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Who will be the PC in KotOR III?  

95 members have voted

  1. 1. Who will be the PC in KotOR III?

    • Revan
    • The Exile
    • A New Character

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There has been some guessing on what character will be the PC in kotor 3. The obvious and only choices are Revan, the Exile, or a new character. What do you all think?


I had originally thought that there would be a new PC, but after some thinking, I think we will have the Exile back. Obsidian left the door so wide open for the Exile going after Revan, it just makes sense to have the Exile again.

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i cast my vote for the exile in K3. i think it just makes the most sense concerning where the state of the KOTOR story was at the end of K2. a new character would be way to much of a stretch, for me anyway. besides, the exile's condition makes him the perfect canidate because he is the only one where it would any make sense that he starts back over at level 1, since he got his force from his partymembers and he left to follow revan without them. without anyone to make bonds with an leech the force from he would have to go back to square one until some partymembers join. playing as revan would mean you'd have to start at like, level 50 with a billion force powers (what, you think he hasn't been leveling up while he was away? you can't buy tacos with that xp) and part of the fun of kotor is building your character during those level ups. revan starting at level 1 again would make absolutley no sense at all. i am all for seeing revan as an NPC and maybe even having him join me in the party near the end for the final battle (how freakin cool would that be, the exile and revan fighting side by side against whatever the final boss would be) but as far as PCs go, i want the exile.

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No Revan in party. No Exile in party. New cast of characters including your PC but keep Mandalore and the droids. Because they're cool :)



The Exile starting at square one doesn't make sense either. The explanation behind him starting at lvl 1 in TSL is an exile.

He/she almost had forgotten how the Force felt. He/she forgot a lot of what he/she learned when he/she was a Jedi. So even if he/she had no party member with him, he/she'd have at least a lot of knowledge about the Force to leech off whatever he/she can find.

He/she would instantly regain his/her full potential at the presence of a Force strong enemy or ally.

What I mean is that he/she'd have to unlearn what he/she has learned in order to start at square one.


Nevertheless, I think that he would bring some of his friends/disciples with him/her.

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I would assume that the PC would be the Exile. Like DarthMoeller said: OE just sort of left us hanging around in K2. It's a great setup for the sequel, though I do agree with lukeiamyourdad that it would be difficult to justify the Exile having to re-learn everything. I suppose it's theasable that he would loose all the inventory from the last game, but the apperence/skills would be difficult to duplicate.

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Well, you can still make him start at say level 25 or so, or maybe even give us the option to import our exile character from tsl. This is just an example, but in Baldur's Gate II if you don't have baldur's gate I you create a new character, and he/she starts at level 15 i think, or you can import your character if you have BG I. I think this system would be cool for tsl.

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Wouldn't it be more interesting if they created a new character with a different background?

It might be, but I don't think that the Exile's story is complete (and obviously it isn't). But maybe you're right. I haven't even voted yet so I can see if others opinions can sway my view.

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Wouldn't it be more interesting if they created a new character with a different background?

Yes it would, also it is necissary in the realm of RPG's...


@ DarthMoeller, think of each game as an individual campaign... and as such, each player should start a new character at level one, so as to give the one creating the story the ability to properly balance out the game. Having a new campaign where you allow previously made up high-level characters is sheer folly, one that the player actually will soon regret...


Would you rather start the game having to play through the story and build your character up through the levels for the final confrentation... and happily play for 40+hours doing so?


Or do you want to start with a level 30 Revan or Exile, with very little game to play because you are allready ready for the games final encounter from the beginning? What is the point of the game this way?


Should we see Revan and the Exile in K3? Yes.

Should we be able to get them as party members? No.

Should they play a part in the game? Yes.


Just my 2 cents! ;)

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Would you rather start the game having to play through the story and build your character up through the levels for the final confrentation... and happily play for 40+hours doing so?


Or do you want to start with a level 30 Revan or Exile, with very little game to play because you are allready ready for the games final encounter from the beginning? What is the point of the game this way?

I do like the sound of the 40+ hours idea, but just because you're already a high level doesn't mean you can't get higher. If they would do it like that, it would be like starting at level one in terms of game difficulty, you would just have more powers available to you. They could still make it a long and enjoyable game.


Though I am starting to learn towards your side of things...

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I do like the sound of the 40+ hours idea, but just because you're already a high level doesn't mean you can't get higher.

When designing a game, and depending greatly on the type of game, there are four types of players you need to try to have features to cater to, according to Bartle's Player Types.

Here is a brief summary of Bartle's 4 Types:


- Achievers are driven by in-game goals, usually some form of points gathering - whether experience points, levels, or money.


- Explorers are driven to find out as much as they can about the virtual construct - including mapping its geography and understanding the game mechanics.


- Socializers use the virtual construct to converse and role-play with their fellow gamers.


- Killers use the virtual construct to cause distress on other players, and gain satisfaction from inflicting anxiety and pain on others.

So by having a pre-made character you are alienating a large percentage of your RPG game player base, mainly the Achiever players.


The Explorers and Socializers, pre-made characters would hamper their expiriences as well... Explorers because the game would be shorter, and the Socializers because the character would have less time for RP conversation options. (Yes, with pre-made characters the game would be very much shorter than with a level one character... hence hurting these player types expiriences as well.)


