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Characters in KotOR III.


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I believe that Revan will be the playable character in the KoToR III the reason why i think this is because of the message you get from T3 and then on the Telos Station with Carth.

I can see that being possible actually. They mention Revan quite a bit during the game, and then that messege from T3 and the Carth/Bastilla cutscene towards the end kinda makes you think we will actually find out what happens with him, but you don't. Obsidian kinda left the Revan situation at a cliff hanger, so I could see them going with that in the third game.



As for party characters, I would kinda like Mission and Big Z to return, and a "Yoda" type character (not sure what that race is called). Actually, I think all previous characters should return in some form or another, whether in your party or not.

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a Female wookiee to see if they are as powerful as male wookiees, and an Iktotchi or a Kel-Dor



Okay, no offense to you or any of the other pro-wookie people out there, but i'm not sure i want another wookie life-debt. the whole thing can get a little annoying.


First you've got Zalbaar who pledges you his life-debt but refuses to tell you anything about himself until you go to Kashyyk. Then, in KOTOR II, you've got a crazed idiot wookie running after you trying to kill Mira and end his life debt. A little annoying.

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Okay, no offense to you or any of the other pro-wookie people out there, but i'm not sure i want another wookie life-debt. the whole thing can get a little annoying.


First you've got Zalbaar who pledges you his life-debt but refuses to tell you anything about himself until you go to Kashyyk. Then, in KOTOR II, you've got a crazed idiot wookie running after you trying to kill Mira and end his life debt. A little annoying.


I partly agree with you the life dept part is getting quite old but i think you do need a wookie in it even if its only an option.

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I partly agree with you the life dept part is getting quite old but i think you do need a wookie in it even if its only an option.


Okay, maybe you do need a wookie. After all, they're pretty handy when all you need is brute force.


A Wookiee is a must, A Kel-Dor would be just cool and a Twi'lek woman should be there for eye-candy


I think that maybe a Twi'lek should be added into the party...although maybe not for the same reasons as you though...

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Twi'lek as party member? I guess that would be okay. As long as he/she can actually do stuff and isn't colored an obscene shade of blue, I could get used to it.


Personally, I think we need a humanform maintenance doird named Lopez who speaks spanish. kthnxdrvthru. :p

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what about a holocron?

like a teacher for the jedi which u are..,

and yeah, kel-dor (maybe female (never seen this one)) is good or eventually that female twi-lek ;)

also bothan race is good, they are wise though, or ... hmm, let me think...

...sebulba's kind..? =PPP

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The Chiss were introduced with Grand Admiral Thrawn in the Thrawn Trilogy and the best space-sim ever Tie Fighter.

I would love a Chiss.


OK, this is a little off-topic, but I think the chiss as such weren't mentioned in the Thrawn trilogy. There he was just some nonhuman. I think what he meant was that the chiss as a race, a people, were discovered in the NJO series, since they came from some unknown regions as well.


OK; rant over.


As for the Wookiee thing ... well, I have hardly had him in my ingame party in K1 or K2, so I probably won't miss one.


An interesting aspect would be indeed to have Revan and the Exile appear, be it PC ro not. I'd be rather interested in their confrontation, after all, the Exile had left Revan after the battle of Malachor V. there could be old grudges and such things.

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OK, this is a little off-topic, but I think the chiss as such weren't mentioned in the Thrawn trilogy. There he was just some nonhuman. I think what he meant was that the chiss as a race, a people, were discovered in the NJO series, since they came from some unknown regions as well.


The word Chiss is mentionned but you are right, they, as a race, weren't specifically mentionned.


Besides, he's the coolest Chiss ever.

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Here are my characters:


Revan should be the playable character. But please make him a non-Force user class at the beginning.


There should be a Kreia-like character, only ligh-side, more like... Obi-Wan Kenobi. :D Called Dorian, a Jedi Master.


The Exile should be a party member, the Exile's gender is determined through conversation. If the Exile's a LS Male, you get a character called Ryan Pano (clone of Pierce Brosnan). If the Exile is LS Female, you get a blond woman called Allana Fayden. Dorian and the Exile should be the first two party member's to join you crew.


Carth should join you also, he is definaetly one of the most important characters in the game.


What about Bastila?! It would be CRIMINAL not to bring her back.


I want Mission to come back... You too, Big Z.


Juhani should return also.


One of the worst crimes would be: Not to bring Jolee back. Bring him back.


Come back, Canderous.


Dustil should be a part of your crew.


HK-47 and T3-M4 definaetly are coming back.


Atton should join up.


Brianna also.


Bao-Dur without question.


No doubt that Mira will come back also.


I'm counting on the Disciple.


Now the bad guys:


Kreia should return in Ghost Form.


Sion should also come back.


Griff should be a bad guy.


Head of Czerka.


Head of the Exchange.


Dark Lord of the Sith (Sith'Ari): Niqra'Vorg

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You could just have said 'every major character from K1 and K2 plus a few others'


Anyway, I doubt Carth will join your party. He's a fleet admiral now, and I don't remember many flag officers returning to that kind of 'active' duty.


As for Mission and Zaalbar, dunno. I was never too fond of those 'teenage sidekicks' Well, I guess I'm growing too old ... :D


Canderous was cool, I think he deserves a comeback, be it himself or in his role of Mandalore.


I definitely want Bastila back, this jedi princess was one of my favorite characters.


The idea of bringing in the Sith'ari sounds rather interesting. After all Revan was off to fight the 'true' sith. Featuring the Sith'ari - or some Sithlord who wants to become the Sith'ari (possible?) would surely beef things up.

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I say no Revan or Exile as PCs or party members. But they have to be there as NPCs. How do you make it so that neither are put into too much detail, possibly ruining some little things? Have them both wear masks >XD Revan wears his/her old mask, while Exile wear's Nihilus' mask. :o Some early conversation would have to set them to male/female and light/dark. And why would they wear the masks if they were light? Well, maybe they found the True Sith and their presence forever tainted them, and some forcey magical thing or something in the masks reduced the risk of a breakout of dark stuff?


As for other characters, T3 and HK are probably required :p Maybe at the end you could have them be destroyed, or left somewhere. D: P:< Also, some other old characters from K1 and K2 are a must. If not as party members, at least as NPCs. An adult Mission would be kewl. :o Also, what if the time between both was a lot more than the earlier 4 years? What if it was several decades :o O_O Anyways... that would probably fit more for a transition from trilogy to another trilogy. There has to be some old master person. Maybe like a hidden Jedi, who had kinda lost his way and became more of a grey person (like Kreia and stuff, only doesn't turn out to be

evil at the end...)

And he/she met you (the PC obviously :o) and taught you from a young age. It would be interesting to start as a trained (though in a more unorthodox fashion) Jedi, already knowing some force powers and stuff. Maybe have you start at a higher level than just 1. And the prologue stuff could be you going through your training. .-.


The last two had too little alien party members, at least for me. And the pool for the possible party members should be quite big, with a few mandatory ones. And other stuff.

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As far as returning characters, I'd like to see Yuthura from K1 make another appearance. I realize you'd have to assume the player didn't kill her off, but, in my opinion, she was one of the few strong female characters in the series so far.


Or, if they do provide a twilek NPC, let's please not have another wuss like Mission...:)


I'd also really like to see a DS Yoda character(don't know what his race is called). I just think it could be funny to have one of the ultimate "light sided race" characters be evil.

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I'd also really like to see a DS Yoda character(don't know what his race is called). I just think it could be funny to have one of the ultimate "light sided race" characters be evil.

Yeah I'd like to see that as well, it would be a really cool character. btw anyone know what Yoda's species is called?

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