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Jedi Robe Option for KOTOR III


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If they finally decide to make KOTOR III, I hope they do something different with the robe option. I loved how the TSL style Jedi robes came into play. However, I think it's time to move up a notch.


I believe that the robes should come in two parts. The torso option is the inner robe, and for the head gear option should be the hood & cape. That way you can also mix the different colors anyway you want. That way you have the option whether or not you want to wear the hooded robe, and that way you can combine the different colors in ways that will fill the individual person's style.

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That's very cool, and it'd be a pretty simle way to improve things without costing a whole lot of engine redevelopment. It's taking the existing system, and making it work better, which is IMHO, exactly the sort of thing they should be doing.


I'd still like to see them improve the cloth, but only because I'm very bad.


I've yet to see a cloth sim in a game that impressed me greatly. It could happen with the next gen consoles, but I don't think it will with the first wave of games. It'll take time for R&D to catch up to the hardware, though less for the XBox, than for the PS3(1).


We're still going to be faking it for some time to come. There were 0 cloth papers at SIGGRAPH and Eurographics this year. That really says something about the state of things.


I would definitely not like to see them spend too much time on engine development -- it's going to take away from time they could be spending on the story. If they just port the engine to the 360 with little or no changes, we won't see any of next gen advantages in the game, but we'll probably get a better story. Conversely, maybe we could get a cloth sim good enough deal with cloth intersections with geometry (it's not THAT hard, and I really got tired of Atton's robe sticking through the back of his chair), but it might take away from the story.


I guess we'll see what they do.


(1) Not intending to start a console war here. They both have their advantages and disadvantages, but the PS3 is farther from conventional architectures, and is going to take more R&D (and probably more misses) before it finds its killer app. I suspect that killer app will blow us all away when it does happen, though :). In any case, looking forward to the process.

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That would be really cool. In the movies each set of robes are different and based on what the wearer wants. If you could have some way to wear a hooded robe, and then take that hood off when you wanted to, like some option on the clothes image, then you could do all kinds of things. You could just wear the robes/tunics, or you could wear the full flowing robe.


I hope that you can customize them in everything. Color, underlay, overlay, material, special parts of it that could give you regenerative ability, types of upgrades that give you more strength; stuff that makes the robes your own personal Jedi Armor, yet light and not force-power-restricting.

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I am not sure I like the idea of many parts robes (or armor or whatever). Right now I am playing Neverwinter Nights. All items have several parts. For instance a simple sword has three parts. I can see where it could make it pretty difficult for us modders. Something like that may have to end up like NWN where you have to mod the module in order to mod the item. There is no simple extration tool. like Fred Tetras KOTOR Tool, for the particular files say .UTI and .GUI and change them around and stuff them into your override folder and *POOF* you have a new item (Fred Tetra Help Me! LOL). I realize that it would make it more interesting for console users, but us PC users/modders are an important consideration also.

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It affects mostly you. I understand that it might mean less mods for PC but that doesn't mean PC users, in general, are instantly penalized. A lot of PC KotOR players don't use mods and never have.




While it would affect me, it doesn't mostly affect me. I am just one person. There is a whole modding community out there.

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Honestly I don't really care about the robes and items, they could stay as-is and I would have no problems...


They need to focus on making a complete storyline, many play options, including say differing LS and DS storylines, fully fleshed out NPC's who are interesting to speak to and have more of them than availalble slots so you cannot recruit all of them in one or two games, and all the other play and replay factors of the game first, before adding such eyecandy as customisable robes and sabers, is really low on the wanted list for me.


While I like the idea, it just would take the back seat priority wise.

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I can see where it could make it pretty difficult for us modders.
But to a large extent this kind of thing is the sort of mod people want to make. If there are more options like this were the player can get what they want, then there is less need to mod, which is a good thing IMO.
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Honestly I don't really care about the robes and items, they could stay as-is and I would have no problems...


They need to focus on making a complete storyline, many play options, including say differing LS and DS storylines, fully fleshed out NPC's who are interesting to speak to and have more of them than availalble slots so you cannot recruit all of them in one or two games, and all the other play and replay factors of the game first, before adding such eyecandy as customisable robes and sabers, is really low on the wanted list for me.




I agree but to some extent I would like to see robes that better reflect what you see in the original movies. TSL came close to it but I agree on a complete story plot that differs from the gameplay of KOTOR and TSL. :racer::syoda:

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My only concern with the robe will be realism. And I don't mean better meshes or higher res textures but consistent folds and overlapping pieces of cloth. The tabbard-like drape on the padawan robes in TSL was cool, but where in the hell did they come from. And why did left overlap right above the belt, but vice versa below the belt? The master robes weren't much better, and don't even get me started on the K1 robes. If they want to improve the robes in K3, they could start by using a reference.

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ok im no modder and i dont pretend to be but achilles yopur idea has inspired me to make a suggestion about the robes ok now bear with me on this, i am sure everyone here has played kotor1 well in that game and i think it was also available in tsl there was a mandorlorian armour that covered you from head to toe helmet and all now cross that idea with a robe and mask and you could be onto a winner but i could also be very embarrissingly wrong


however all this arguing reminds me of something mark hammil said in the documentory 'empire of dreams' aparently in the making of star wars a memo went out from fox (i think) because they were worried about the fact that the wookie had no pants


of all the things to be worried about lol


my point being yes achilles i agree realistic robes would be nice, but if they spend to much time on that than the actual gameplay and plot then i'm sure you know exactly were the devs can stick their robes lol

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I think it's a pretty good idea, but they have to make it easy to do or people will get sick of it.


And I agree with Achilles, they should just look at some references from the movie robes for starters. I love how they do the movie robes and don't know why they just don't do that for the game.

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my point being yes achilles i agree realistic robes would be nice, but if they spend to much time on that than the actual gameplay and plot then i'm sure you know exactly were the devs can stick their robes lol
*shrug* They have to skin the robes anyway. It's not like it's going to take them that much time to do it right.
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My only concern with the robe will be realism. And I don't mean better meshes or higher res textures but consistent folds and overlapping pieces of cloth. The tabbard-like drape on the padawan robes in TSL was cool, but where in the hell did they come from. And why did left overlap right above the belt, but vice versa below the belt? The master robes weren't much better, and don't even get me started on the K1 robes. If they want to improve the robes in K3, they could start by using a reference.


I agree that the KotOR robes were awful. I did like the TSL robes. Yes they looked different than in the movies, but it was 4,000 years before the Star Wars Saga. Styles of clothes would be changing all the time. Especially over the next 4,000 years.

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I agree that the KotOR robes were awful. I did like the TSL robes. Yes they looked different than in the movies, but it was 4,000 years before the Star Wars Saga. Styles of clothes would be changing all the time. Especially over the next 4,000 years.
Did you even read my post? Where did mention the movies or the movie robes?
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Did you even read my post? Where did mention the movies or the movie robes?


I sure did. Let me quote some things by you that suggest you are talking about the movies.



My only concern with the robe will be realism.


What do you think that tells me?



And I don't mean better meshes or higher res textures but consistent folds and overlapping pieces of cloth. The tabbard-like drape on the padawan robes in TSL was cool, but where in the hell did they come from. And why did left overlap right above the belt, but vice versa below the belt? The master robes weren't much better


What are you basing this off of if it isn't from the movies?

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