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Confessions of a wallhacker


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  {STC}Cloud said:
LOL guys. It's not a hack. It's a bug. I do it all the time. It's not that hard to learn. I do it on Kamino and Mos Eisley the most.

I like cheating as much as the next self serving gamer out there, but cheating online is just a sign of no skill. stupid no skill idiots ruining the game for the REAL people.

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Ahhh, its so fun to snipe or lanch a rocket at a wall hacker while falling under the map... Wish I could see them when the rocket blows up their feet.


Do you guys consider getting vehicles into areas they weren't meant for also cheating? Such as getting them into tunnels, above buildings, up stairs, etc... They can still be shot at, but they weren't meant to get there, and do tons of damage because no one seems to look up.

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  Leviathan said:
Is it possible to make a list of all wall-hacks present inside shipped maps, with their exact location ?


Yes, with screen shots. I could set up a page to do this when I get back to college. (At home, I have no web page and only dial-up :toilet1: )

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On one of the building with the turrets on the upper levels, get in between the turret and the wall, I'm not sure if you have to be prone or not. If the turret moves the right way, it'll push you into the ground and you'll be behind the walls of the lower level.

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