... which I most definitely am. ;)




Went out today with the express purpose of spending money. I didn't have any particular idea of what I was going to get, but I just felt like I needed to reward myself for surviving the last week of work. Pulled $100 out of the ATM with the idea of seeing how much I could get from it.


Here's how I did:


I ended up with a handful of books that were on a clearance sale:


The Encyclopedia Of Music - A huge reference book that must have cost a fortune when new that was less than $20.


Drawing Masterclass - Another huge book that was also under 20 bucks. Might be the inspiration to get me started up again.


A book of guitar scale and chord fingerings. It was under $5, otherwise I probably wouldn't have bothered... although it's nice to have all that stuff in one place I can look up quickly if I ever feel the need to.


A magazine about the history of the Paul Reed Smith guitar. They're all so purdy... I want them all!


I also picked up a CD of Joe Walsh's greatest hits. I'm listening to it right now... Great stuff!


I also grabbed a bottle of electronics contact cleaner at Radio Shack while I was out. A bunch of my amps and guitars pots were getting scratchy... and I have a wah pedal that needs serious help.


I picked up some more art supplies while I was near the local office superstore:

A pack of erasers; some better pencils than the junky #2's that I seem to have shoeboxes of around; a small brush for sweeping away erasings so you don't drag your hand across the paper.


I picked up some milk, bread, a salad, and a carton of sherbert at the grocery store.


I also procured a huge bag of bird seed and another of dry cat food from the pet store at my mom's request. 40 pounds of each, (Egads!) and this is the 2nd weekend in a row she's asked for me to make this trip!!! I don't know what she's feeding with all this stuff! I'm pretty sure I don't want to know, either.


I watched the DVD of The Return Of The King with the director's commentary running while taking apart a couple of my guitars and amps and cleaning the electronics up good with the new cleaner.

I determined that my Fender Princeton needs new tubes by changing them around in thier sockets.

I'll probably get them in Boston when I go to work since there are about 5 big musical instrument stores with a block's distance from the school, and none around here without a bit of a drive.

I'm taking my mother out for dinner tomorrow though, so if I happen to pass one then maybe I'll run in and get a set. I better write down exactly what I need. I should look at my other tube amps at the same time.

I bet they'll sound killer after I switch them.

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eh tonight was interesting....tried to grow some balls and talk to her but failed. hell, she's mine if i can just talk to her! but.of course, i'm like always uber-shy around girls my age...but mostly when i'm attracted to them. i beat myself up on the way home from work...rolled the windows all the way down and drove in 20 degree weather til i couldn't feel my face or fingers. I really really really want her to be miiiiiiiiiiiiiiine. :joy:

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Originally posted by edlib

Klingon is the way to go my friend.


Think about it... just let your id and superego go totally wild and unrestrained; smash and destroy whatever you don't like or don't understand whenever you get the notion. Lots of violent Klingon lovin' too. The forehead thing and the bad teeth is a little tough to get past...


I've always pictured myself as more of a Romulan though... and Romulan chicks are hot... at least if you are into the Moe Howard look: bowl-cuts and bangs... which I most definitely am. ;)


Klingons must be into what those of us in teh business call "Freaky ass ****" in bed. I mean Jadzia and Worf were always showing up with broken limbs and stuff after a wild night. To each his own you know but having my arm busted isn't my idea of a good time. Plus I'd be afraid of all the other Klingon guys and they'd be all HAHA LOOK A THE RUNT, HE CAN'T HOLD HIS BLOODWINE! Then they'd stab me. I assume bloodwine is much stronger than the rum I drink, considering recipes for such contain tequila.


Romulans... You know, I just can't see Romulans being intimate at all. I know they have to be, otherwise there wouldn't be many Romulans around. I could totally see Romulan sexuality being much like that of Oceania in 1984, where it exists only for the sake of producing new citizens and is stripped of all the fun.


Seeing as its five in the morning and I have nothing better to do, I'm going to keep on rolling with this bizarre series of thoughts.


Bajorans - Physically, I hate teh nose thing and can't get past it. Its ugly. Aside from Leeta and that one ensign that wasn't Ro, every Bajoran woman we've seen has been one bitter, pissed off woman. Any relationship would probably be nothing but a complete dramarama that makes me want to shoot myself in the face.


Vulcans - Seeing as how the womenfolk have that whole Pon farr thing, that would be troublesome to say the least. I'd just avoid the whole issue myself. Plus she would be the coldest, most detached lover ever. EVER. Can a Vulcan even love someone in teh first place? I DOUBT IT.


Cardassians - Ew. Just ew.


Ferengi - I'd rather be a eunich.


The Borg - There are just too many question marks on this one and I'm pretty sure romance is obselete in the new order anyhow.


Betazoid - Externally human, so that wouldn't be too bad. But I don't like idea of someone pushing their way around inside my head.


