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Jedi Knights: Masters of the Force


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The fight between Gavin and Ragnos continued, but slowly, Ragnos began to gain the upper hand. The fight ranged all over the ship with both the borderline Jedi and the Sith Lord cutting down the soldiers in their way. The third time they reached the bridge during their fight, Ragnos managed to destroy one of Gavin's green lightsabers, but Gavin scarcely paused.


The destruction of one of his sabers allowed Gavin to focus his attacks more directly. He fought with mostly fast blows, but when able, he struck Ragnos as hard as he could. Both of them were beginning to tire.


"You don't give up, do you boy?" Ragnos smirked. "You'd make an excellent addition to the Sith."


"I don't give up after what you did to my sister," Gavin snapped. "And I'd never join you!"


"You almost already have," Ragnos laughed. This brought Gavin to an abrupt halt.


"No," he said as he stood there with his green saber held out in front of him, ready for anything. "No."


"Then you die," Ragnos hissed. He raised his saber high overhead, and brought it down hard toward Gavin's head. Gavin's saber lifted to block the blow and was nearly knocked away. Yet, Gavin managed to hold onto it. Ragnos pressed harder and Gavin broke the lock, backflipping away from the fight and turning to run.


"Coward!" Ragnos screamed after him, chasing him. Soon, Gavin found himself in a dead end. Ragnos still came on. As Ragnos drew closer, Gavin used the wall and propelled himself over Ragnos' head. Ragnos turned and aimed a powerful blow at Gavin's head. Gavin blocked it, but his arms were weakening. Before he could do anything, Ragnos kicked him. Hard. He went flying and hit the ground. His lightsaber clattered away unlit.


"It's over, boy," Ragnos hissed in delight. "You've lost."


He walked slowly over to Gavin and raised his saber high over the gasping boy. But something didn't feel right. He tried to dismiss the feeling and brought his saber down toward the defenseless boy. And suddenly, he understood what was wrong. A dazzling violet blade blocked his strike and then beheaded him in his astonishment.


Headless, Ragnos collapsed, his lightsaber still grasped tightly in his hand. Behind him, Briana held her lightsaber, still light and stared at her brother. Then, she too collapsed.


Gavin groaned and got up, moving over to his sister. He reached into the Force and felt her injuries. They were paining her.


"I've got you," he murmured. "You're alright."


"Not..." she gasped. He put a finger on her lips.


"Ssh," he said. "You will be alright."


With that, he focused what little energy he had left to heal her.


Fully exhausted, the Starr twins rested on the floor of a corridor in the dead Sith Lord's ship.

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Strider nodded, taking out his lightsaber hilt. "Let's not spare another moment," he agreed.


As they headed to the Senate chambers, he said to Junk-Kai, I know what you speak of Juhn-Kai, as I sought Revan myself when I was in the Unknown Regions, although I'm sure it was far after you did. The True Sith caught me snooping around too much, and it was before long that the Sith Hunter was being hunted. I managed to defeat the ones that I faced off with one on one, but there were times when I was paired off against several at once, they are truly far more ruthless and powerful than these Sith Lords and Dark Jedi."


Although he told Juhn-Kai this, there was something else about the True Sith he learned that he didn't say anything about. He got ready to activate his lightsaber as they neared the Senate room. Deep down inside was a curdling fear of the enemy to come, knowing full well of the evil potential of the True Sith.

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Juhn-Kai ran with Strider.


- "I know what you mean, even as experienced as I was when I fought them I barely managed to walk away with my life. If Xendor or any of the others contact the True Sith, there will be a war that I'm not sure that we will win" - Juhn-Kai said as the moved closer to the Senate Chambers.


Inside they walked in to the office of the Chancellor, the one in which Yoda and Sidious had their encounter, they had finally found who they were looking for.

There were two men. One of them had untidy black hair. and a scar on his left cheek, it was Val-Kan. The other was Xendor, an intimidating man.


- "Juhn-Kai, we meet again old friend...or should I call you Morbious" - Val-Kan said.


- "Morbious is dead...I showed you that in the destruction of Kylia, where you died" - Juhn-Kai said.


- "But here we are, now we will face off in the great capital of the Republic...the one we defended and created so long ago" - Val-Kan said.


- "So this is what has come to? Reving you to do the dirty work? Two ancient Sith, the most powerful of the old times, reduced to hired muscle, while others go to contact your kind in the Unknow Regions" - Juhn-Kai said.


