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The SW KotOR and The Sith Lords Trivia Thread


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Q: What enemy do you fight on Dantooine (for KOTOR I) That is completely unique and never fought anywhere else?

A: I want to say Juhani, but since that may not be what you're looking for, I'll not ask another Q.


EDIT: But I guess you fight her

on the unknown planet if you're DS

so that's probably wrong...

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Sith "Mark" series droids


Q: If you are ds in kotor1, how many party members leave the Star Forge along with you?(easy)


Q2: Which species of alien speaks to you first in the whole game?

Bonus: What weapon does he use?


Q3: Which alien is the first you encounter who speaks Basic and DOESNT belong to your party?sorry, mates but this q is too easy with Mission included

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@†Yun Yuuzhan†, try to have only one active question in play at a time. Thanks.

Q: what is the name of the hunter that helps you take down the Krayt Dragon on Tattooine?

A: Komad Fortuna.


* * *


Q: How many groups of sand people attack you after you talk to the mining captain near the Sandcrawler in the Dune Sea on Tatooine?

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A1: 2


wrong! 3! you can leave behind hk 47. but remaining,





A2: A Duros that fights unarmed (K1); Moza, the Ithorian that doesn't fight anybody(K2)




A3: not sure, but i think Griff.


nope, its Zaerdra in the bek base on taris (Gadon Thek's bodyguard)

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