Vorta - They always came off as pretty androgynous to me. Plus that whole all clones thing probably means they have no interest in romance or the more intimate matters.


Species of the Week - Generally, the SftW had a crazy nose or forehead or something. Physically, they repulse me. But they're usually close enough to human that it wouldnt' really make a difference in the emotional realm.


Android - There was two female androids. And both of them are dead now. At least I think Juliana is dead. Lal is.


Tasha Yar - Was a man.


Changeling - Emotionally, they're disaster areas I think. Always talking about that damned "Great Link" of theirs. Plus we're just worthless Solids. But they're shapeshifters. You're stupid if I have to explain this one.

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How about the cute bald chick from the first Star Trek movie?


I don't even remember what species she was supposed to be... but weren't they supposed to be emitting pheromones all the time that drove all the male crew members wild?


Funny that you never saw that species again as far as I can tell.

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Originally posted by edlib

How about the cute bald chick from the first Star Trek movie?


I don't even remember what species she was supposed to be... but weren't they supposed to be emitting pheromones all the time that drove all the male crew members wild?


Funny that you never saw that species again as far as I can tell.


She was Deltan.


"Krik-Unit! V'Ger requires the information!"


And just for good measure:



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admins log, stardate the last couple months:


Dear Diary, I'm approaching the middle of my second quarter back at college and so far it is going well. I cruised through last quarter with a 4.0 and had high hopes for this one as well. However, due to a number of things which I will explain later, I've been mainly getting lucky with all the A's I've been getting. In two of my three classes, the profs have curved the exams so that my score went from a B to an A. Being a perfectionist and a super-genius, I hate to get anything less than a mid-A, so knowing that my raw score was a B is killing me. But I'll take an A any way that I can get it, and as long as my GPA is 4.0, i'm a happy camper.


My daughter just turned two a couple weeks ago. She's growing so fast and learning more and more words every day. She definitely loves her daddy and I couldn't love her more if i tried. As much as I cringe at all the little spoiled princesses out there these days, I can honestly see why dads do it. Once I'm done with school and am an orthodontist, I hope to spend my dough spoiling my daughter (and any subsequent children I have).


On the downside, we're all dealing with the fact that my father-in-law is battling cancer. He was in the hospital for a month after some surgeries and some complications that nearly killed him, but he is finally home now. His cancer is stage 4 and at this point, chemo is really not going to help. Enter my wife, who has been diligently and determinedly researching alternative cancer treatments all this time. She's been buying books and looking at countless web sites and buying all kinds of supplements for her dad, such as Bovine Tracheal Cartilage, Noni fruit extract, bee pollen, coral calcium, and more. We found a doctor who specializes in alternative medicines for cancer treatment and the first treatment he is undergoing (besides the changes in his diet) will be mass doses of vitamin C administered intravenously. We're talking 20 to 50,000 mg of this stuff (a daily dose is usually between 500 and 1000 mg). vitamin C is supposed to resemble the molecular structure of glucose, which every cell metabolizes for energy, but does not break down through glycolysis, and this therefore starves the cell and kills it. This is the idea behind the treatment and we are all very hopeful that it works as it should. After that, we shall see.


In regards to diet, we've been switching over to organic natural foods, avoiding any unnecessary chemicals or additives that we can. Honestly, we're like 2 steps away from being vegetarian, and i'm willing to explore vegetarian foods in an effort to be more healthy. We've been making the transition over the last couple of weeks, and when you start cutting out bad stuff, there seems to be a lot less stuff to eat, so you really can't help but lose weight! I've been around a buck fifty for many years, but even I lost about four pounds. Since we had valentine's day and my daughter's party, I've been fudging with the candy and cake, but I honestly feel much healthier. I've ordered several cookbooks for healthy recipes and even bought a wok from ebay. I've been doing the majority of the cooking these days. Frankly, I have to admit that I'm pretty damn good!


that's all for me for now.

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Things have been a little... blahhh... around here lately. If I can't give my life some kind of direction, I'm gonna enlist.


Can one of you US military types find out if someone that wasn't born American can join the reg. force Navy? Or more specifically the submarine force... If I'm gonna join a Navy, I might as well head down there and get myself on board a *real* boat instead of the second-hand Upholder-class diesel-electric deathtraps the Canadian Navy bought from the Brits. Don't get me wrong... They'd be fine boats if they actually worked, but so far it looks like we bought 4 "ultimate lemons".

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Alternative careers seem to be the theme of the day...


My mom put some pressure on me today to think about alternative careers in case I get fed up with the place I am. At least plan on a backup I can fall upon if the bottom falls out of the industry.