- "We knew Strider was here, they needed someone powerful enough to match him, so they brought me back, but when we knew of your involvement we rescued the sample of Val-Kan's blood to bring him back to kill you while I tend to Strider" - Xendor said.


- "We defeated you once...we shall do it again" - Juhn-Kai said.


((Flamehart feel free to control Xendor while you fight him))

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"We can't lay here forever," Gavin finally said, sitting up. Briana blinked and nodded. She sat up as well.


"Thanks for saving my life, Gavin," she said quietly. Gavin smiled.


"Thanks for saving mine, Briana," he answered. He got up slowly. "Come on. Let's take over this ship... give the Jedi Masters something to take a look at."


"Think we can do it?" Briana wondered. Gavin grinned.


"With your tech abilities and my people skills, we've got all bases covered," he answered. "I'll just convince the standing bridge crew that Ragnos put us in charge. They won't question it and when they land the thing, we'll lock them up."


"Sounds good to me," Briana said with a smile. "Let's go."


Gavin helped his sister to her feet and, after they had tossed Ragnos' head and body into the astromech storage, they made their way toward the bridge.

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The alarms woke Sawyer up. When he opened his eyes he was almost blinded by the lights of coruscant, and the building he was about to crash into


"SITHSPAWN!" he cursed, he twisted the flightstick downwards, forcing the ship up. The ship's tail hit the building and the ship began tilting back downwards. With all his strength Sawyer controlled the crash. He looked around for a place to crash-land.


There was only one: The jedi temple.

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Strider smiled, "How generous, nice to know the Sith still keep me in high regard even after I devastated them while I was one. I was half afraid I'd be facing off against another half-witted, incompetant opponent." He ignited his lightsaber, the blue blade glowing.


Xendor turned on his blade as well, growling at him. He lept forward at Strider and struck with his blade. Strider brought it up swiftly and blocked and countered in the blink of an eye. Strider wasn't wasting any time, and Xendor saw this. He blocked the blow and pushed hard, knocking Strider's arm aside in an attempt to leave him open and struck again.


His push did work, however Strider's blade met Xendor's regardless. Xendor blinked. He struck again, and again, and again, all from different directions. Strider stepped back with each strike, his blade easily meeting each one with incredible speed. Xendor growled and struck with strong blows, attempting to knock Strider off balance.


Strider did indeed stumble, and turned his back to Xendor while trying to regain it. Xendor drew his blade back and swung, attempting to deliver a finishing blow.


But once again, his blade met Strider's blue. Strider whirled around, bringing his lightsaber back to in front of him. Xendor couldn't understand how Strider simply moved this fast. Then again, he never really knew Strider's combat efficiency, and had never seen a Jedi have such skill.


He began to get furious, and struck many a time, his blade moving in a bright blur. Strider blocked a few, then flipped overhead, striking at him from behind. Xendor whirled and managed to block it, then continued his flurry. Strider backed up while blocking each blow with incredible finesse. When their sabers locked, Strider moved close and kicked his right shin, then hooked his foot around his left leg and jerked back, sending Xendor to the ground. He put his lightsaber to his neck.


Xendor was confused. His melee move was so fast he didn't even see Strider pull it off. "How do you move so fast?" he asked, trying to stall him.


Strider shrugged, "Lots and lots of practice, and a very good master," he answered. Xendor suddenly thrust his hand forward and Force Pushed Strider back. Strider regained his ground about 8 meters back, and Xendor got to his feet. They rushed at each other and fought fiercely. Xendor was now more focused, now that he knew what kind of performance to expect from Strider, and began attacking him more focused.


Strider could see Xendor's full potential coming out, and began kicking it up a notch to keep up. This fight would be more difficult than he had originally anticipated.

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The battle went on and on. Xendor gritted his teeth, pushing himself to the edge, thinking he truly had Strider on his last limb. "Getting tired yet Flamehart? C'mon, put all your effort into this, you Jedi."


Strider's blue eyes seemed to grow a bit of fire in them, and he smirked, "Do you really want me to put all my effort, Xendor?"


Xendor growled and struck again, "Your full potential isn't strong enough, and even if it is, it'll be too late by the time you're through with me!"


Strider blocked, then nodded, "So be it then, your death will be quick and painless," he replied without emotion. He pushed back, knocking Xendor a few feet back. He closed his eyes, and beckoned for Xendor to attack.


