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Is it supposed to be this boring?

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It's been about a month since I bought EMI and I'm still looking for the pirate with no nose. Not because the game is too hard or anything, but because I don't give a damn about anything that happens and therefore let the game sit on my desk.


I know that the majority of people don't like EMI, but I wasn't expecting this. It's not that it's a bad game; the graphics are okay, jokes are rather funny, music and voice acting are good...


So, why is it so boring? Why do I have no motivation whatsoever to complete it? I sure didn't have this problem when playing the third game.


As I said, I can't put my finger on any huge flaw. Could it be that after listening to everyone bitch and moan about this game, I subconsciously don't even give it a chance?

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It's because so far, you've been caught up in a load of legal mumbo jumbo and that's not really what Monkey Island is about. Angry Australians trying to buy out islands and a political elections... what were they thinking?!

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Personally I think it gets better after you leave Lucre Island. That place was kinda dull. I know lots of people find the other islands really awful cause they are are where the corporitization really picks up, but personally I find alot of that stuff pretty funny.... hehehe "Starbuckaneers"

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ah, yes, well no, they aren't at the moment. Right now they're squeezing more out of the Indy license and such for awhile. Hopefully MI5 comes out SOMETIME. Even if I'm an 80 year-old, bald, hook-handed, Australian, short, undead, swashbuckling pirate-fan, I'll probably die of some odd mixute of old-age and the humour from one of my favourite game series of all time.

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I must say that the one who made the second comment hasn played it.

Nothing about an australian! It was all a plan,Le Chuck wanted to liderate the island, he needed someone to help him with the powerful monkey weapon.


In my cse, I found Monkey Island 4 ****in awesome, and pete el napias, is rather easy to find.

I hope they make MI 5

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I must say that the person who made the second comment has played it, many times, and he didn't like it much any of the times. How can you say it was nothing about and Australian? Ozzie Mandrill (the guy from Australia) partnered up with LeChuck to take over the Tri-Island area. How? Via a rigged election and corporate takeover. Exactly how is that piratey?


I'm not going to debate this with you as we're all entitled to our opinions, but please don't question mine because i have different views from yours.

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I was fresh into 13 when I played MI4. I had been waiting for it for years since MI3. I guess that's why I enjoyed it more than others here. Sure, it was different, but... oh well.


And hey, Herman Toothrot turning out to be HT Marley, that's pretty cool. :p

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Just to add my two cents...


Loved EMI, lovely game, not in the same leagueas LeChuck's Revenge but still good fun to play and something that I'd recomend to other games. Non-piratey stuff didn't bother me at all. I didn't even mind Monkey Kombat or the Monkey Robot (personally I just found it funny).

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If EMI weren't a LucasArts game, it would probably be one of the best non-LucasArts games I've played. And I wouldn't say it's the worst LucasArts game I've played.

There were some bits in it that were very good. But, on average, I thought it was only OK.

There were several things I could complain about. Probably if they were in a different game, I could be more forgiving.

Overall, though, I think there was just a kind of cynical feel to the game that I didn't like.

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I'm not going to dig up any anti-EMI sentiments, cos I could, but I won't.


EMI wasn't a bad game. I mean, I liked the graphics for the most part, and the music lacked a certain vitality and progression (IMHO) but it was by no stretch of the imagination bad.


I thought the Monkey Robot was, well, it was fun in one sense of the word but in retrospect I think they were trying to tie up lots of loose ends. The air of mystery was lost. The puzzles were also a little meh.


In short, a good game but not up to the Monkey Island standard.


I did replay the game recently and I got quite bored in the middle.


EDIT: It played a bit like a fangame in many respects. All the elements of Monkey Island were there but you can't help but walk away feeling that they missed the point.

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I must say that the person who made the second comment has played it, many times, and he didn't like it much any of the times. How can you say it was nothing about and Australian?

Ah - I think I've worked this one out. My guess is that Santiago C. has the Spanish version of EMI. They probably didn't bother to make Ozzie Mandrill an Australian; it probably wouldn't have worked so well in a non-English speaking game.

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