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when will it stop


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ok i think that it'll either end with 3 as sw seems to like trilogies or it'll be 6 so that it'll be a saga like the films


the idea of doing prequals set in the mandalorian wars is a good idea but not as a kotor game, something similar to battlefrontbut not an rpg like the kotor games

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The only problem with that is that there is no continuity at all in place for that timeframe, which is something that would be hard to flesh out as far and Lucasarts is concerned. Then all the books, etc. that cover that era in the future would have to tie into it, and I'm not sure they want to have to make those decisions right now. The nice thing about the KOTOR era is that there was already established lore for that time period to build on, but not enough to limit the game story choices too much.


Plus, having lots of Sith in the NR era (or 100+ years thereafter) is impossible since they have been destroyed. So who would the bad guys be? The Empire is gone by then. One big reason why KOTOR works is that everything is familiar and has links to the films. A 100 year later game wouldn't have that as much...


I think that the reasons why thousands of years before the Empire is the best timeframe are still true, especially if the Jedi are going to be the focal point (which is what the majority wants). Not to say that I would be against RPGs in other eras, but they would be limited story-wise. I think the second best option would be the Imperial era, and have non-Jedi characters. That would never happen though...


True. Although you could argue that gives the developers even more freedom for creating their own antagonist. They could come up with something that we don't even know about that spawned from the Unknown Regions and there wouldn't be any continuity-lawyers claiming they messed up.


Also, keep in mind although I said 100 years, I actually ammended that to similar to KOTOR's 4000 years, except in the future. With that in mind, I can't see books being made that far into the future. As it is, the current book timeline has us at 35 years after A New Hope. And these books have been going strong for over a decade now. So it's going to take an AWFUL long time until they reach 4000 years after ANH and have to worry about messing with continuity.

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no doubt some other company will try to make a sw rpg and no doubt there maybe similarities to kotor but can you honestly say that they will compare in plot and the depth obsidian and bioware are able to put into there games dont get me wrong i will try them but i highly doubt they will be the same standard as kotor and no doubt they will get compared lol

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no doubt some other company will try to make a sw rpg and no doubt there maybe similarities to kotor but can you honestly say that they will compare in plot and the depth obsidian and bioware are able to put into there games dont get me wrong i will try them but i highly doubt they will be the same standard as kotor and no doubt they will get compared lol


What do you mean by your first sentence? Because Lucasarts owns the rights to anything Star Wars, so it's not like someone else can just make a SW RPG without approval from LA.

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im sorry, i just stopped by b/c i saw the updated forum email. did i miss something?? Kotor 3?? huh ? when was this? is it done, when will it come out? who is the main character? ... man, all of sudden so many question.. my head hurts...

This forum is all just for speculation on what we can expect in the next KotOR game. Assuming there is one, of course.

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But even if Kotor itself stops, I do not want the Star Wars Role Playing Genre itself to stop. These Star Wars RPGs have been better then any SW shooter/startegy game if you ask me. So even if Kotor does stop, whos to say the RP genre in SW itself should die with it? What about New Republic era RPGs? Or follow the Original Trilogy? Who knows.

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I think they will throw it on another story. Remember, Obi-Wan was aknight of the old republic too, and that's 4000 years later. maybe a story ending with the actions that lead to the events in episode 1. Like your last mission is protecting the just-chosen Queen Amidale orso.

Also, a knights of the new republic is possible. Like the Rise of the Sith mod.

A Jedi academy-like story, but with the Kotor engine.

Those are the logic steps, followed by many producers.

Need for speed became Underground, Battlefield 1924 became Vietnam, etc.

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What do you mean by your first sentence? Because Lucasarts owns the rights to anything Star Wars, so it's not like someone else can just make a SW RPG without approval from LA.


you are right that LA do own the rights to all star wars games but that doesnt stop them letting people producing crap star wars games


there was the game of episode one followed by jedi power battles and they got compared to each other


and all i'm saying is that if LA allow any company to do another star wars rpg it will be be compared to kotor


sorry about the confusion

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Actually that would be good maybe like a prequel to K1.


I wouldn't like that idea. You'd know how events turned out right after your game.


Atleast with the KOTOR series you don't. There's 4000 years before the events of the movies. If you did a prequel to KOTOR then you'd basically be playing a game with a known outcome (ie. regardless of what you do in the game, Revan and Malak find the Star Forge, Mandalorians lose, etc.).

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I was refering to when the Jedi order first split and the sith began (several hundred years before Revan and Malak) obviously the sith lose. But you can have alot of fun adventures, and according to the old bat (Kriea) that the sith lords took over worlds on the outer rim. So maybe you can spend some time slicing local politicans to convince them that your prime Over ruler material!

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I wouldn't like that idea. You'd know how events turned out right after your game.


Atleast with the KOTOR series you don't. There's 4000 years before the events of the movies. If you did a prequel to KOTOR then you'd basically be playing a game with a known outcome (ie. regardless of what you do in the game, Revan and Malak find the Star Forge, Mandalorians lose, etc.).


Well, 4000 years from KOTOR, the events from the movies happen, so you're playing a game with a known outcome anyway. :)


As long as the storyline is a lot (a couple of hundred years) before or after, and not connected to the KOTOR storyline, I think it should be fine.



As to placing a game in the timeline after the movies...Well, firstly you have a lot of Sith tombs lying around the universe, and one of them could hold a Sith holocron or a spirit of a long deceased Sith Lord (not so rare occurence in the star wars universe). It could be just lying there for a force-sensitive being (or even better, a potentially corruptible Jedi) to find it, and voila, few hundred years later, we get the new Sith...And if that sounds bad, you could still have some other users of the Dark Side...Dark Side witches, Fallen Jedi, whatever. :)


But personally, I'm still for putting a game in the times when the Jedi order first split, as Larke said. You can have fun kicking the butt of fallen jedi or losing the war and going to the worlds beyond the outer rim to enslave the Massasi and lay foundations for the Sith Empire.


As long as the story is good I don't think the timeline will be much of a problem.

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Think about it like this, the republic has lasted for thousands of years, i think that after the third one they will go back in time to the eras of tulac hord and the other great sith lords. The first major split within the Jedi order would be really cool, since they dont really say anything about hero's from that time period, it would make for some interesting Gameplay.

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