Xendor growled at this taunt, and rushed forward, swinging as rapidly as he could, only to find every single strike blocked in an amazing blue blur. Strider's lightsaber seemed to be there way before his blade even made it there, every time. He growled in anger and struck again and again. Strider continued blocking, and even began advancing, striking every now and then in a very sudden and swift move. Xendor had trouble blocking, and usually stumbling back after each block.


Suddenly, Xendor stumbled forward instead, feeling a harsh force on his back, and was forced to roll on the ground and turn around while standing back up. Strider was behind him. "How?!" he wondered out loud furiously. Strider suddenly vanished in front of him. He predicted it this time, and whirled around just in time to block a strike from Strider's lightsaber. Strider vanished again. Xendor again predicted it, but barely. This continued again and again, Strider moving so swiftly with the Force his body was a lightning-like blur. Xendor was barely able to keep up, blocking the attacks barely enough to be able to turn and react to the next. He turned his head to the right, thinking the next attack would come from there.


Suddenly, Xendor let out a loud shout of pain. He looked forward to find Strider directly in front of him, his blue lightsaber blade impaled through his chest. Strider's penetrating blue eyes were staring right at Xendor. "You Sith make the mistake of thinking that you are above the Force...that you rule it..The Jedi however, are far smarter. They treat the Force as their ally, their equal. That is why we get much more positive results than the Sith. I'm sure the Force likes being treated well, rather than dominated by a fool who doesn't understand it's potential."


Xendor let out one last growl of anger, Strider withdrew his lightsaber and Force Pushed Xendor's body back into a wall, the Sith Lord now dead. He turned to see Juhn-Kai's progress with his opponent.

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Juhn-Kai and Val-Kan has seen Strider and Xendor fight for a moment then they turned to each other.


- “It was a mistake Val-Kan…you coming back…you know it” – Juhn-Kai said.


- “Well…you know me…It was curious how you always seemed to form partnerships with really strong Jedi, Strider is really powerful…I’m just disappointed I didn’t get to meet him to take him under my wing” – Val-Kan said.


- “He would’ve never followed you…besides…you weren’t much of a teacher” – Juhn-Kai said.


Val-Kan smirked and then laughed for a moment.

- “Yes...you’re right…the one who studied the darkside was you…yet you turned from it…but we spoke of this thousands of years ago…for now…let us dance” – Val-Kan said taking of his cloak and revealing his four mechanical arms, igniting a black saber in each hand.


Juhn-Kai used the force to join his twin staffs to form the cross-saber and ignited the four white blades.


- “Your move…old friend” – Juhn-Kai said.


Val-Kan charged at Juhn-Kai spinning his sabers and slashing at him at the same time. Juhn-Kai blocked twirling his cross-saber around his body in an elegant dance often turning of a blade to maneuver the saber around him. Val-Kan attempted to use the force to throw Juhn-Kai of balance, but he only managed to get Juhn-Kai to cut two of Val-Kan’s hands.


- “Now we fight….to the death!” – Val-Kan shouted and charged again.


Juhn-Kai turned of two blades and separated the cross-saber two hold only two sabers in his hands like Val-Kan. Val-Kan jumped high in the air holding his saber downwards to thrust it on Juhn-Kai. Juhn-Kai only closed his eyes, held out his hand and gave Val-Kan a very powerful force push that sent Val-Kan crashing through the ceiling shield of the office and crashed on the dome of the Senate chambers, he fell down to one of the modules and landed softly on it. The ceiling shields opened and Juhn-Kai levitated in the air landing on the other side of the senate chambers, opposite to Val-Kan.


- “Cheap tricks Juhn-Kai” – Val-Kan said.


- “You disrespect me first with that stunt you pulled hence the throw” – Juhn-Kai said.


Val-Kan growled and leapt forward in the air and Juhn-Kai did the same, they met in midair and fought a moment, then landed on the opposite side from where they leapt. Val-Kan was angry, but this time Juhn-Kai was calm, he had learned from their past encounter not to use his anger. Val-Kan began to increase his power, rays of red light surrounded his body. Juhn-Kai began to do the same, their kind had the ability to increase their power in the force, but since they had become Jedi, they were the only ones capable of harnessing it. Juhn-Kai’s body was surrounded by white and gold rays of light, they leapt once again and began fighting, Val-Kan’s blade had scratched Juhn-Kai’s left arm and in retaliation Juhn-Kai pierced Val-Kan’s shoulder. Val-Kan held in his pain, his power allowed him to shun his pain, he had learned only to feed through anger. Val-Kan lept once more and attempted to cut Juhn-Kai’s head, but Juhn-Kai moved in a blur and sliced him in half. Val-Kan fell on a senate module and his body thorax separated from his legs, this time he screamed in pain. Juhn-Kai jumped over to him and looked down at him.


