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First game of Knights 2. Should I use Mods?


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I'm finally about to get Knights 2 (yeah, I know, should have got it ages ago, but was playing WoW then and forgot about all other games). I've seen LOADS of mods flying around the fan sites, and I'm wondering if I should play with them for my first play through.

Normally I wouldn't, but with all the incompleteness issues and bugs I think it may be better to play with some mods that fill in gaps and fix bugs.

So what do you think, would my first run though be improved with mods? And which ones?


BTW, I have the latest patch and the official music and movies patches.



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But he's asking us none the less. ;)


I would recommend that you playthrough with no mods the first time, just to get the pure experience. Maybe download the music patch, if anything. When you do play with mods, just sniff around PCGM for stuff you think you'd like.

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Greetings dbd!! Welcome back to Lucas Forums!!


Firstly, dont listen to The Doctor. If you have any questions feel free to ask. Someone will be happy to help.


Secondly, to answer your question, the cut content has not been fixed yet. There are two projects that I am aware of, but they are not complete.

Check out their threads if you like, the links to their sites are therein:

TSL Restoration Project: website up!

[WIP] M4-78 Restoration Project


As for as using mods on the first playthrough, I would say its completely up to you. There are many robe mods and the like, but its really about personal preference if you want to use them the first time through the game.

You may be interested in this, however:

USM Released!!!


Most of the modders here post their mods at http://www.pcgamemods.com , as CaptainSkye mentioned.

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Hello DBD

Im a newbie here at these great forums too, i just found the forums about 3 weeks ago after playing the game about 50 or some odd times without any mods. These guys, gals and angels here are great and have made some great mods, i agree somewhat with those posted above and play once through light or dark side male or female once through with no mods or just a few minor weapons or gear mods. Perhaps evida's peragus gear stuff.

After that id suggest like above the USM and


by Darkkender, It seems to include most all other mods and speaks to the genius of its creator(s) and creation, due to how they maintain compatibility, and while speaking of great mods i really like this one


stoffe's combat sim,


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Welcome dbd!


I say run it un-modded the first time.

If you're not as interested in re-play, or making mods yourself, then dowload all you want but good-luck getting all your mods compatible the first time around. That would be impressive in my mind, and a tribute to the teamwork of the modding community. There are a lot of great mods that won't pose a problem, but there are some great mod combinations that would require some tweaking.

Also, searching the mods available probably exposes you to a lot of spoilers, and/or might not make much sense without knowing the game story-line. Its a gamble to mod first imo.

The real completeness issues haven't been addressed yet, so nothings going to completely soothe the sting of an unfinished game. And bugs/glitches are kinda murphy's law, you probably will experience at least one... if you don't, count yourself lucky.

I'll second Lion's recommendation of the USM, its a biggie but a goodie.

I'm big on re-play variety, so I'd say play it many times with different mod combinations. There are lots of good ideas there... if you like aliens theres lots of playable whatevers, if you like stormtroopers or clones ditto, if you like your droids and want different looks, if you like the benches, if you do/don't like particular charachters there are great 'recruit' mods, etc. etc. etc. ...and the possibilities keep growing. Not to mention putting your own personal touches into the game if you are inspired to do so.

Good luck and above everything... Enjoy!


@doc- Some people do care to help others get the most out of their gaming experience, thats partly why the mod-com exists. If you simply meant that nobody was going to dictate a mod list, I'm sure that was understood. dbd didn't say 'reporting for mod duty'. The request was for recommendations. Your post was unnecessary and inconsiderate. True apathy would not have responded at all. Your use of the word 'us' was a poor attempt at representing the modding community, which I know to be full of generous and helpful people who do genuinely care about the quality of other's gaming experiences.(they are why I purchased the game) Anyone who likes the game (and the mod-com) and wants to see more should encourage increased fan-base.

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dbd, Welcome! :waive1:


Please ignore our forum Doctor as it is obvioulsy one of his days he has missed his meds! :xp:


Like many here I would reccomend clean vanilla playthroughs for the first couple of times, like playing LS or DS/Male or Female then play the opposite alignment/gender next playthrough.


After you play through it a few times to unlock the story as intended then you can start thinking mods! :evil2:

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I would have to say play through once without mods. Get to know the game a little before you start adding mods that change things you may not want changed. Also as CrudeMatter said you may be exposed to unintended spoilers.


But if you absolutely must install one mod I would have to recomend USM ;), but again I would still emphasize playing through mod free the first time. If you enjoy the game most likely you will play through again and the second time you will know the what types of mods you want to use.


@The Doctor, dbd asked for opinions if he should play the first time through with mods and if yes then which ones would be a good addition to the game.

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I agree, play unmodded the first (few =) times. the game has enough replay value on its own, multiplied infinitely by the amounts and types of mods available--so save them for later. I would recommend throwing some of Team Gizka's fixes and tweaks in (they rectify some minor but bothersome issues not covered by the 1.0b patch), but on your first run through the game you probably won't notice the problems anyway.

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I didn't mean to offend anybody or make anyone angry. I should have realized that just because I didn't care whether he used mods doesn't mean that everybody else wouldn't. I apologize.

...it's your decision whether or not to use mods because noone is forcing you

^That is basically what I was trying to say.

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I reccommend playing with the USM, even the first time. It doen't realy change the game, it enrichens it. I wish it was out when I first played TSL. It really is a nice piece of work, all credits to LucasForums finest... :king1:


For the rest I'd use only some fixes like these from the TSL restoration project and maybe the music patch. (depends on the qualty of your sound system)

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Thanks for all the info.

I think I'll just play it without mods the first run through, I was just wondering if there were any standard mods that were almost essential.

I'd rather have a slightly inferior experience than risk being spoiled in my search for mods.

This thread is going to be very usefull when I want to play through for the second time.


Thanks again :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

FWIW, you should definitely install any "mods" that patch game bugs. Several can be found on the Restoration Project site (I recommend them all). I also have a few on my mod page (more cosmetic than anything else).


If there was one mod that I would recommend for your first playthrough, it would be my game balance mod (available on my site). OE has gone on record saying that due to time constraits they purposely made the game too easy. Hardcore mods can rectify that but they don't necessarily address many of the other game balance issues (IMHO).

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Oooh, a balance mod. Nice.

I started playing the game without mods (am about to get my light saber) and I have found the game far too easy, so I'm definitely gonna install your balance mod and finish the game with that. Thanks :)

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the bonuse off useing mods is that it adds to the game for example stops all lightsabers looking same and boreing. The draw back is that youcan sometimes install mods that conflict with each other so you have to be careful sometime.But i agree that you should play throw the game first and then install some mods.

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