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General Grievous


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O.k.... So now I am making another model detour, imagine that. I have had a lot of requests for Grievous, so I decided to make it the next thing. I recently have gotten ahold of the "attack of the clones animated series", and now I have the Grievous bug!


Mars out...


Here is the first screen...


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Originally posted by Zappa_0

Oh boy! I could kiss you marz! This will make you the ultimate modeler ever! No one will be able to say grievous without thinking of neomarz! :D


Well... I dont know about that, but I appreciate the comment. There are plenty of great modelors out there. The problem with my work, is that I dont have the patience to get through a project. It takes everything in my power to keep from just slamming these things out. My work would certainly be better if I could master the patience. Mars out

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Originally posted by Zappa_0

Thats a good question...and I thikn you are doing just fine with the models marz...no complants here!


Thanks, I appreciate that... Well, I may decide to do both two and four arms, but I'm not sure the four arms is going to be that great, cuz I'm pretty sure I cant get four sabers... Not sure I could weight the extra arms, without the bones to support a good animation. I thought it might be possible to put in some saber tags, but that is a stretch... I'm pretty sure that wouldnt work. Mars out

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Would there be a variation with the cloak wrapped all around him? He may look weird fighting like that but it'd be really cool.


EDIT: Also if you need any more refernce pics i can send them or put them up here. I have 18.5 MB of them.

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Well, there is no comparision to a HapSlash model, He is truly the master... But I will get this out probably faster, Only cuz I will keep the detail down a bit.


Here it the latest screen, Just the arms and cape, then I move onto mapping.


Keep in mind that nothing is scaled... Simply cuz the mesh will need to be fitted to the standard skelaton... hope that doesnt look bad. Mars out




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Originally posted by Infinity Blade

Uhm, thanks.... I think... ;)


Well... It was meant as a compliment, honestly. I just know that I dont pick over my models as much as the others. For instance, the Vader model I released could have been better, had I just pushed my patience level a little more. Anyhow, I have a feeling that I may be able to pull off a quality Grievous model. Since I'm starting to warm up to the project (more than I thought previously).


Back to the first thought... I'm confused, I was unaware that it was "Infinity Blade" working on the other model. Well the screenshot I saw over at "Blades side" looked pretty impressive (from what I could see)... I dont mind people putting out different styles of the same model. Its all for fun anyhow... I dont really have a competitive spirit (I spend too much time competing against myself). One thing I like to see is how others arrive at the end of a common project. Every person seems to see the same thing a little different. Its very interesting, and you learn something by watching other people work.


Mars out

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Neo, if you happen to have an urge to make a realistic Greivous let me know. Specifically one with 4 arms. I'd like to have a go at creating an entire set of working anims. I wouldn't do 7 saber styles, just two. That should be enough for coders to reasonably impliment.


But I'm definately interested.

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Originally posted by keshire

Neo, if you happen to have an urge to make a realistic Greivous let me know. Specifically one with 4 arms. I'd like to have a go at creating an entire set of working anims. I wouldn't do 7 saber styles, just two. That should be enough for coders to reasonably impliment.


But I'm definately interested.


sure.... that sounds great... I can do a skelaton for that after this first release. send me and e-mail, so I can add you to my mail list. Mars out

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O.k..... O.k.... so now D Vader's got this really cool Grievous model, So whats a guy to do? Mars pulls out the mighty paintbrush of "fix all", and makes a bold stroke across Grievous's face. This ahwta do it. I'm shy 2 cents on perfection, but all is well. Mars out!


I have to say the other model looks quite good, but here is my latest screen.



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