- “I will return Juhn….one day” – Val-Kan said.


Juhn-Kai lifted his arms and in one fell swoop, he cut Val-Kan’s head. He was now dead. Juhn-Kai sighed. It was the second time he had to face his best friend. He had never been able to put their first battle behind him. Now it was worse. Juhn-Kai turned to Strider who was looking at him.


- “It’s over here” – Juhn-Kai said.




- “Sawyer, we’re moving inside the temple, Sidious and Plagueis along with other sith are waiting for us” – Luke said.


- “Hurry up…here they come” – Kyle said.


Several biomechs came running to them with their sabers ignited. Lyla started fighting them as well as the others.


- “Sawyer, Look for Sidious, Luke and Lyla will go for Plagueis” – Mara said.

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Strider took in a breath and let it out. He was rather tired from the fight, he didn't normally use his full potential, no matter how weak his opponent, because it had a draining effect on him. He would gain back his energy fast though, he always did. He hooked his lightsaber back onto his belt.


"He was your friend, wasn't he?" Strider inquired. "I'm sorry, I know how it is. I too felled my best friend in a duel, the only difference in that case was, I was on the wrong side when it happened, I live with that guilt to this day," he said, sighing and turning away. "Alright, where to now? We can always go help clear the way to Sidious and Plagueis for the others, unless you have a plan to work on for the True Sith."

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Juhn-Kai sighed.


Suddenly a voice was heard.


"At last the ritual is complete...We are free...Revan was wise to imprison us...now his failure is complete! The True Sith Empire is not confined in the Unknow Regions anymore...we will rise up against the Republic...and the Jedi...I must say I am disappointed that Juhn-Kai Ryu remained a Jedi...But not even you or Flamehart will ever stop the darkness that is to come...we shall rise against the Republic and our power will prevail over any force in the Universe!"


- "You Sith never learned...I escaped you once when I should have destroyed you" - Juhn-Kai said.


"Yes, but we have multiplied since then...think about it Kai Ryu, it has been more than 15 thousand years, our numbers are greater than any army you could amass with the Jedi"


- "We'll see...we found a way before...we will find a way again" - Juhn-Kai said.


"We hope to see you both soon, I hope that this time you'll see the light and join us Flamehart...a man with your potential is wasted on such weak teachings"

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Strider chuckled, "What makes you think I've gotten any smarter since you last caught me? I'll give you props, the Sith have a truly astounding method of torture, but you still couldn't get anything out of me," he scoffed.


"Ironic you refer to it as "seeing the light," when you are part of the dark," he added with a smirk. "I figure I might as well get my jokes out now while I can, because you won't be around to hear them when you fall," he said.


Strider looked at Juhn-Kai and finished, "He's right, we found a way before. We can do it again, and this time, we've got plenty powerful Jedi to fight back with."

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- "Yes, I hope you remember our faces...because when we meet...they will be the last you'll see" - Juhn-Kai said.


The voice laughed.


"I doubt that...see you soon"


- "Then let's go to help the others, if what I felt from here up at the ship is correct, then there are more Reborn troops here than our friends know" - Juhn-Kai said.

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The ship that had once been commanded by Marka Ragnos came out of hyperspace over Coruscant and Briana was already hailing the New Republic.


"New Republic, don't shoot," she called. "We are Gavin and Briana Starr, Jedi Knights. Repeat. Don't shoot. We are Gavin and Briana Starr, Jedi Knights."


"What sort of ship have you got there, Jedi?" the New Republic rep wanted to know. "Like nothing I've ever seen before."


"Long story," Briana answered. "Give us clearance to land and we'll let you look at it and take charge of its crew. There are something like 100 soldiers remaining alive."


"Restrained 100 soldiers?" the rep exclaimed. "Jedi are better than I thought."


"They're currently under my brother's mind control," Briana told him. "Under Gavin's control, they'll surrender to you. Until you are sure you have them under control, he'll keep them under his."


"That's good news," the rep said. "Permission to land."


Briana grinned. Now came her part. Landing something this big wouldn't be easy, but once she established communication with the ship, it should be easy.

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Plagueis was looking down from a window to the city of Coruscant.


