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TSL Restoration Project: website up!

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i don't think it will be release at the end of summer because they are planning to put multiple languages in it.

1.0b1 - All Trivial severity issues resolved. Multiple languages all building successfully.


Well.... I'm doing the Yavin 4 Polish translation mod with -DK- and with only me editing the files and changing the text, the whole thing should in full have taken about 2 weeks, and thats only 10 modules, and in tslrp there are over 80m modules in the game which i think they have worked on, so, umm, it could take up to, depending on how many translators they have, around half a year, maayybeee.


as for master zionosis, it could take a lot of time to release the mod however, it would be great if they release the english version 1st and the rest later

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as for master zionosis, it could take a lot of time to release the mod however, it would be great if they release the english version 1st and the rest later


Lot's of people have brought that up over on the official forums, they are reluctant to say weather they are going to do that but as you said it would be better, and i beleive they will.

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Truthfully I think they can do what ever they want. Since they are working on their own free-time, they do not get paid, and they are releasing it for the public, I don't see any harm in taking their time. They don't really owe anyone anything.


My only concern is that they are now known world-wide. If they chose to not send out the mod, I think people would be upset. However, that is their own right in the end. Since the public knows their real names, the only ones that they will be hurting is themselves. Drawback from doing online interviews is getting their screen name's captured by google.


I am sure the group will release it in the end. Regardless about when it is released, we will have a mod to play with. I hope they get some kind of recognition for their time spent. Maybe we as a community can get them something for their hardwork. Maybe a pizza for each of them. They cannot accept payment, but they can probally accept food. :)

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The translation is not going to take very long. There are a few hundred words for the translators to read through and translate. While they're doing that the team will still be working on implementation of features and the beta team will still be testing the game. So you have nothing to fear from the mod being multilingual in nature.

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The translation is not going to take very long. There are a few hundred words for the translators to read through and translate. While they're doing that the team will still be working on implementation of features and the beta team will still be testing the game. So you have nothing to fear from the mod being multilingual in nature.

A few moments ago, I read a post in their Obsidian thread. Team-Gizka seems to have allready put together a translation team. Yahooooo!

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-It's hard to comment on what is legal and illegal as it relates to

-modifying a game. If a lawyer for Obsidian or LucasArts were asked,

-they would say that it is illegal because the EULA probably says that it

-shouldn't be done. In reality, action is very rarely (if ever) taken

-against groups making mods to games. The reason is that unless the mod

-defames the game or makes money, it isn't really worth the company going

-after the mod group and is probably counter to promoting the game if

-they do.


-What's important to take from the above is that I am not saying that

-doing the mods are legal or illegal. I'm only providing a point of

-view. Also I'm not a lawyer - so my opinion should not be taken as

-legal advice or an allowance to do or not do anything.




-Feargus Urquhart


-Obsidian Entertainment, Inc.


Got this today in my inbox.


There goes my fear of it being shut down out the window.

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Well, if Lucas or anyone else doubts how good mods are for sales, I own TSL for XBox (which I never finished), but now I will be buying it for the PC so I can implement this mod!


Of course the downside is, this may have taught me I should not really buy console games, as they are too limited in what you can do with them.

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Well, if Lucas or anyone else doubts how good mods are for sales, I own TSL for XBox (which I never finished), but now I will be buying it for the PC so I can implement this mod!


Of course the downside is, this may have taught me I should not really buy console games, as they are too limited in what you can do with them.


Well, you can mod the Xbox version, it is just harder to is all, one thing I know that doesn't work in the Xbox is model mods, but everything else pretty much works.

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Well, you can mod the Xbox version, it is just harder to is all, one thing I know that doesn't work in the Xbox is model mods, but everything else pretty much works.


Yeah, I know it's possible, but way more trouble than it's worth. Simpler to buy the PC version. I would be the guy who was there to pick up his modded XBox on the same day as the raid.

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