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What is your character's name?


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I have several.


Drazin Starstrider - Jedi Guardian / Weaponmaster

Drazin Windborn - Jedi Sentinel / Weaponmaster

Reno Nevada - Jedi Sentinel / Watchmen

Drana Windborn - Jedi Consular / Sith Lord

Danahara - Jedi Sentinel / Jedi Master

Koro Starstrider - Jedi Guardian / Sith Marauder


Ok So I've played alot.

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Dawood Al-Assad: Initially light but later dark side soldier/guardian. Al-Assad is arabic for "the lion", it is also a real name, the president of Syria is named Al-Assad. Dawood is the arabic form of David, my real life name.


My second kotor character was called Josif Djugaz. I got it by butchering Stalins real name, Josif Djugazvili. I played him as I imagined Stalin would have been had he been a dark jedi. :D

That's how I usually construct name, I take the name of a person who in some way resembles my character concept and buther their names.

For exempel my first and only kotor II charater is called Esia Gandhar, taken for Jesia (a biblical prophet, I think he is called something else in english though) and Gandhi. He's as you might guess, a nice, but very selfrighteous guy. The name should always refelct the characters personality as I see it.

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Originally posted by adillon



it sure does fit into the SW universe ...


i go by Andon F'ibri whenever i can. :D


Yeah, I was starting to run out of Luke Skywalker like names towards the last few times I played through. *shrug* I kinda like that name though, dunno why.

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