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The SW KotOR and The Sith Lords Trivia Thread


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Q: What Jedi Class are the Dark Jedi (anywhere)?
Is this said somewhere in the game or in game resources? I know it says it in the utc files, but non-modders wouldn't know this... If it is in the game it's fine, but if not, well I guess it's fine this time, but try to keep with questions that are in the game or in official documents outside of the game (sw.com, lucasarts...). Thanks.
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Let's see:


Vision on Dantooine.


First meeting on the Leviathan.

After Malak runs, your player sees him again on the Leviathan.

Star Forge, Malak kills two Jedi and leaves you to the droids.

Star Forge Bridge, final fight.


So, uh, depending on what you consider to be "seen" it could be as much as 5.


Here's a tough one, I hope: What is the cornerstone of the Jedi philosophy mentioned in TSL, as well as the Prequels? Looking for a specific answer. :cool:

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If by player you mean when your PC is in the same area as Malak then Mono is right, HOWEVER if you are refferring to the whole game PC or not there is the scene with

Saul Karath with bombarding the planet Taris, then again with destroying Taris, again with karath then Calo Nord, then Karath and Bandon, then Malak torturing bastilla on unknown world, then Malak on starforge without mask thingy, THEN Malak with bastilla or 3 white/blue/red sith on starforge

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Here's a tough one, I hope: What is the cornerstone of the Jedi philosophy mentioned in TSL, as well as the Prequels? Looking for a specific answer.


I'm not entirly sure but is it either one of these


The jedi do not kill their prisoners


A jedi life is sacrafice

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If by player you mean when your PC is in the same area as Malak then Mono is right, HOWEVER if you are refferring to the whole game PC or not there is the scene with

Saul Karath with bombarding the planet Taris, then again with destroying Taris, again with karath then Calo Nord, then Karath and Bandon, then Malak torturing bastilla on unknown world, then Malak on starforge without mask thingy, THEN Malak with bastilla or 3 white/blue/red sith on starforge


i am referring to the whole game but i said YOUR PLAYER. revan doesnt see all those cutscenes so its five times.


Q: what are majority of the crystals accuired in the crystal cave?

Q: which is the only species of animals you see on two different planets?

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A1: if you are reffering to KotOR 1 and you bash the Kinrath eggs, the majority are red colour crystals


A2: Acually there are a number of animals that are on different planets:

In KotOR: Kinrath on Dantooïne and Kashyyyk, Terantatek (sp?) on Kashyyyk and Korriban.

In TSL Kathhounds on Dantooïne and Nar Shadaa, Cannocks on Telos and Dxun.


Q: pass

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I guess I'll hazard a question, forgive me if its too easy:


(This may be a spoiler for some of you)


Q: If you follow the Light Path in KotOR I as a male player, at the end you'll end up facing Bastila. There is a narrow chance of saving her, and in the end, only a few conversation choices can lead you to a point where she will give in to you. When she finally does do so, she asks you a question before you leave. What is that question?

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actually since very few conversation choices exsist for that question, its not very applicable. any way, ill just ask my Q and give everyone something more to think about


Q: How many Sith-Republic confrontations does YOUR PLAYER witness throughout the game without initially being engaged in it him/herself or without being engaged in it at all?(verbal and weaponless bickering included)

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The reason: Kreia senses the red eclipse slavers are going to come on board, and stealthily knocks out all the party members. The red eclipse slavers throw some gas into the Ebon Hawk, and Kreia pretends to be unconscious. The slavers drag your party into the cargo hold and lock them up. The reason: Kreia wanted to test you, to see what you would do in a situation like that.

It's not cut, it's just really hard to get the cutscene where she creeps around the Ebon Hawk. During a playthrough I wanted to see how many cutscenes there were upon the PC's return to the Ebon Hawk, so I entered and exited a bunch of times. I believe that one is an exit cutscene, or at least triggered for me then. Perhaps it was a bug or something and it was meant to be cut, I've never seen it after that, but you're not missing that much, Kreia acts like that through most of the game (and by that I mean like a deceptive scumbag).

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Gah, this is so dang confusing... I thought there were no such things as turns in this thread >.<

Read the first post on the first page and it has the rules I set down so the thread wouldn't get out of control :)


* * *


New Q: How many questions are you asked (in K1) when you are choosing your class?


I know this is pretty easy, but a lot of the good ones have been asked. :)

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