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EA Games lies? Can it be?

ET Warrior

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We're still comparing this really small and compressed video to the high resolution footage we saw a couple of months ago.


Stop trying to fool yourself. Even if it is "small and compressed" it would look almost exactly the same at a higher resolution.

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Looks the same to me.


Here is some comparison:



(Site photo plus resized but not compressed "render")



(Site photo plus resized and compressed "render")


Looks about the same to me, same details, different lighting and angles.


The snow makes it more dramatic. Breath in cold weather games has been around since atleast Madden 2003 (my guess)

Anyone played Topspin? You know how after a play it zooms on your player and it shows his or her sweat (reflective), real time shadows and pixel shaders? Well, that doesnt appear in-game. Its a vanity shot.


What I mean is that the part where the coach is talking to the guy is a vanity shot, where the detail is upped to make it look nice. I think its supposed to do this when you are calling the plays.


When the game resumes, some detail is lost and normal not-as-detailed faces are replaced with the really nice stuff you see in vanity shots to keep the FPS up. Cause 30+ players on screen, you have to tune down one or two settings (self shadowing and detailed faces) and it doesnt matter when they guys are running around '20ft below you'.



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I remember reading that they added some really stupid feature to Tiger Woods 06... but i can't remember what it was.

Thats the problem with bringing out new versions every year, you start running out of real improvements to make and adding stupid unneeded ones.


Can't really see what else you can do with golf games, until the revolution at least.

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