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**The Ultimate Star Wars: Battlefront II Wish List Thread**


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:vsd: I really really want to see more advanced rebel and imperial starfighters such as the Z-95 (If you can call that advanced) and the B-wing and for the empire i would like to see the TIE Defender and Tie Advanced oh and some realistic shields 'cos in BF the X-Wings' as vunerable as the TIE Fighter and its meant to have shields SORT IT OUT !!! :vsd:
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I've already submitted thie idea of shields for Rebel space-ships, V-Wings, ARC-170, ... to Pandemic. Regarding TIE Defenders, it is a ship only created in the Expanded Universe ; Nevertheless, I'd like to see Vader's TIE in SWBF II... (As we know how it looks like to)

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  • 3 weeks later...

:lsduel: This is what i want


A99 aquata breather

anti-infantry laser battery

anti-vehicle laser cannon

ascension gun

bacta tank


carbon-freezing chamber



CR-1 blaster cannon

Darth Vader's suit

deflector shield generator

E-60R missile launcher




gaderffii (gaffi stick)

Geonosian sonic blaster

gravity well projector

Gungan energy catapult

Gungan weaponry

heavy ion cannon

heavy repeating blaster

HH-15 projectile launcher


homing beacon

HX2 antipersonnel mine


hyperspace transport ring

Jawa blaster

Kaiburr crystal

Kamino saberdart


MiniMag PTL missile launcher

portable missile launcher

proton torpedo


restraining bolt

Sith lightsaber

sporting blaster

Star Forge

stormtrooper armor

sublight drive


thermal detonator

tractor beam

training remote



Wookiee bowcaster



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The problem is, that the "Clone Tank" that the Imps use is WAY better than the AT-ST and they're in the same vehicle category!


Also, 1 on 1 it will beat a poorly piloted combat speeder, while an AT-ST will only win at medium range when the speeder cannot dodge nor get so close the walker can't shoot down to hit it.

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Dude! Stop asking that question! FPV in aircraft was OK, but in tanks it sucked, so I dunno if they'll bother.


Leviathan, I don't mind the AAT as-is, it's got a poor rate of fire, a huge target and it's easier to dodge the main cannon on the top. Problem arises because the level design is so small! "Any battle you want?" Damn, talk about 'Backyward wars', There are some parks bigger than Battlefront "warzones" and that's where the AAT shines (Naboo Theed and Yarvin).

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the emperor IS in it will apear in polis massa,theed and the death star interior

in that map also appears luke i will see if i van atract him to the dark side and the tie defender will not appear so it is expanded universe vehicle and the game is only of the movies ( but all can be done with some modding )

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