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Mav's WIP for TSL


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I'm going to answer your questions, but from now on I'm goign to ask that you either PM me with your questions, or create a different thread for them, just so I can keep this thread about my W.I.P., thanks.


Okay now on to your questions.

1. use cylindrical mapping and I check the box that says "capped", but I don't know if I need to or not... lol


2. I select different sections of my hilt and map them seperately, for example, I may have the shaft of the hilt seperated into 4 or 5 different sections based on how many extrudes I used and planar map them. If there are areas that need detail, such as the tribal design on my hilt above, then I select it poly by poly and planar map them, and detach the polys, I only detach whatever I do in detail.


3. Nope, I just make the saber and the cylinder UVmap it bit fitting the Uvmap to the Z axis, I think you know what I mean ;)


Hope that helps,


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Originally posted by maverick187



Here is a little in-game collage type thing, and the release date is not set because I have decided to make a double saber hilt for it and the short saber hilt will be the same hilt, just on a short saber. Anway on to the screenie:


In-game Teaser - 122kb


@ Shadow Blaze

Thanks for the name ;), and you can download it when its avaliable, but I'm building a doublesaber hilt for Darkkender, for one of his mods, I don't even know what it is really.... lol


Mary Mother of Mayhem!:eek: Rebel likey

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Just a quick little update, the curved hilt above, "Megido" will not be released for a while sorry guys and gals :(. Right now I need to finish up a doublesaber I'm working on, then make a doublesaber model to compliment "Megido", so it may take a while, but I will be pushing a deadline of less than a week, but it will probably be less than that :)



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@ DarthSmallz


Your sig is rather lengthy, could you possibly shorten it?


Now for the real reason for this post.


okay so I built half of my double saber model.. Uv'd it and appliexd the texture, then I mirrored and cloned it, and the texture held up fine, but as soon as I attached the two seperate parts the texture just fell apart and went all over the place, is there an easy solution, if not I may just have to UV the thing after I mirror and clone.

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Well these are really just to tease you, because I have no idea when this will be released, it is a new double saber model meant to look similar to this saber model I released for K1 and has been ported over for Darkkender's mod which is when this new doublesaber model will be released. Anyway on to the screenies:


gmax screen - 171kb


In-Game Screenie - 68kb (White Robes by RedHawke; Echani Head by Darth Melignous)


Comments only this time, well I guess you could suggest, but it wouldn't matter Darkkender's word is final on this one ;)



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OKay I finally have a model I am...... satisfied with showing, to all of you for your harsh, honest opinions, come on just let me have it... lol. Okay, but seriously tell me what you all think about this:


"Muramasa" W.I.P. - 77kb


Well that is it, so far there are a few things I am probably going to change, for example the middle of the hilt, it just looks odd to me thats all :p. Well anyway give me your honest opinions, there is still lots of room for change ;)



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nope not the final color and I have no idea what the name means... LOL I just got a suggestions for it so that is what it is, but it just as everything is liable to change ;), I feel another name contest coming.....

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nope not the final color and I have no idea what the name means... LOL I just got a suggestions for it so that is what it is, but it just as everything is liable to change , I feel another name contest coming.....


I don't know what it means either... and I thought of it lol. Well I have a few games with names for swords in it and one is Murasame I just altered it a bit.


Hmm another name contest *looks for more names*

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Names, Names, Names


How about lightside:









Ooh, no I got a better one... how about "the saber I wanna download"...lol


All kidding aside SWEET saber hilt Mav. Can't wait till you release it for download :) Finally a two bladed hilt without looking like a 2x4 :) Love it, keep up the good work :)

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Here is a gmax screen with the basic texture. Basic meaning that, the final product will look almost exactly the same, except the gray will be metallic and the black will have a slight sheen, as usual, also the main black shaft will have a tribal design similar to that on the "Megido" single hilt. Well this is just a preview, tell me if I should throw it in the recycling bin or wether I should finish it ;), on to the show...


gmax screenshot



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