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Xia Terashai Set now Available!


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Well, it's done.... whew! Grab it and growl kiddies (especially you JediKnight72482) ;)


The Xia Terashai Set is now Available!


You can get your copy (updated version)



HERE at Deadly Stream.

HERE at LucasFiles.

HERE at FileFront.

HERE at my site.


Below is a sample of the readme:



Author's name:





Description of Mod:


Originally meant to be a custom made mod for JediKnight72482, he was gracious enough to allow me to release this publicly. This set includes custom Armor & a new model of Shortsaber. Stylized after Xia Terashai's history, these items are geared towards stealth and scoundrel type abilities. Due to time restraints (and me being lazy), the skin for the armor is naturally meant for the Asian skin-tone female PC's. Perhaps later I may release a booster pack including the other 2 flesh tones, but for now I have included Master Files for the Robe & Hilt skins (layered .psd & .tif formats). So...in lieu of waiting for something that may not happen, you can edit your own :)


This mod also includes RedHawke's Bastila Clothes for the PC mod. Without it, Xia's robes wouldn't have been possible. He was kind enough to allow me to include the entire mod just so it would be easier for everyone to install. So not only do you get my Xia items, you get his truly outstanding robes as well! I urge you to read his readme file (included) for proper descriptions, instructions and "how to's".




"Xia was an average swordsman, but had great patience. Her greatest skill, however, was her ability in steath. She could seemingly disappear and strike suddenly with deadly precision. Because of this, she stylized herself after the ancient ninja, even styling her two lightsabers after ninja-to. The Jedi Council claimed that it was too 'Sith-like', so Xia left the Order to follow her own path.

After she left the Order she found herself joining fellow ex-Jedi Keldan Arcturus on his anti-Sith privateer ship. She would help him on his missions to track down various threats to the Republic and the Jedi Order, although the Jedi Council wanted nothing to do with Keldan and his mercenaries.

It is unknown what happened to Xia. Even Keldan had no clue where she had disappeared to."


()- Xia Terashai Shortsaber:


-Attack +2

-Blaster Bolt Deflection +2

-On Hit - Stun, DC 10, 50% for 2 rounds

-Bonus Feat: Sneak Attack - I, II, III



()- Xia Terashai Robes:

-Skill Focus - Stealth

-Stealth +10

-Defense Bonus 5

-Immunity - Sneak Attack

-Bonus Feat - Scoundrel's Luck (base, improved, master)

-Awareness +5


-UPGRADE - Defense Bonus 5

-UPGRADE - Dmg. Reduction +3, Soak 15


This file also contains an updated upcrystals.2da, based off of Darkkender's updated upcrystals.2da that was based off.... oh nevermind :D Let's just say it's updated heheh


()- compatible saber mods:


- ChAiNz.2da's Longsaber Crystal Pack mod

- ChAiNz.2da's Revan's Items mod

- ChAiNz.2da's Revan's Longsaber mod

- ChAiNz.2da's Segan Wyndh's Sabers mod


- T7's Lightsaber 6 Pack mod

- T7's Qui-Gon Lightsaber mod


- Seprithro's Weapon Pack mod


- RedHawke's Revan/Sith/Bastila Item Pack mod

- RedHawke's Revan The White/StarForge/Booster Pack1 mod


- RedHawke's & Maverick187's Lightsaber Pack mod


- Maverick187's Blade of Balance mod

- Maverick187's White Double-bladed Saber mod

- Maverick187's Maverick's Curved Hilt mod


- +Darkkender's Tomb of Jesset Dal'Kest mod


- +illuzion69's Nemisis Lightsaber mod


- Tanesh's Mekel Recruit mod


- +sketch42's Exar Kun's DoubleBladed Prototype Lightsaber


Unfortunately I was submitting and gathering files before I had noticed that USA:Hefe(I) had submitted his, sorry about that... but rest assured it'll be included in the next update (let's count how many times I say that)...


I'd like to take the time to thank RedHawke, JediKnight72482, T7nowhere, svösh, cchargin & Darkkender. Without you guys helping me with this one, I might have just gone crazy :nut: (even moreso rather)...


