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Which saber type and why?


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When playing DS, I kinda follow the tradition:

Consular/Sentinel: red single hilt :saberr:

Guardian: red saber staff :dsaber:


When LS:

Consular/Sentinel: silver single hilt (I am not to find of the green and yellow sabers for my PC and the silver looks nice with the brown robes :D )

Guardian: blue single (it's more jedi like) or saber staff (more efficient) :saberb:

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well, you go with what you get, and since mostly everything in the game is a bunch of random drops, you use what you find.


in my last game, as darkside, i got a ton of staff sabers, a couple of short hilts, and one standard hilt. since that was my first playthrough as darkside, i decided not to use cheats or KSE (although it was extremely tempting).


thus, i just went w/ a staff as a consular/sith lord. all i have to say is that combat was kinda tough since i didn't fully get the two-weapons mastery until, like level 24 or something (of course, that was until i started spamming force storm and force wave on everybody. then it was just too easy.)


all i have to say, though, is that the flurry animations for staff saber pwn the animations for duel-wield sabers. :dev7:

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My first time through, my sentinel/watchman used a green single saber for the first part of the game, and a silver double-saber once I had acquired one. I like the 1.5 damage multiplier of the double-saber. Defelection is nice and all, but you can get into deflection lock if it's too high. And with Master Energy Resistance, who needs deflection anyway? I ended up sticking with [My Name] Crystal, and Solari.



:saberr: and a little imaginative use of force powers is all it takes. Who needs dual or a double saber? I don't. :D


Crush Opposition + Force Kill + Flurry. If you look close, you can see the panic and fear in their eyes as you approach to cut them down in their helpless state.


Currently my Consular/Sith Lord is using [My Name] Crystal and Kasha, combined with some damage and defensive boosting components. I've really grown attached to the Pontite Lens, and Fencing Emitters.


I've also been growing attached to the Shien form combined with Power Attack. x4 damage is nothing to sneeze at (+ x1 for Power Attack, + x1 for Shien and x2 for a single saber.)

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I usually go with two normal ones, though I always recieve Dualbladed ones, so I end up with a normal lightsaber and a vibrosword. I always play a guardian myself, and I think guardians have to go with 2 melee weapons (preferably normal lightsabers, but at least one normal lightsaber, apart from the handmaiden as she should stick to her staf or a doublebladed lightsaber). For the sentinels I use the doublebladed one and for consular I use a single normal one. I make sure I don't include parts that give me any penalties (apart from the penalties suffered by 2 weapon fighting). After that I max out damage an attack for both hands. I'm a big fan of the pontite lens as well (damage bonus of 2-12 if I'm not mistaking).


Also I don't really need a high blaster deflection, force jump takes care of ranged attacks anyway.

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I liked using my silver double-sided lightsaber. It was my weapon of mass destruction once fully upgraded :). IMO the advantage to using double sided light sabers is that the modifications you use can be applied to both hands.

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My best PC weilds 2 Single Hilts both Silver

Hand 1:

Damage: 14-45

Stun: 25% on hit for 3 rounds

+4 Wisdom

+4 Constituion

+4 Intelligence

Pontite Lens,

and PC Crystal


Hand 2:

Damge: 17-50

Stun 25% on hit for 3 rounds

Expert Dencing Emmiter,

Pontite Lens


I did that from memory, its not entirely accurate but I think it is close. :jawa

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I still like the double-saber the best.


My Sith Marauder can push her double-saber's damage to,


62-101 mainhand

43-82 offhand


48 strength with Fury and Master Valor and items equipped solely to boost STR.


With the exact same crystals in a single saber, and a similarly boosted single saber in offhand, they don't even come close.


49-84 mainhand (exact same upgrades)

35-70 offhand (could be a bit better, my crystal selection was a bit lacking, but it does include a pontite lens, expert fencing emitter, and Ultima cell)


At best, you could probably boost the offhand saber with Solari (I can't use, being darkside) and something else similar to match a saber-staff's offhand damage. Mainhand, you'd have to give up your personal crystal to do so. With a fully upgraded [Your Name] crystal, the benefit would be a mere 2 or 3 more points of damage. Earlier in the game though, it can be significant.


My above #s are based off having the Marauder prestige class, as well as a lot of damage boosting feats and the 3rd level of superior two-weapon fighting. So my modifiers are much higher then they would be compared to just master two-weapon fighting. Another thing of note, my original class was Sentinel, so I'm lacking an extra 1d8 damage bonus for darkside mastery.


You do get some more benefits from things in the offhand, but your attack rating and damage drop, making it more an asthetic choice over functionality. Unless you go for stat boosting crystals in offhand (Kasha, Kaiburr, etc) which are a bit buggy.


You could conceivably make a Keen saber, but the 2 places to do so, would significantly cut down your damage potential. You have 1 crystal slot, or the lens to play around with. Either way, you're sacrificing at least 1-12 damage which would also be multiplied when an actual critical roll succeeded. So the resulting loss of damage could be as much as even 24-48 defending on the form and attack type you are using. That's a lot.



There does seem to be a bug with one of the crystals. Nextor is supposed to increase the critical threat multiplier by x2, but instead it only makes it Keen. All of the keen mods don't seem to stack. :(


I've seen this happen with some of the other mods too. As LS, I was unable to get Kasha to work with my [Your Name] Crystal. I only received the WIS bonus from one of them, not both (easily verified both in the upgrade screen, as well as the character screen.) So I'm concluding that they might be meant to stack, but it's buggy at this point in time.



So... if you're looking for pure damage and less fuss, the double-saber is the way to go.


If you're looking for a good compromise between damage and added functionality, 2 single sabers is a good way to go.



With Beancounter's HC mod, you'll find you like the double-saber much better. :D

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A couple times now I've started a new game with the intention of keeping my character a 1-saber duelist. Unfortunately for me, much like in Kotor 1, it became more useful for me to cram bonuses through extra crystals and components into 2 sabers, rather than 1 saber or a doubleblade.

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Bah screw the new colors.


Canon colors>new colors


Nothing beats blue, green, violet or red.

The only one who should be in there is yellow.

The rest of the colors are nothing good looking. Well, for me anyway.

Silver doesn't look nice. It looks like i'm running around with a fluorescent glow tube other then anything else.

Orange is too dark. Light orange would have been nice.

Viridian is more like puke green than anything.

Cyan is ok.


Neverthless, here's my take on the different types of sabers.


Single: No advantages, no disadvantages. If you have the dueling feat, then better defense and hit rate.

Dual: Versatility but lower hit rate(if you're not playing weapon-masters)

Double-bladed: Raw damage but lower hit rate(non weapon-masters) and less versatility then Dual.


Personally, I'm not a fan of dual-wielding. I'm tied between single and double-bladed.

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Originally posted by Darth Smaug

If somebody completes Master training in dual wielding you might be surprised what you see..:)


I hear ya but the master dual wielding is only for jedi weapon master if I remember but you can think of it this way 4 crystals and 6 upgrades vs. 2 crystals and 3 upgrades pluse the scissors attack is the bomb:D

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