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New/Old Module Idea.


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First off, I'm not volunteering to take up this idea/project in any way, shape or form, not yet at least. Anyway on with the idea.


After I played through TSL and saw all of the mods being released, I thought to myself, what outstanding mods have been released for K1 that could be implemented in TSL? One of the first things that came to my mind was... The Arena Mod. Now if I'm being honest I was thinking "oh I wish it were possible to do this, but there isn't any place suitable enough" (yea I'm an idiot, you'll see why in a second.) Then as I was replaying the game yesterday, I got to the end of Nar Shaddaa, this is where there are some spoilers for first time players ;), and it hit me, the area where Saqueesh??? flees to and Mira has to fight Hanharr and the Kath hounds, the place with all of the Ubesse dudes. Anyway that is the perfect place for an Arena-esque mod. The big circular battlefield, a couple of training rooms, a couple of side rooms for merchants etc. The possibilities are endless.


So... any takers?, any thoughts?

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what does Arena mod do exactly, in terms of gameplay?

I've never played it, but I've made Battle Sim on Ravager, but somebody said it was actually more like Survival mod (wait.. I think ... you said that..) which is another K1 mod :nut:


So, what's an "Arena" aside from circular battleground kind of thing?

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Originally posted by Xcom



what does Arena mod do exactly, in terms of gameplay?

I've never played it, but I've made Battle Sim on Ravager, but somebody said it was actually more like Survival mod (wait.. I think ... you said that..) which is another K1 mod :nut:


So, what's an "Arena" aside from circular battleground kind of thing?




Xcom made the mod you are talking about I think, he made a mod where you fight endless sith, much like the survival mod of K1. I don't think anybody has made an arena mod yet.




The Arena mod was basically a mod that let you fight anything, I don't want to ruin it for you if you haven't played K1 which you should ;), but basically you talked to some one and pick who, NPC, creature etc. that you would like to fight ans your PC was spawned into a battle arena and had to kill whatever you chose to fight against, not to mention there was several merchants, and a whole other system that allowed you to bring party members into the fight.



I've been thinking since my last post and I was thinking about it like this:


Holowan Training Arena:


The module would feature a fighting arena, creatures, Mandalorians NPCs whatever, fight anything.


Different Jedi training "rings" similar to the Mandalorian battel ring only with Jedi and nobody dies.


Armor, gun, saber, upgrade parts merchants


Pazaak players


workbenches, lab stations


All of this featuring several of the modders here as various NPCs, that way it could either be an add-on to whatever Doom_Dealer decides to do with the coucil chambers, or if he chooses not to have Holowan Members in his module, this module could be the place to exhibit them.


What do you all think?

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You just gotta let me be the shadowy guy in the corner giving prophetic advice that does not answer your questions, yet seems to spark even more questions.


Better yet...

Some of the people you choose to fight could be US!

Wanna go toe to toe with a Strength focused Jedi Weaponmaster? Meet Drazin in the Arena.

Custom, Super-Slick reskins of faces/bodies/armor and "True" jedi stats to make the fight a real challenge :)


Man I wish I knew how to do something besides Crayola already made items. Grr...Argh...Grr!\




The Tach Textures are ingame... dunno bout the models.

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So, it's basically like Taris cantina level plus a few extras?

If so, that's not so hard to make. Time consuming - yes.


Originally posted by maverick187

What do you all think?


Personally, I am against using any real personas in the game/mods. That ruins SW/Kotor atmosphere for me.

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Originally posted by Xcom

Personally, I am against using any real personas in the game/mods. That ruins SW/Kotor atmosphere for me.


Depending how it's done, I'm the same way. I don't like the idea of sticking someone named "aLL_PoWeRfUl_JeDi!!!" and saying he's an all powerful unbeatable Jedi WM, for example, but sticking a real persona with a normal name and making it fit better doesn't bother me. Some names could just be used as nicknames as well. To use Doom_Dealer as an example, because Holowan personas are his thing, I can't ever recall meeting someone who's name was Doom Dealer in my life, but hey he might have a reputation for winning fights or something and got that nickname.


And I think the Tach model is included, otherwise I could alter Hanharr... :D Or being human wouldn't be bad either.

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Well, I too could make most of it, just about everything except all of the scripts, but it is true that it is very time consuming and I just don't have the time. If someone decided to take this up, I'd be more than happy to help, but I wouldn't have the time to do it myself.


As far as personas go, I think it depends how you look at it. Some people like mods that are just fun and aren't heavily tied to the game and other like their mods to fit righ tin with the plot, the problem with that is, it makes it harder, I just don't see where a huge battle/training arena would fit into the game anyway, even if it was comprised only of characters you can find in the game. So why not use this mod as a place to "showcase" the people who make the mods, just what I think.

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First off: I've noticed modders "teaming" up on most all the good projects all us modders are kicking out. I think thats way cool that the guns could be textured by someone in Texas, USA and the model made by someone in Antrim Northern Ireland. :) Ain't the internet wonderful :)




How about someone (maybe the great Darth333 herself) expand on Darth333's idea of unlocking the doors on Nar Shaddaa docks area. For those of us with their own Darth333 folder in our override; we know there is a HUGE area left untouched by action in the docking areas around the pylons. (I could only help with the tga's or minor stuff since I'm a noob at modding. :) )


The front sections as you come in either door could have a Pazzaak (sorry for spelling never played it :rolleyes: ), then a weapons dealer or the like, an armor dealer, an advanced droid outfitting reseller upon completion of the Great Jedi Weapons Master quest. Upon arriving at the center type object that looks like a countertop of sorts some very basic "cantina" stools, 2-3 drinkers. At the end of the bar the little jawa tells you of a great saber that you can make or get or buy after completing a quest he has to return to the Jekk Jekk Tarr (or whatever) and finish off "ALL" of the aliens remaining. (I know I don't finish them ALL, like the ones in the corner bars sometimes).

