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The Official RotS Trailer Thread *links inside*

Boba Rhett

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Well, they've started playing the trailer already in Peru and people have recorded it. You can barely see it and it's been dubbed but it's the trailer. :D






I'm sure better versions will be out of this one, but you should probably just wait for the 10th because this one will just frustrate you. ;)


I'll update this thread as the links come in.

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You are aware of the fact that supershadow is a fake site, devoted to duping people into thinking that they know Lucas personally and that they have inside knowledge on everything Star Wars, right?


They do this so they can laugh at people who get sucked in by it. They exist by scouring actual spoiler sites for information, then presenting it as their own. On some things they simply make stuff up as well.


Use sites such as http://www.millenniumfalcon.com/

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Everytime the name Supershadow is mentioned, I laugh. What a joke. :lol:

I didn't want to spoil it - in such bad quality

And yeah, the quality was bad, and I mean REALLY bad. You can't even get spoiled if you wanted to. And my Spanish isn't that great...

So I guess if you wanted to get spoiled, you want it to be grand. Too bad "grand" in this case is the O.C... :o

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i was thinking that i couldn't get more excited about ep III, i thought i was maxed out on the excitement... then i watch that and ....


*takes off clothes and runs around in circles waving arms and singing the star wars theme*

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