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The Official SW Saga Trivia Thread


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Point to Jan Gaarni. Note I mentioned blaster bolt. The remotes shoot a little blast, but it's not the same as a blaster bolt. There are no lightsaber deflections used like this in ANH & ESB. Only in ROTJ is it done on a full scale in the OT. Of course in the prequels it's crammed down our throats.


Q: Multiple choice. Where was Slave 1 on Bespin?

a. Docking Bay 94

b. East Platform

c. Docking bay 327

d. Platform 327

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  jedispy said:
This might be a expanded Universe style question. If so, it would be better if you posted it over in the SW EU thread

It isn't really an Expanded Universe-related question... ;)




Yes, this is a EU related question, please drop it, and abstain from making anymore irrelevant posts in this thread, this is spam. I suggest you read the first post of the thread again to refresh your memory. ~coupes


Weirdly, we have two different visions of what must be considered as undesirable posts...

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Hello All. I am pleased to announce I am back from my vacation. We had a great time in Thailand, with many highlights.. I even got to cuddle 1 panther and 2 tigers on separate occasions!! I'll put up some pics once theyre done :)


Anyways, its great to see things have ticked along nicely, and thanks to the regulars and mods who helped it do so...


now, that question about the ISB Officer.... I think the best way to tell if things are "EU" or not(apart from looking them up at sw.com) is if that character was named in a EU book that was published subsequent to the movies, like the "Tales of" books for example. However, if the character is named in the script/novelisation or on screen then of course it cannot fall under under EU...(and would be G-level canon according to Lucasfilms current published definitons)


* * *


Its seems that there isnt an active question....so here's one :)


Q. True or False ? Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas was a sith lord ? Explain.



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  lil_dude said:
ummm my question is active


If you are referring to the 'officer who briefed Tarkin' .... can you please provide the answer? I know you have stated that he is a colonel, but there are no imp colonels listed in the film castlisting or the novelsiation. I dont have a copy of the ANH script so cant say 100%. I can name an imp colonel from ANH, but the source is from SWCCG, which is strictly EU, even though its of a character you see in the movie.


anyways, please let us know the answer :)


if anyone chimes in with the answer for that I will award them the point, but the new question can stay there


Q. True or False ? Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas was a sith lord ? Explain.



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A: Sifo-dyas was a sith lord because although he was on the counsel (the rest of this is guess work), he faked his death and then joined the sith. He then ordered the clone army with order 66 and was clearly working for Palpatine.


Pass as im quite clearly gonna be wrong.

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