You complete that quest and kill them all and return the Jawa is gone and you are greeted by Jedi Weapons Master Maverick. He tells you that he is leaving known space to seek out Revan wherever he may be. He must leave all behind as Revan did so he offers to give you the "plans" to make his lightsaber if your a repair man. Or will give it to you if your a "fightin' man." If your darkside, Mav's disposition would not be so nice when he greets you after the quest. He would literally give you the saber unless you beat him for being Sith and approaching him for his saber or something. :)

The other ajoining areas of the "hidden" complex out on the docks could be a couple of Kolto tanks and a repair center with a bench and a med bench for use. The tanks could be usable.


Kinda would be cool to maybe have the doors able to (sonic mine that does no damage simply opens door, or security it open. If your a lightsider Mav' or his apprentice will offer you a real "datapad key" or the like that will give you the option of locking the doors and then they can only be opened by the datapad Mav gave you. Lightside he could give you a chance to "earn" the saber by helping him fight the "mercs" who show up after you complete the quest to try to "take" the area for GoTo.


Anywho, enough rambling but how about that?

:) and it includes Mav's new saber with the quest he wants :)

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Originally posted by maverick187

Well, I too could make most of it, just about everything except all of the scripts, but it is true that it is very time consuming and I just don't have the time. If someone decided to take this up, I'd be more than happy to help, but I wouldn't have the time to do it myself.


Mav, I am not sure I understand what you want exactly. Are you requesting a specific mod in a vague kind of way? :D


I mean ..strictly hypothetically.. if I am to take this on, I will most likely do it my way.. which means no Holowan (nick)names or suchlike. No disrespect to your ideas, but there is just too much work involved to make such project according to someone else's design, ideas,specifications and demands, especially if I don't agree with them.


However, if you just want Arena-sque kind of mod.. well,that's basically whole different story.

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@ Darth Melignous


I'm flattered by the entire story wrapped around my "persona NPC", but I was thinking this module would be used to showcase everyone here, not just me.


Perhaps if by the time I'm done with my other projects, nobody has decide to take this idea and run with it, I will, but until then I beg someone to make this arena-esque module idea into a reality whether it be using real personas or not.


Remeber it isn't neccessary to have real personas for their quest, you could easily have some normal scavenger speak of some unique weapons and have a quest made to find them and have the weapons be from mods. You can still incorporate others mods, whilst not having to create their personas.



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Originally posted by maverick187

@ Darth Melignous


I'm flattered by the entire story wrapped around my "persona NPC", but I was thinking this module would be used to showcase everyone here, not just me.


Perhaps if by the time I'm done with my other projects, nobody has decide to take this idea and run with it, I will, but until then I beg someone to make this arena-esque module idea into a reality whether it be using real personas or not.


Remeber it isn't neccessary to have real personas for their quest, you could easily have some normal scavenger speak of some unique weapons and have a quest made to find them and have the weapons be from mods. You can still incorporate others mods, whilst not having to create their personas.




How about having the 1,000 posts or more club, or "the moderators" club where instead of one you have say three heros to help/fight.

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I actually had a jedi arena in the works for KOTOR, but had to abandon it as I didnt ahve the time.


Its actually pretty close to finishing, all it needed was a few more oponents (there's about 8 in it, needs another 6 or so) All the scripts are done, and ready, they only need copy/pasting and chanigng a few tag entries for each new npc, everything else is done.... the medic droid.... the spawning in/out of the arena.


If anyone picks this up, send me a PM and i'll send you all the stuff, Shouldnt take much to convert it to TSL and the appearences/names of the characters, its all really just chaing the entries and coordinates, and it should work (hopefully).

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Well I'll add my 2 cents here.


@ Mav & Others: The thought of an area that showcases individual modders of the Holowan is great.


@ Mono: I'm almost positive I came across the model for the Tach in the K2 models & resources.


Back @ Mav: I've been needing some jump of stages and where to start type points for the deathstar mod maybe we can work together with some of this. Eg. You meet Darkkender at the arena and end up recruiting him. Or maybe end up meeting one of the other recruits there such as Han Solo. Sorta make this the new Mos Eisley.


@ DD: If Mav knows what's smart he'll take you up on that offer. Especially If I help some little bit I can handle the scripting.


@ Darth Melignous: That 1000 posts club sounds neat but how about the "Glow CLub" & "The Moderator Meet & Greet"

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Dang it. I am taking it and running away. :p



...I d/l'ed Arena mod and looked/played through it. I also explored Jar'Tekk area. It's indeed perfect place for this kind of thing. It has nearly 100 waypoints and huge number of placeable cameras. This can be used for some neat cinematics. Too good to pass on.


Mav, I've also reconsidered the usage of Holowan members after giving it some thought. If it's goind to be fun mod, then I guess it's not such a big deal. So, unless anyone (passionately) objects, Holowan Arena is a WIP.

Awaiting response.. :)

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