Actually, I've been thinking about that very thing lately,.. although not for those reasons. One of the reasons I have been leaning towards getting back into visual arts is the fact that this day-in-day-out mixing of loud concerts will eventually take a toll on my hearing. I'm usually extremely careful about it, (I carry a set of earplugs on my body at all times other than maybe in the shower,) but time and constant exposure have an insideous way of getting to even the most careful of us. The day I think my hearing is being adversely affected by my job is the day I start doing something about moving somewhere else. What good is a sound guy with hearing damage anyways?


Even the loudest concert won't affect my eyesight, so getting back into visual arts and graphic design seems the easiest way for me to go, since I already have a pretty good background in it.

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Originally posted by Keyan Farlander

Hey, Ike.


You're changing careers to teeth? That's a pretty big change, isn't it? What made you choose that?

In a word, MONEY. I was laid off of too many jobs in the IT biz and had started to become stagnant. My choices to break the stagnation were not appealing to me, so I decided to look into the field of medicine where I would almost always be sure to have a job. Being an MD lost my interest, so i turned to orthodontics and it seems that it will suit me well.
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More snow... just what I needed on my day off. (*Grumble* *Shakes fist at sky*)


Oh well,.. it kept me... so that I could really enjoy:


LAUNDRY DAY!!!!!!!!!


It was starting to get overwhelming. I started laundry a month ago, back on the day my mom first called about my uncle. I guess I never finished it.


I didn't totally finish it today either... but I washed enough to get me through the next week.


Between washes I was claning all of my guitar effects pedals with the cleaner from Radio Shack. Everything sounds so good now! Even the wah-wah I had pretty much given up on has come back to life.

I went through most of the bottle, but I shouldn't have to do this again any time soon. I might pick up another bottle or 2 to clean the rest of my gear that I didn't get to. The volume and tone pots on a couple of my old Gibsons are especially problematic.


Speaking of old Gibsons: I saw a guitar that I had sold well over 10 years ago up on the web today. I was looking for dealers for Groove Tubes, when I spotted the SG I had with Carvin pickups that I unloaded for starter money my first semester of college.

I'm pretty sure it's the one I used to own... or one exactly like it. The dealer who had it (it's sold now) is only a couple of miles away...




It's the only guitar I regret getting rid of.


The guitar itself was kind of a dog... but it had killer tone! I recorded something with it once, and that is still the best sound I have ever gotten on tape.

It made a decent slide guitar.


Today I heard Hunter S. Thompson died. That just sucks. :(

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Originally posted by Ikhnaton

In a word, MONEY. I was laid off of too many jobs in the IT biz and had started to become stagnant. My choices to break the stagnation were not appealing to me, so I decided to look into the field of medicine where I would almost always be sure to have a job. Being an MD lost my interest, so i turned to orthodontics and it seems that it will suit me well.


Well, good luck with that. If you still lived roughly in the area, I could have introduced you to a couple of people who would have been good to know in that field.

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Quick update while I'm on my lunch break...


The volume pot on my guitar decided to start scratching like *mad*, and occasionally cutting the signal off completely. Wheeee. Now I've gotta try and find a replacement pot before Saturday or I'm gonna end up trying to play Black Sabbath on an acoustic without getting drowned out by the bass, drums, and other guitar.

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That was EXACTLY the problem I was having with my PRS that inspired me to pick up the can of contact cleaner. It's working fine now.


I pulled the pot out of the cavity from the back so as not to spray chemicals all over the top of my instrument. The other option would be to poke a small hole in a thick, good sized rag and put just the stem of the volume control though and spray it that way.


You might fix it completely. or at least get it working well enough to get though the gig.

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ah...today wasn't such a bad day, but it could have been much better.


I made myself some eggs for lunch....4 sunny-side up, with 4 pieces of toast and a large glass of milk. that held me over the whole day. My mom called and said our former pastor found some parts for my car or something but it's not going to cost a fortune.....thing is, i'll need to get the car towed to harrisburg in order to get it fixed...=\


At work there is this girl I like named Kerry....i think she likes me too, but i'm too freaking shy to say or do anything about it. I've been thinking of taking her out for coffee or something silly like that after work.. She seems like the kind of girl for me. I caught her smiling/staring at me a few times so i dunno whats up w/that. maybe it's all in my head? I've never had a girlfriend before, never been on a date, hell, i rarely socialize w/the opposite sex.


I might attempt to say hi to her tomorrow and see what happens.

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Under normal circumstances I would laugh at you for being a pathetic coward, but this is a special case. You have to be really careful with women you work with. I've seen guys get fired for sexual harassment just for asking a girl out who works at the same place, being absolutely perfect gentlemen the whole time. Some girls are really paranoid and weird, and many bosses aren't even willing to discuss the issue - no proof required on the part of the young lady.


Even if she does say yes, you have to consider what happens if it doesn't work out - you still have to work together.


I don't mean to discourage you. I'm just saying be careful.

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