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Mav's WIP for TSL


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Originally posted by maverick187

ChAiNz is 100% correct, not part of the USM, just compatible... if he chooses it to be ;)



1) They're far too kick-ass to not to have them compatible :D




2) I really don't want 1,000's of Holowan peeps wanting to cause me great physical harm ;) hehehe


Excellent work as usual my friend, and I like the Nomi edition, the dual blade color really makes the saber 'standout' :thumbsup:



Added the Jedi W.M. model to the USM .2da & the Chart :)

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Great work on those models mav, looks stunning :)


Makes me wish I could model, but my knowledge with modeling goes as far as importing the model in gmax after that Im as lost as you can be :D


But no need when you and rest of the modelers on this site pump new cool hilts :cool:

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Originally posted by maverick187

The following screenie is just something I was playing around with for Darth Melignous, it's basically the same saber with a new paint scheme ;)


Nomi Sunrider Hilt Adaption - 281kb


Keep in mind that both the textures, hilt and blade were done in about 30 seconds combined so, if I were to actually release this I would have to figure out a way for the yellow writing to be a little more visible against the metallic parts of the hilt, and the green glow would need to be changed it looks too much like an easter pastel color right now, anyway, just somethi0ng to look at :), besides these are very simple changes that could be made by anybody with photoshop or another .tga supported paint program anyway, so I figure you guys and gals do what you want to it after I release it anyway, I know Darkkender is going to make it purple and blue... lol


Oh and @ Lion54,


ChAiNz is 100% correct, not part of the USM, just compatible... if he chooses it to be ;)


Mav, This is EXACTLY the look of her saber :) :) :) :) :)


"in my best charleston heston voice"

The lord taketh and Maverick giveth!!!


Seriously though your saber looks $!@#$ AWESOME with Nomi's saber blade colors. It is official you are now my hero :)


Would love to download it if you decide to release it sometime.

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@ DM ;)


Perhaps after the orignal's release, probably not anytime soon :(, I will release a Nomi Sunrider version, although really it's not that hard to make, once you have the template that is, although I could just release the saber blade texture that way you all can adapt it for whatever you want, but I will need to work on it some more. And make other blade colors ;)


Ah another project another time :D

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Well, all of the files for this model have been completed and the release date is.... not very soon :D


Anyway, it's time for a new project so here is what is going to happen, you all will cast a vote or at least those who want to ;). Anyway here it is:


What next:


1.) a new gun model


2.) a new melee weapon model


3.) another freakin' saber:(


4.) retirement :p;)


In case any of you didn't get it, number 3 and 4 were jokes ;)... so just vote away, let me know what you all want to see :D

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Mav, looks really good can't wait to add it to my saber collection. (ooh no I'm turning into General Grevious :) )


hemmmmm.... let me think,


how about for your next saber doing the Nemisis (SP) saber. I love the design and it would be a really good "Dark Side" saber I think...just a thought.


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It's settled than I'll start work on a couple of melee weapons when I have the time, and I may possibly return to modeling sabers later, but I want to explore first. Don't expect screenies too soon though, I've been really busy lately.

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Originally posted by maverick187

It's settled than I'll start work on a couple of melee weapons when I have the time, and I may possibly return to modeling sabers later, but I want to explore first. Don't expect screenies too soon though, I've been really busy lately.


Mav, How about a melee weapon that "steals the soul of the victim" (I saw the "on hit" "Slay AG" with the options to choose what you want to instantly kill). You could make it a uber weapon or something.

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A Fun Little Update


Some may think it is "cold" to post screenies of things that you all may really want, but will never have... :p, well in all honesty these are things that are as easy as clicking on the paint bucket in your favorite .tga supported paint program, but anyhow i have fun making collages and such as you all may have guess anyway on with the teaser.


The Unattainable Collection:p - 282kb


Ahh, now that the time for teasing is over, it is time for the actual reason for this update, I've been working away in max making a bunch of funky sword blades, but I'm having trouble making the handguard and handle, using the "create object: line" isn't turning out the way I'd like it to and such, so if anyone has tips, help me out...lol, probably not likely to get a response after teasing you all :p.




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Mav, love the sabers and their colors man looks really good. I especially like it that you altered the hilts to match in color to their corresponding blade colors :) Attention to detail gotta love it :)


BTW Check your PM box in a few mins. I want to get your 25 cents on something. :)


Again :elephant: are dancin' for ya ooh Weapons Master :) :)

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Originally posted by maverick187

I'm having trouble making the handguard and handle, using the "create object: line" isn't turning out the way I'd like it to and such, so if anyone has tips, help me out...lol

I dunno... after the tease I might just 'lie' to ya' ;) hehehe... (kidding man, the sabers look fantastic!)


For your handle and guard, I created mine using the standard ngon method (much the same as a saber hilt)... however you can edit in the vertex sub to help flatten out the planes you're wanting to look.. well.. flat :p


You can also move the verts to connect and either attach / weld to to get it more of a standard "boxy" look... the reason I used ngon is because it gives you more verts to play with and manipulate...

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Well first of all I'd like to thanks ChAiNz for the tips on the handguard and the handle, thanks bud ;)


Okay, well the following screenshot is just to show you all that I am actually doing something :p, and to get some feedback, the following screenie is of my first model that has been scrapped due to several reasons including some faces that are all messed up at the tip of the blade, it is easily fixable though, but I want some feedback before I start modeling another sword, so give me some suggestions guys and gals.


Scrapped Sword - 207kb


Let me know what I should change etc.




Edit: BTW, how do you all like the new sig pic?

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Well, I took the 1 suggestion I got, thats it 1 freakin' suggestion.... ah well (j/k ;)), and ran with it, I removed the bump from the back of the blade and played around with the handguard and handle, just for kicks :D, anyway heres the screenie, feedback is always welcomed and encouraged, :D.


gmax Sword Model - 129kb


Please, feedback is welcomed.



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Originally posted by ChAiNz.2da

Mighty big "cleaver" ya got there! ;)


Looks great man (in a painful ouchy kinda way).. hehe...


are you still in modeling mode, or in the skinning mode yet?


It depends, whether or not the response is good or not, I should have 4 or 5 models W.I.P.'d up, but I've been busy with school, it the response is good though, I'll UV the sucker, correct me if I'm wrong, but a box UV should be better than an cylindrical map right?


Edit: I was thinking about thining the blade though, what do you all think?

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Originally posted by maverick187

I was thinking about thining the blade though, what do you all think?


I think it looks pretty good the way it is, and it would definately be unique to all the other swords in the game. I say, keep it as it is.

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Mav this is way cool man. Wanna know my first thought when I saw the blade for the first time just now??? "Yep, lopped that damned Sith's head rrrright off...lol" "Part that Sith's skull like melted butter."


This is very good Mav, your thread is updated in my @#$@# outlook box every time a post was made but it stopped :rolleyes: or I'd have seen this earlier.


My only suggestion would be a "chrommier" look on the blade like steel. I know how to do this with photoshop but unsure if you can use the "bareassmetal"lol or whatever that file/thingie is that makes armor look metal and the like?


Regardless; I love this thang man and it will be "standard issue" for two of my party right off the back.


"Bao-Dur just made two honkin' blades and is gonna chop off Kreia's head call the exile!!" lol


What are ya gonna call it? I'd call this one "Blade of Retribution"

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