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Beta test (no pay subscription required)


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I would like to say this and end this beta topic.


SWBF1 WAS A BETA. They mad a TON OF DOUGH on a beta from Battlefield 1942 and then did there marketing research and WE PAID THEM on this one! I mean seriously, these guys released a beta for 50 bucks that sold for a YEAR strong. They ran there servers like doo doo. I hear there is a new company doing the server admin. Let's hope all that money they got will at least give us better game support. I am not expecting alot more out of this game except new and bigger maps and the flying. I have it for both consoles and although graphics are better on the Xbox, PS2 and PC have better servers. Plus we can host our own games from dedicated servers or PC.


I have no complaints like most about the game in general. We run on PS2 and have clan wars, etc. We have built quite a community out of this. Besides, how many games do you have that are a year or older that you still play religiously? I have 2. SWBF and Socom 2. That's it for me. Now the new releases are out and I will be content for another year.

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no pay subscription requested!



but only 3 slots.. good waiting. :)


to download you need to login with your gamespy account into fileplanet site; if u dont have it, just subscribe to gamespy or fileplanet, the free subscription.


when you have completed the download, you need the key to install - get the key here, it's free:


subscripe free (again) and you will get the key

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if you have gamespy account use that to access the download - then for key code use the link above linked by zerted.


anyway i finished to test this beta right now. what i can say.. this game is outdated, it should have been released in 1999: i dont see any improvements since BF1. The space map is ridicolous.


i am very angry that our money earned with SWBF1 were spent (0,05% of them now i suppose) for such game that will be killed by reviewers and gamers too.

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wth why cant i download it can i have the key where do i get the key. Im confuzed please help


to download you need to login with your gamespy account into fileplanet site; if u dont have it, just subscribe to gamespy or fileplanet, free subscription.


after, you need the key to install - get the key here, it's free:


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