The Killers Player Type are not ones who would normally play an SP RPG but if they do then combat would be their focus, or they become one of the other three types while playing one.


In the end though, having pre-made characters in the game is alienating a minimum 33% of your target audience, by removing the Achievers Player Types goals is a form of marketing suicide.


Just some more food for thought. ;)

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I think it's a bit of both.

Like I said previously, even if he lost them, he would still have the knowledge as opposed to his exile, where he forgot everything.

The second he comes into the presence of somebody who's strong in the Force, he'd regain much of his ability.

Remember that power and knowledge are two distinct elements.

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hes basically going back into exile though, and i think the fact that after regaining the force and then realizing all too late that he's lost it again by leaving his friends behind would devestate the exile, it was one final manipulation/betrayal by Kreia. She was defeated by the exile and now could never complete her goal, but she still had influence over him, enough to betray him one last time by making him leave without his friends, thereby leaving without the force. it was kreia's ultimate revenge.


if anything i think the exile's condition was all too convient for him to be the PC in the next game. OE was thinking ahead.

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Obsidian left the door so wide open for the Exile going after Revan, it just makes sense to have the Exile again.


As far as I know, Darth Sion hints to revan being dead at the end of KOTOR 2. Revan went to the trayus academy, and was killed. Thats what I understood of it at least. :lsduel:

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Having the Exile back would be a poor choice. That would mean that you can't meet a most of the TSL characters again, because the game wouldnt know what releationship you had with all the individual characters. Also, a new character would, together with Revan and the Exile, make a powerhouse trio. How awsome isn't that?

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As far as I know, Darth Sion hints to revan being dead at the end of KOTOR 2. Revan went to the trayus academy, and was killed. Thats what I understood of it at least. :lsduel:

huh? I never had that impression. Did you ask Traya about it?


Here are some dialogue excerpts:


Player: What happens now?

DT: It is your choice. I had hoped you would follow Revan's path, but you and Revan are... different, and your path is your own.


You may take one of the ships that orbit Malachor and depart this place. Or you may remain here on Malachor, and wait for the others, those touched by the Force, who will come in time.




Player: I will follow Revan, as I did a decade ago.

DT: Very well. There is nothing holding you here, not any longer.


DT: And then Speaking of Mandalore: Many battles does that one have left in him... as Revan intended. A general needs an army, as he needs those he trusts.




And there are those dialogues with Mandalore when you have enough influence:


M: After defeating Malak, Revan made the decision that he would travel to the Unknown Regions. He was searching for something.I wanted to go with him. I respected him, knew he could use me where he was going.But Revan refused, saying that he must travel alone.


Player: What does that have to do with the clans?


If DS:

M: When I offered to go with him... he laughed. Then, he attacked me. Revan, at his full power, was more than a match for me. The battle was over quickly - and then he made sure I couldn't follow him, even if I wanted to. He left me there, a broken wreck on the Outer Rim.I vowed that I would never bend knee to another. Any alliances I entered in to would be ones where I was an equal.


Player: Why would Revan attack you?


M: I'm not sure Revan knew himself. But at that moment, I think he had a reason. When he returns, though, I will be ready for him. With the full might of the Mandalorian clans at my back.


If LS:

M: Before he (Revan) departed, he left me with a simple mission. He told me where I could find the Mandalore's helmet, and that I must take it and reassemble the clans...




I think it should be a new character. Pursuing as the exile would surely be fun as the story was left quite opened in K2. However, I think it would be hard to explain how the exile could loose his/her force powers again to start at lvl 1... (same goes for Revan). And there's no point in starting a RPG at lvl 28...

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hes basically going back into exile though, and i think the fact that after regaining the force and then realizing all too late that he's lost it again by leaving his friends behind would devestate the exile, it was one final manipulation/betrayal by Kreia. She was defeated by the exile and now could never complete her goal, but she still had influence over him, enough to betray him one last time by making him leave without his friends, thereby leaving without the force. it was kreia's ultimate revenge.


if anything i think the exile's condition was all too convient for him to be the PC in the next game. OE was thinking ahead.


But that does explain why he would lose any knowledge of the Force. Also, there's absolutely no indication that none of his friends followed him.

The Exile leeches his powers from others, the second he would encounter someone capable enough, he'd regain full capabilities. It's not like he suddenly forgot how to use Force Heal.

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i'm not suggesting he loses his knowledge, only that he loses his ability, without others he cannot use the force, and kreia was his primary sorce of the force as they were very closely bonded, even if some of the party members come with him, they are lowly padawans who are just starting to touch upon their abilities in the force, they wouldn't be enought to keep the exile at his full capacity, so no he wouldn't lose the knowledge of how to cast the higher spells, he loses the ability to cast them. he doesnt have enough force energy on his own to be able to cast a force power such as master heal or force storm, he needs to go back to down to the lesser powers until he finds someone strong in the force he can leech off of.


but you and i have both said our opinions, and while i respect yours, i happen to disagree with it, so i am going to try to keep this from turning into one of those things where we just keep saying the same stuff over and over again and suggest that we just agree to disagree. personally, in the K3 that i want to see made, i would want to continue on as the exile, i feel like his story is not complete yet. you would rather not, and thats ok with me :D i'm just saying what i'd like to see and my reasoning for why i would rather have that.

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