Enjoy everyone! This will probably be my last one (mod) for KotOR until TSL is available. Though I won't discount the fact that I may "re-visit" KotOR in the future. Until then, I'm itching to get ahold of "TSL: The Fresh Slate" :lol:


.zip format mods will be available soon via Lucasfiles, just give me a little time. Or visit my site to get your .zip copy now ;)

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Originally posted by ChAiNz.2da

The Xia Terashai Set is now Available!


Enjoy everyone! This will probably be my last one (mod) for KotOR until TSL is available. Though I won't discount the fact that I may "re-visit" KotOR in the future. Until then, I'm itching to get ahold of "TSL: The Fresh Slate" :lol:

Good thing you were not able to get TSL today! We would have missed this mod! :D


Good job once more!

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Wow, very stylish. The blade colour is cool. It is different than the basic colors yet still looks lightsaber-ish. Definitely something to stick in my collection. :D I agree with TSL, cannot wait to get it. That is why I am trying so hard to figure out why my saber is not working, I want to get my stuff into KOTOR so I will *hopefully* be able to get it into TSL when it comes out.

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I was the 2nd to download it ... darn I'm too slow... oh well, I saw it on pcgamemods before I saw the post, so anyway let's get back to me praising you. Great job ChAiNz, the robe and saber look awesome. Keep it up, and get ready to tackle TSL bud.



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to quote RedHawke....


Red Alert!!


Apparently the placeable file I used for Xia's Items will eventually cause conflicts on the StarForge! ACK! :headbump:


I had used Fred's search feature to try and make sure that this particular .utc wouldn't conflict, but methinks I've overlooked something! Anywho, DO NOT use the n_sithappren002.utc file in my mod :eek:


I'll release a fix either later tonight or tomorrow, so for now you'll have to use cheat codes. Sorry everyone, I'll make it up to ya' ;)


And thank you RedHawke for giving me the heads up before I started receiving Comments and PM's as to why my mod all of a sudden craps up :nut: I could just imagine the new curse words I'd be making up trying to find out this problem heheh...



Figures... I'm unable to make a comment on my mod at pcgamemods :fist: ummm...T7 ... help... :( I'm gettin gthis error message:


Fatal error: Call to a member function fetch_array() on a non-object in /home/web/pcgm2/forum/functions.php on line 8

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To avoid conflicts in the future, I suggest you use scripts instead of editing the .utc file to add/change equipment of an npc ;) Check my Rackghoul fix (the one that was made for Sep's mod) if you look for an example.


The other inventory slots are :















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Originally posted by Darth333

To avoid conflicts in the future, I suggest you use scripts instead of editing the .utc file to add/change equipment of an npc ;)

Scripts?!?! ewwwwwwwwwww..... ;)just kidding


Yeah, I should've known better...guess I had TSL on my mind :p


I really did it because that's where JediKnight72482 wanted them to be placed. Little beknownst to me I fall flat on my face and find the one flaw that doesn't turn out until near the end of the game :rolleyes::lol:


We'll strike this one up as ....ahem... 'experience'


:fist:curses the fact that TSL seems to be lost on some unknown truck driving around the countryside laughing at all of us

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Originally posted by ChAiNz.2da

Scripts?!?! ewwwwwwwwwww..... ;) just kidding


Yeah, I should've known better...guess I had TSL on my mind :p

Scripting items in is far more easier, and cooler too...


At the very beginning of the game where Trask talks to you, I have items spawning all over the first level for me to go and gleefully collect, all thanks to one script and Trasks .dlg file... Oh! And the modders who made some of the items too. :D

Originally posted by ChAiNz.2da

:fist:curses the fact that TSL seems to be lost on some unknown truck driving around the countryside laughing at all of us

Agreed! :fist:


Seriously though, if you need any help to script the stuff into the game let us know! :)

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Originally posted by ChAiNz.2da



Figures... I'm unable to make a comment on my mod at pcgamemods :fist: ummm...T7 ... help... :( I'm gettin gthis error message:


Fatal error: Call to a member function fetch_array() on a non-object in /home/web/pcgm2/forum/functions.php on line 8


Sorry man I wish I could help ya out Oh I got an idea.


