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The makers of KotOR III really need to read this


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You know, there are some absolutely excellent ideas in this forum. If the makers of KotOR III would actually read these ideas, we could have a potentially awesome KotOR III. Some people are saying they want KotOR III to hurry up and come out really soon. Some argue that they need to take their time so it won't be rushed like TSL. My idea is that they're not going to get anywhere if they keep sitting around not even working on it! I mean, come on! If they don't even start working on KotOR III, they're not going to get it finished quickly OR have a good game! Anyways, if they read this forum and discover some of y'all's excellent ideas, they can use these ideas instead of sitting around lazily wondering what they're going to do.

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To convince Lucas Arts to listen to our ideas would be like asking a wolf to spare a lamb: Hopeless and risky, they would just turn their heads away and sue us and our decendents for 200 years.


And to make the developers be interested in our ideas, would be like squeezing water from a stone: Futile and useless.


But although the idea is hopeless, I support it fully. If they could just listen, just listen to our story ideas, that would be enough. I have read the many story ideas we all have and they're better than any I have ever seen.


I support you completely Jedi Watchman.

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  Vladimir-Vlada said:

And to make the developers be interested in our ideas, would be like squeezing water from a stone: Futile and useless.


Not at all, there were several K1 mods that were inserted into the K2 game. But yeah, all they want from us is that money in our pockets. If there isn't any, they probably don't care about you at all.

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Tis true. Though, as soon as we find out who the developer is, you could go over to their forums and bombard them with ideas. See what happens. Just don't be surprised if LA claim the devs thought of it before you did.

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I have sent a e-mail to Bioware and got a auto-messege back. I asked if they would make KOTOR III. I will have to wait for a responds. But I did get this message first:


"You have reached our automated email response system. Your message

has been forwarded to a biological life-form (human) for processing

and re-distribution to the appropriate BioWare team member.

You can expect a reply shortly.




At this time, BioWare Corp. is not in the business of developing or

publishing outside proposals or submissions for new games or

software products.? As a result, all unsolicited submissions,

proposals or ideas relating to game concepts, story ideas, or other

proposals cannot be accepted and will be destroyed upon receipt."

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"At this time, BioWare Corp. is not in the business of developing or

publishing outside proposals or submissions for new games or

software products.? As a result, all unsolicited submissions,

proposals or ideas relating to game concepts, story ideas, or other

proposals cannot be accepted and will be destroyed upon receipt."





My hope in BioWare is lost, I thought that at least they aren't like that.

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Write to them as much as you want: nobody is going to tell you whether they are doing Kotor 3 or not. If they do so, they get fired. The only thing you can rely on right now is hope...and rumors.


As for LucasArts policy concerning submissions, it is as follow:


. Submissions.

LucasArts' company policy does not allow it to accept or consider creative ideas, suggestions, or materials other than those it has specifically requested. Accordingly, we must request that no visitors to this Site, or any venue or web site governed by these Terms of Use, submit or send any original creative materials, including but not limited to submissions of scripts, story lines, fan fiction, characters, drawings, information, suggestions, ideas or concepts. If at our request you send certain specific submissions (e.g., postings to chats, surveys, message boards, contests, or similar items) or, despite our request that you not send us any other creative materials, you send us creative suggestions, ideas, notes, drawings, concepts, or other information (collectively the "Submissions") shall be deemed and shall remain the property of LucasArts in perpetuity. By making any Submission, the sender automatically grants, or warrants that the owner of such material expressly grants, LucasArts the royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive right and license to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, and distribute such material (in whole or in part) throughout the universe and/or to incorporate it in other works in any form, media or technology now known or hereafter developed, for the full term of any copyright, trademark or patent that may exist in such material for any purpose that LucasArts chooses, whether internal, public, commercial, or otherwise, without any compensation, credit or notice to the sender whatsoever. The sender waives all so-called "moral rights" in all Submissions. The sender further waives the right to make any claims against LucasArts relating to unsolicited submissions, including, but not limited to, unfair competition, breach of implied contract and/or breach of confidentiality.


But anyways, that doesn't prevent them from browsing our forums. Proof: http://lucasforums.com/showthread.php?t=125794 :p (that was before the announcement of K2 )

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I'm actually torn on whether I'd like them to be reading the suggestions on this forum and others like it.


On one hand, there are some decent suggestions that would make the KOTOR series quite well done if implemented. But the thing I'm worried about is if they incorporate the crappy ideas.


There are some suggestions on this forum that I absolutely love. But there are also some suggestions on this forum that I absolutely hate, to the point that if Lucasarts and whomever is developing KOTOR3 implemented them I'd actually not even buy the game.


TSL's faults were the result of "listening to the fans", even though those fans were the minority, Lucasarts listened to them since they were the ones who constantly posted their ideas. Stuff like ridiculously over powered Force powers, levels that go beyond what should have been allowed, the ease of combat, and of course the rushed Christmas release were various suggestions I'd seen posted on various forums and for whatever reason, were the ones Lucasarts thought would fit their vision of the game. As a result, the game was rushed, and the combat and difficulty was laughable at best.


So like I said, I'm torn. Because on one hand they might browse these forums and take into consideration some fantastic ideas. But on the other hand they might take into consideration ideas that I, and those who share similiar opinions, think are complete rubish. In that sense, I'd rather they ignored all these forums and just let the developer do what they're paid to do and what they're good at doing: creating a game that they believe will be the best possible.

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  IndianaSolo said:
I'm actually torn on whether I'd like them to be reading the suggestions on this forum and others like it.


In that sense, I'd rather they ignored all these forums and just let the developer do what they're paid to do and what they're good at doing: creating a game that they believe will be the best possible.


I never look at in that way...

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I have a good idea:


Why not habe a big poll with good ideas?

One for Story, on for NPC's, one for planets, etc.

Then Darth333 (or another respected admin) sends a serious e-mail too the developer (or lucasarts) with our ideas. Since we are under the Lucasforums, the mail has a chance of being red.

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That is a good idea, but there is one problem:


What if they pick the crappiest idea that popped up here, although I doubt that any ideas that would be posted out here would be crap, some crap is sure to find itself in that e-mail. Besides, chances that they read any e-mail besides their personal and business mails are 5000000000000:1

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