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YOU can help save Monkey Island right here!


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I figured that ther's probably quite a few Monkey Island fans out there so why not sign this petition and speak out. Who knows, if we get enough signatures maybe the bearded one will do something about it.


Please share this page with everyone you know as the more signature obviously mean more chance of Guybrush's further adventures.




ps. I managed to resist mentioning Guybrush's beard!

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Firstly, (online) petitions never change anything. Proof: Bring back Sam and Max 2 and Full Throttle 2, Continue Development of Sam & Max 2, Sam and Max 2 Freelance Police removal of cancellation, We want Sam & Max 2! and We want Sam and Max 2 back!


Secondly, who wants another part of Monkey Island?! With LucasArts' current policy it would suck even more than EMI.

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Originally posted by Alien426

Firstly, (online) petitions never change anything. Proof: Bring back Sam and Max 2 and Full Throttle 2, Continue Development of Sam & Max 2, Sam and Max 2 Freelance Police removal of cancellation, We want Sam & Max 2! and We want Sam and Max 2 back!


Secondly, who wants another part of Monkey Island?! With LucasArts' current policy it would suck even more than EMI.


What are you on about!? EMI was good! True, it wasn't the best MI game out ever, but MI2 was pure geneous! No fan would say that EMI sucked, it simply didn't! Besides, they have already kind of promised a Monkey Island 5. The Voodo Lady Prophecised it in EMI.

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Wow the Sam & Max 2 one got very big. After Sam & Max 2 was cancelled, one of the LucasArts people said that they were listening to our views that we emailed in. So it's worth a try ;).


Except I think it would be better if another company bought the rights to MI, because LucasArts don't seem to do adventure games anymore. Or maybe it would be better just to play new adventure games that come out (Psychonauts, Bone...). They'll probably end up being just as good.

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Originally posted by AirMan

What are you on about!? EMI was good! True, it wasn't the best MI game out ever, but MI2 was pure geneous! No fan would say that EMI sucked, it simply didn't! Besides, they have already kind of promised a Monkey Island 5. The Voodo Lady Prophecised it in EMI.





Oh man, this is gonna have mg goin all day. Both the suck line and the Voodoo Lady promise one.

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Originally posted by AirMan

No fan would say that EMI sucked


how many times would you like me to say it. EFMI sucked. It was good for the first people to adventures, or the first people to the series, but almost all would be surely dissapointed when playing the originals, and then comparing the previous to the last. But I'm not here to discuss EMI, just to diss, since you think no one can say it sucked. Well, it did.

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A lot of MI fans thought EMI sucked for whatever reason. One can't pretend it was extraordinarily well-received within the established fan base.


Originally posted by Scummbuddy

It was good for the first people to adventures, or the first people to the series


You think so? I think newcomers could start off with an easier game than EMI. EMI is big and full of hard puzzles. It's an example of a great, red-blooded adventure game, but I'd think that a new adventure gamer would probably do good to start off with a game like Full Throttle or another game that was a bit shorter or more forgiving than EMI. But anyway. Why the hell would you want people to make EMI their first MI game? A ton of the injokes are references to previous Monkey Island games, and therefore only people familar with them would appreciate them. Don't get me wrong, I think EMI is great regardless of MI background, and I have seen people successfully introduced to the series with it, but to go so far as to recommend it to be played first with all the back references, old characters, jokes, locations, etc.? Surely that wouldn't be ideal?

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Originally posted by James Isaac

Wow the Sam & Max 2 one got very big. After Sam & Max 2 was cancelled, one of the LucasArts people said that they were listening to our views that we emailed in. So it's worth a try ;).


Hence why I'm now playing Sam n Max 2... oh wait. Truth is, no LucasArts people ever got back to me, and I haven't heard of anyone getting a reply from LA after that fiasco.


And being a true fan of Monkey island, I can safely say (again) that EMI was an alright adventure game, but a suckass (and I use that term lightly) Monkey Island game.


Frankly, it was wrong, Guybrush looked all wrong, Elaine sounded like she had her own talk show, there simply wasn't enough Murray and Let's not get started on LeChuck.

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