Ok I used a new ability I have over at PCGM, I added the warning in the Staff comment section :) I'll remove it when the comments section is back up or when you upload the new version of the mod.


btw, this mod looks great :)

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Well I'm still going to download this. I'm sure I can make the fix myself.:D


As to TSL were you supposed to get your copy on the 8th? because mine is supposed to be at the store today.:confused: I hope mine's not delayed as well, I took the rest of the week off with both my jobs just to play this all the way through with no sleep.

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Originally posted by Darkkender

Well I'm still going to download this. I'm sure I can make the fix myself.:D

Yeah, that's kinda what I was hoping with at least the first few people who downloaded it ;) It's not a major thing for me to fix, I just have 'get home' first before I can do anything.... hehe



Thanks! That comment window was the first ting I noticed :D At least the warning is out there for the ones who don't frequent Holowan (blasphemy). I'll be sure to let everyone know when I get the new version posted


@Darth333 & RedHawke

Thanks for the help & advice on scripts. I definitely plan on using this method come TSL time, I just wanted to act 'bratty' while I could (before I start begging for script help in the future) hehe. I'm indeed more comfortable using them after doing the Segan Saber mod, so now you get to 'look forward' to me bugging everyone to death on script advice (after reading the tutorials of course ;) )


Thanks everyone for the feedback! as Darkkender has stated, you can get these in the game yourself for those not wanting to wait, just make sure you don't use the n_sithappren002.utc file. If you're not sure how, here's the perfect opportunity for the beginner modder to learn & tryout ;):D

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Okie Dokie... I've uploaded a new version at pcgamemods.com. You can get it HERE. I also updated the link in my first post to point to the correct URL.


Again it's just a simple .utc placement (I know, I know...I promise to do better in TSL ;) ) but just to get this new version out before the 'damaged' one gets too far distributed, I opted to go this route.


You can now find the Xia Items in a footlocker "footlker001.utp"............ I'm Kidding!! :eek:don't shoot! ..hehe..


Xia's Items (Robes & 2 short sabers) can be found on Selven the Bounty Hunter's corpse (Taris female with attitude). Plus, since I goofed, there's a nice little belt included to help better outfit our 'stealthy ninja-esque' PC ;)


Sorry for the goof! and again, thanks for saving my neck RedHawke! You too T7 for posting the warning on my old version. If it's ok, would you mind deleting the old one.... pleeeaase ;)

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Originally posted by ChAiNz.2da

You can now find the Xia Items in a footlocker "footlker001.utp"............ I'm Kidding!! :eek: don't shoot! ..hehe..



You too T7 for posting the warning on my old version. If it's ok, would you mind deleting the old one.... pleeeaase



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Hopefully I have helped to avert disaster... :D

Originally posted by ChAiNz.2da

You can now find the Xia Items in a footlocker "footlker001.utp"............ I'm Kidding!! :eek: don't shoot! ..hehe..

*Spits Fosters all over the place*


:rofl: Bwahahahahaha!!!


OK... not that funny, but after spending yet another day searching fruitlessly for TSL I'll take any laughs, and liquor I can get at this point...



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  • 1 year later...

err.. yah, mav pretty much nailed it..


I need a few more details man.. did it not work as in


- the items didn't spawn

- the items have no textures

- ???


They should be found on Selven's corpse now... (don't use the old version if you happen to have that one)...

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  • 4 months later...

Greetings ChAiNz.2da


(note - I also left this on your own site in the comments area - not sure where you check in the most often)


Greetings! Love your work!

Especially love the Xia set, but I have a question. Is there a version of it that does not put the female PC's in the Bastila robes by default? (having the option to wear them is cool... just dont want my PC's looking like Bastila before they become Jedi-ish)


I've tried pulling various combinations of files and I end up either trashing the default clothings appearance, or trashing the xia robes appearance - cant seem to find that happy medium.


Any help or tips (from anyone!) would be appreciated!!!!

Note that I have the tools for editing 2da files if necessary - with minimal hand holding!



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