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How would YOU improve the game?

Guest DarthMaulUK

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Guest DarthMaulUK

With cries of lack of content, bugs and lacking the total Star Wars feel, how would you make changes to Galaxies to make it the game it should be? Considering its now 2 years old and the competition out there is hotter than ever.


Why isnt the biggest gaming licence in history the best online experience in history?


Personally, I would introduce the Galactic War. Have Stormtroopers based on tatooine in large squads, better searching, imprisonment for players who dare defy the empire - with the option to escape in battle of course. And if they did escape, having their name placed on terminals for Bounty Hunters to pick off.


I would put Jedi on their own server and only a few can win 'promotion' from it to return to the normal server. I would bring the cities to life with better quests - no more collect mission, run to the middle of nowhere - kill something - return and repeat until bored stiff.


In depth story driven quests that actually work with your chosen response leading down a different path.


And thats just to start! lol



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Getting rid of Jedi as a player option would be job one.


Either that, or get rid of all OT related stuff and rename the game A Republic Divided.


Other things: Lock down more Naboo. I mean, it just doesn't signify as an Imperial center (as it should since we don't have Coruscant) when Bestine on a backwater planet (Tatooine) has more Imperial presence than Theed, and in addition, there's a friggin Rebel city (yes, a whole city) on Naboo aswell, only roughly 2 kilometers away from the Emperors Retreat?!? What the hell?!?


Speaking of Emperors Retreat, there are even less military force at this location than there is in Bestine. :p


Larger space areas, change the looks of it from Wing Commander to Star Wars for instance. More space zones. Alot more spacezones. A star destroyer orbiting Naboo would be nice. Better space controls, getting rid of that Bambi-on-ice effect that don't exist in Star Wars. :p


Other than that I think they got most of JTL correct. The Star Destroyer model is awesome to say the least. :) Wrong antenna array on top though, it's clearly an ISD mark I when you look at the whole ship, but the array on top of the bridge is for an ISD mark II.

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Execute Order 66, fix the bugs, take away grinding, either remove kashyyyk or make it more accessible, add a bunch of planets, fix the exploits. Remove SWG from the clutches of SOE and put them in a better company, ban all of the credit farmers. Hire better CSRs.

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by saying IC that order 66 should be executed, is also breaking the timeline. Only the highest of officials knew about it, and clone troopers had it drilled in their head. Everyone who roleplayes a clone trooper is also breaking the timeline because they were programmed to be 100% loyal to the Emporer.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I say kill the CU or at least make a few servers with the old engine and post it on the site. I would come back to the game if they did that. I left because of the cu. The CU basicly made it poinless to have a variety of weapons by basing damage done by your level. I bought the game whwn it first came out but the CU destroyed it. I was Avios Mercurian of the wanderhome galaxy before the CU hit. I worked hard to become a commando/carbineer/brawler then the CU ruined all my progress by making the proffesions weak. If the cu was removed or a few servers were made with the old engine I would most likely join galaxies again.

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