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Maybe I'm just being over-philosophising, but...

Darth InSidious

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It occurs to me that each of the Sith Lords in TSL could represent on of the Four Horsemen, or a mixture of them.


Nihilus would be Famine/Death,

Sion would most likely be War,

and Kreia could represent the Antichrist (what the first horseman is traditionally thought to represent, although some say the first is Pestilence)


Any thoughts?

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Surely the Exile would be death?

Then it would scan;

Kreia - the Antichrist - wants to destroy the force, destroy life in it's entirety, and therefore utterly evil.

Nihilus - Famine - he hungers after all life and feeds on it.

Sion is War - he is the most militant of the three,

the Exile as Death - he brings death to the Jedi regardless of his course of action.....

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I notice there are a lot of Biblical references in Star Wars, I won't say many seeing as how I may offend some people who aren't Christian but one I noticed that was rather obvious is the darkside exile is in someways like the anti christ. I mean think about it, he brings deception and death for 7 years (death of the force), corrupts other's wills (influence anyone? :halo2: )... maybe just a coincidence but if I look things up in Revelations I bet I could find more.



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