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Why is the PC version only 19.99?

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I'm not sure. It could be part of Majesco's marketing plan to shift more games, by simply making it too cheap to refuse. That can result in more overall profit if you play your advertisement right. I've personally seen a lot of people on forums say "Man, I was considering buying this before I saw the price. Now I'm DEFINITELY buying it!".


I've also heard people saying that it's to allow people to spend the extra dough saved from the console comparison so that they can purchase a gamepad should they not have one. Consoles already come with out, so naturally they don't require the slight price cut to compensate.


Either sounds plausible enough to me.

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Originally posted by Erwin_Br

Doesn't it have to do with license stuff? I mean, don't they have to pay a certain percentage to Microsoft and Sony? (I have no idea how the console market works)




Yeah, in most shops I go into, console games are always more expensive than PC games. Also, isn't that partly why consoles are so cheap? Becuase the console company gets most of its money from the games?

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Also may have to do with the genre. Platform / action adventure / Jump 'n' Runs / arcadey games usually don't do too good on PCs, so the low price might catch some more gamers who still think that this sort of games are of lower quality / unimaginative / repetitive.

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I don't think it was supposed to be included. You can print it off though. There should be a link somewhere on the website.


edit: found it under store rebates. When I looked it was the one on the top. The receipt has to be dated between april 15 and may 1, but the rebate's postmark deadline is june 1.

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I think it is because platformers are less popular on PCs. That's why they slapped "Tim Schafer" on the front of the box.


Although I personally think that Psychonauts would likely be much better on the PC than the Xbox whether you have a gamepad or not. I played through the whole game with the keyboard and mouse, and while I'd likely have a lot less instances of saying "GOD DAMMIT!" if I was using a gamepad, the visual quality is just indescribable on the PC. It can go to higher resolutions than the Xbox, and a decent PC should be able to run it with all the PC-exclusive visual enhancements without a single drop in framerate.


Here's an example:

Xbox: psxbox0ng.jpg

PC: pspc5dv.th.jpg

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Also, the Xbox one is grabbed through a TV card, and the black level isn't very well set up - so it's not a true example of what it'll look like.


But yeah, the PC version does look a bit better, and runs at a higher frame rate if memory serves.

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