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Kotor Comic Mod?


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Well, now you've motivated me to try my hand at that. :) When I get home I'm gonna start on one of the PC heads and see what I can come up with. It should be possible, just retexture with solid colors.


If you're dedicated, then nothing should take too much time. ;)

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Actually theoretically if you wanted a "black and white" style mod you would just have to open up abour 1000 or so texture files in PS and change their mode to greyscale so they have no RGB data. Its actually easy to do the modifying but the amount of altering is what will discourage almost everyone <.<

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Thanks for your lovely comment, Lando. Ever read the forum rules?


Now, now, if I wanted something like the Sin City movie, I would've just converted the original textures to grayscale, like The_Maker said. Pretty easy. But like the comic books? I would've just turned my reshaded textures to grayscale and upped the contrast.


Have you ever seen cell-shaded games? That's the look that RED said he wanted to achieve, and I think I did a sort of good job in that. I didn't take the jump into solid black and white because color is sometimes present on the models from the area lights, for example, on Korriban.

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That looks great. I have to admit that when I saw the original idea, my first thought was "why?". I don't normally like that style of graphic, except where it makes sense, like in a game based on a cartoon series. But I'm convinced.


I doubt though it would be feasible. It would take way too much time. Although there is one possibility that could make it faster (don't know how good it would look though.)


If you could make a macro in Photoshop that would open every file in a directory, and posterize it (which drops the color depth to a given amount) that could work. It would be extremely tricky though, because you can't be quite sure how many colors you'd need for any given model. Plus you couldn't be sure which colors it would pick.


Actually, I just found another option. It would do the exact same thing as Photoshop, but you wouldn't need to know how to do Photoshop macros, and it can do all the files at once. There's a program called IrfanView. It's an image viewer, but it has some graphics editing capability. It has a batch conversion option, and under it's advanced options for that, it let's you change color depth.


It's still an interesting idea though. Now I'm curious to see if it goes anywhere.

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That's a very original idea :) It would change the whole "face" of Kotor. I would have never thought of that. I like it!


Lando Griffin: Ever heard of constructive critisicm? Members are welcomed to give their feedback but there is no need for mean comments like "that looks horrible".

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sorry, but what are you tring to make,the character looks like its flat,like paper.


Actually, i think thats kinda' what RJM had in mind...


I was wondering, is there any possible way to do cell shading or have at least the characters done that way, black and white comic book kotor would be awesome, maybe even a noirish story mod?


but i think his thread kinda' got off course a little


i think Rifted's pic looks kinda' cool, looks like it was posterized or a colored chalk filter was applied to it...

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sorry, but what are you tring to make,the character looks like its flat,like paper.


Actually, that's about it. Cell shading is gaining popularity in video games. It's supposed to make the game look like a cartoon. As if it was made the same way that cartoons are - single images of a character painted onto a transparency (called cells), then shot over a background image. (a better definition is found here)


Here's a site with plenty of examples.

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@Rifted, as a cell imitation, THAT LOOKS PERFECT!!! :cool:

LOL it actually looks like all my finished non CS textures *snicker*

Except sadly enough, still better than them:D


I never actually saw Sin City, but that was what I had in mind, that's why I didn't like the greyscale idea, because I'd want to edit every texture for more "grit", not simply black and white.

It would be awesome with this massive story mod I've been writing in my head at work, since it's really dark and sinister.


And yes it is the flat paper stuff, I think there were several comic related games like that, notably the upcoming Spiderman, the best example I can think of is that Joe game for GC.


Thanks D!, I'm not much for execution, but nobody's ever blamed me for not being a dreamer:D

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jus took a look at the screeny, and, man, it looks great. a bit like the typical animés, specially eyes n nose. keep it up, im curious how the game feels, seeing all characters like that :)

just wonderin why u tryin this? i never thought of somthin like that just for the fact that it would take me ages to do it :D

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@jmac, I don't know what that means, but could it work with kotor?


@funsolo, I want to make a story that is in parallel with and darker and more sinister than TSL, kind of what's really happening behind all of these events

(Please don't take my idea everybody:( )


So another question, Has anyone ever used Night vision in Splinter Cell,

the Xbox, because I saw the PS2 and it was crappy green, but is it possible to filter the video somehow to give it a grainier black and white look,

that coupled with textures like Rifted's excellent example above might be close to what I'm trying to achieve.

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