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Can we get LucasArts to support Monkey Island 1 & 2 as ABANDONWARE ?


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Has anyone thought to contact LucasArts about letting Monkey Island 1 & 2 onto the web scene as abandonware ? (Similar to Beneath a Steel Sky) Their website does not carry any mention of the old titles and it seems pretty much the only place to find the games these days is on eBay! I think making MI abandonware would actually help to boost revenue of the last 2 (MI 3 & 4 ) games and the one coming in our future. (MI5) Has anyone contacted LucasArts to try and work something out ? I'd absolutly love to play these old classics but have been having a bitch of a time trying to work out finding the games and then getting them onto my computer. (stupid 5.14 disks!)


Anyways, I think this idea has potential, what do you all think ?

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Care to elaborate ? They certainly are not making anymore profits from these oldies but goodies and there is a whole community just waiting to snap them up. I am quite positive they would boost revenue as well for future MI installments, as you could hook people with the free games and then have them coming back for more. (Think monkey island crack)

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Heh. It's nice to be optimistic, but as long as they can keep making money from it (which they probably do), they'll keep selling it. This is LucasArts we're talking about here.


As for Monkey Island 5, I hold no faith in that being any good either. Oh, woe is me.

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Supposedly LucasArts will be putting Monkey Island 1 and 2 back in stock again. Supposedly.


Originally posted by Thrik

As for Monkey Island 5, I hold no faith in that being any good either. Oh, woe is me.


Heh. I'd have to have faith in it ever being greenlighted before I could predict it being good or bad. Judging by the number of adventure veterans left at the company, I can't say I'd be very optimistic at the prospect of another installment from LucasArts. Maybe I could scrounge up some hope.

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I'm betting that if Ron had his say, he would want them to go out for free, if only so more people can play and appreciate the games.


But LucasArts don't see it that way, from what I can see, they're still selling. At a guess, I think LA still haven't fully given up hope on a Monkey island 5 and if they do plan to do that, they'll bring out the others in a 'special super woohoo package' just to up the hype (LA being soo much like a film company these days) and therefor sell more, which can't be done if the games were abandonware.

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