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"A New Hope" the Remake!


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Well? Who do you think would have been cast? Considering the idiocy in Hollywood these days, I'm sure some exec seeing this list will get a bright idea and utterly destroy the greatest trilogy in the history of movie-making. Nothing surprises me anymore...


I think that in the manner H-wood works it's highly likely they would cast people out of character and given the fact that they cast George Clooney as Batman :rolleyes: ... anything is possible.



Luke Skywalker - Brad Pitt (too old, maybe) so Elijah Wood

Han Solo - Will Smith or Colin Farrell or Keanu Reeves or Tom Cruise (the list is endless)

Leia Organa - Uma Thurman (too old, maybe) or Jennifer Garner (she will kick male ass)

The Droids - CG or Martin Lawrence with Chris Rock (probably the latter)

Chewbacca - dangerously close to being CG-ed, depends on if the droids are CG-ed or not

Darth Vader - Vin Diesel or The Rock

Emperor Palpatine - Brian Cox

Ben Kenobi - grey-bearded George Clooney or grey-bearded Harrison Ford

Lando Calrissian - Brad Pitt or Will Smith (depending on the other castings)

Boba Fett - Jackie Chan or Jet Li

Grand Moff Tarkin - Ian McKellen


I can see this right before me...

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This thread is sacrilidge, the very thought of them remaking A New Hope is blasthemy.


Brad Pitt!!!! Have you been drinking on taking other intoxicating substances.


The only people who should play R2 and 3po are anthony daniels and ronny baker.


You've made me very angry.

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Originally posted by montnoir

Considering the idiocy in Hollywood these days, I'm sure some exec seeing this list will get a bright idea and utterly destroy the greatest trilogy in the history of movie-making.


I'm just quoting myself to make it clear where I stand, because I'm not interested in flames.

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Firstly, You gotta assume that there will only be 3 "Named" actors playing the superstar roles.


Who heard of Half the actors in Starwars until after the movie was such a hit? I mean it practically made Harrison Fords career as an actor. And Mark Hamill? He was a "Who's He" actor before and a "Where's He" actor now.


Anyways, to the point...

Its always nice to dream of the "perfect" cast for a movie, but the reality of it is, no one, not even LA could afford more than 3 big name actors.


I still say Heath Ledger would make a great Jedi.

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

I'm gonna say Kate Winslet for Leia.

I was just about to say that.



Tom Welling as Luke Skywalker

Kiefer Sutherland as Han Solo

David Carradine as Tarkin

Anthony Hopkins as Ben Konobi

(You can actually switch around Hopkins and Carradine and it wouldn't matter.)



Are we just limited to A New Hope?

Meh, I'll just include other characters anyways.


Kate Blanchett as Mon Motha

Samuel L. Jackson or Jamie Fox as Lando Calrissian

Christopher Walken as Emperor Palpatine

Joaquin Phoenix as Wedge Antilles

Patrick Stewart as Lobot(duh)

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Originally posted by Derc

Kate Blanchett as Mon Motha

I would have gone for Judi Dench as Mon Mothma...

Originally posted by Derc

Christopher Walken as Emperor Palpatine

Great... that mental image has just robbed me of my ability to sleep tonight!


But Walken is a darn good choice for the Emperor/Sideous IMHO! :D

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I think your choices are to star studded. I'd pick lesser known actors.


What's that guy that's on ER now? He was in a bunch of teen movies. I'd pick him as Luke.


Darth Vader would still be James Earl Jones' voice and any tall actor in a suit.


Ben Kenobi - The guy that played Bilbo.


Han Solo- I can't remember any names...:) He was the bad guy in the 1st Blade movie.

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I was thinking about a spinoff. Those are really popular in Hollywood right now. Who is the most likely character of having a spinoff?


I seem to remember Mara Jade to be the most popular character that didn't star in the movies. So she could be one. But the safest bet I think would be a Lando Calrissian spinoff, starring none other than Will Smith, because you know... he is a funny guy and he racks in a sh*tload of dollars at the box-office.


For an Ep 1-3 spinoff, I don't really know. Because most interesting characters are jedi and I think that a spinoff would try to stay away from them because they are so prominent in the regular series. On the other hand there aren't very many "normal" characters in Eps 1-2... except those Senators... but who wants to see a movie about a politician? Then there are the Gungans. And bear in mind that they DID the Ewoks as a spinoff, so the Gungans are an easy bet.


Although a Jedi Council spinoff, would have some entertainment value with Mace Windu, Adi Gallia, Plo Koon, Eeeth Koth... maybe a little bit of Aayla Secura and a cameo of Yoda. Nice.


What do ya'll think?

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luke skywalker - Orlando Bloom (wont need much sword fighting training thats for sure)

Han solo - Johnny Depp

Leia - Keira Knightley


obi-wan - ewan mcgreggor, made to look older

chewie - that giant from 'big fish'

Darth Vader - Hayden Christensen


Tarkin - Spike from Buffy.

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Originally posted by starmark2k

That would be like pirates of the carrabien in space

That was probably the intended effect. But, yeah, that would make a good cast. :)

Space Pirates of the Carribean


Now let me add another cast member:

Bruce Vilanch as Jabba the Hutt

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by Emperor Devon

I haven't heard of many of those actors, but I think all A New Hope needs is modern special effects. The actors are great, but the special effects... :barf:

Those effects were cutting edge for when the movie was made (1977)... and far better than any of the schlock that came before it... with the only exception to this I can think of before Star Wars with ground breaking effects is Stanley Kubrick's 2001.


Star Wars set the bar up a hundred fold for what sci-fi was... so no the effects are far from :barf: they were a breakthrough.


Also look at what the so-called modern special effects have done to the prequil movies, there is far less acting and a ton of eye candy... IMHO I would prefer the older effects and more actual acting from the PT actors, like the OT movies had.


And no I wouldn't like to see them completely redo the OT effects, that would be akin to correcting all the noses on every work Picaso ever painted. But, I don't kid myself either... If ol' GL wanted to, he could re-do the OT effects, and oh yes we would want to see it.

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Originally posted by RedHawke

Those effects were cutting edge for when the movie was made (1977)... and far better than any of the schlock that came before it... with the only exception to this I can think of before Star Wars with ground breaking effects is Stanley Kubrick's 2001.


Star Wars set the bar up a hundred fold for what sci-fi was... so no the effects are far from :barf: they were a breakthrough.


Also look at what the so-called modern special effects have done to the prequil movies, there is far less acting and a ton of eye candy... IMHO I would prefer the older effects and more actual acting from the PT actors, like the OT movies had.


And no I wouldn't like to see them completely redo the OT effects, that would be akin to correcting all the noses on every work Picaso ever painted. But, I don't kid myself either... If ol' GL wanted to, he could re-do the OT effects, and oh yes we would want to see it.


Yes, the special effects were good when they came out, but not now. I fail to see what is wrong with combining the best of two elements: the eye candy from Episode I and II with the acting from the old movies. I have to agree with, you RedHawke... the acting is not very good in Episode III. What's worse, is that the guy who plays Anakin will be the one in the Vader costume... :eek:

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Originally posted by Emperor Devon

I fail to see what is wrong with combining the best of two elements: the eye candy from Episode I and II with the acting from the old movies.

By Me

that would be akin to correcting all the noses on every work Picaso ever painted.


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there is no way they would ever remake a new hope. 1st of all lucas would never in his right mind ever consider such a thing and 2nd he would never give up the rights for someone else to make another starwars movie(even a remake). I believe he would filn more star wars movie before even thinking about reshooting episode 4 :amidala:

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