- "What a pathetic world, I sense the others are dead...good...that finishes the ritual, but I'll give them something to be entertained" - Plagueis said and lifted his arm over his head.


Suddenly he created several men in the room, powerful in the dark side.


- "Go my faithful servants, keep the Jedi busy, they will suffer at last, the wrath of the Sith" - Plagueis said.


All the Sith in the room left and Lyla and Luke walked in.


- "We meet at last Plagueis" - Luke said.


- "Skywalker...is it? I've been looking forward to meet Yoda's most precious student" - Plagueis said.


- "Well now you know him, now surrender or suffer the consequences" - Lyla said.


Plagueis lifted up his arms, several copies of himself, six in total were now in the room, facing Luke and Lyla.


- "We will face off in my rules...I was never much good at comabat...I prefer a more subtle approach...the force!" - Plagueis said and all of his copies released lightining from their fingertips. Lyla blocked the rays with her lightsabers and Luke used his hands concentrating on holding the energy to send it back.


- "Very good Skywalker...I see the Jedi trained you well" - Plagueis said stoopping the lightning. Luke supressed the energy in his hands and then took out his saber.


- "Stand down Plagueis...you need not die" - Luke said.


- "Words of redemption...is that what you offer me?" - Plagueis said.


- "No one is beyond redemption Plagueis...not even you" - Luke said.


Plagueis smiled.


- "No Skywalker...Redemption is somthing I don't want...but death is of no importance to me, only knowledge and Power...that is why I've brought you someone who shares my hunger for power and will fight your allies...Darth Nihilus...he will keep Strider Flamehart and Juhn-Kai Ryu busy...if he can...he will feed from their power and then he will kill himself to give power back to the True Sith...making them invincible" - Plagueis said.


- "I will stop you...I must" - Luke said and charged against Plagueis who's saber lifted in the air and started fighting Luke, the saber moved only with the power of Plagueis. Lyla fought the other copies who did the same as the original, keeping their sabers ignited and hovering in the air defending Plagueis.

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"Glad to see you weren't lying," a New Republic soldier told Briana. "There are at least 100 of these guys and they all look drugged."


"Mind control," Briana smiled, glancing back at Gavin. He was floating on his back in midair. This way, Briana was moving him and he could focus on keeping all 100 men under his control.


"It's his doing?" the soldier asked in a hushed voice as if trying to avoid 'waking' the Jedi.


"Are they all under your control?" Gavin asked quietly, alerting the soldier to the fact that he was not actually sleeping. The soldier looked around and nodded.


"Yes, sir," he answered. Gavin's eyes opened. Briana released her hold on him and he dropped to his feet.


"Good," he said. "They're under your control now. We'd best get going."


"Gavin!" Briana exclaimed. Gavin wheeled and saw several darkly clad men rushing toward them.


"Who are these creeps?" Gavin murmured. He drew his lightsaber and Briana did the same.


"Get these prisoners out of here!" Briana shouted to the soldiers.


((The men that are attacking Gavin and Briana are the ones Plagueis created and sent out.))

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The men leapt in the air and started shooting lighting towards Briana and Gavin, some of them drew their sabers and prepared to attack the Twins, these men were more powerful than the biomechs, they had force powers.




Juhn-Kai looked at Strider, he suddenly felt a hunger, a great hunger with the desperate need to feed.


- "I sense it too, and if it is who I think it is, we must be careful, his hunger will know no bounds" - Juhn-Kai said as he ran next to Strider.


A man was facing the upper part of the city with a white and red mask, making inhuman sounds. Suddenly a whisper.



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Gavin smirked as he and Briana rolled opposite ways to avoid the lightning. "Gotta love a challenge..."


Within seconds, the men were directly between the Starr twins and Briana yelled, "Now!"


The twins leapt, coming together on a narrow walkway between two buildings.


"If they're eager," Gavin said quietly, feeling for the connection he had with Briana.


"They'll knock some of their numbers off," Briana finished for him. Two men were knocked off in the eagerness of the strange men to attack Briana and Gavin. The rest, attacked carefully. Two were knocked off balance and fell. Then, most of the men backed away while two moved forward to engage the twins in saber combat.

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Strider turned to face Juhn-Kai. "...Nihilus..." he said in a low tone. "Blast, I was hoping they wouldn't revive him... Let's just say a run-in with him in the past wasn't exactly the best fight I've ever had against a Sith," he explained, gripping his lightsaber hilt. "We have to take him out," he stated.

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- "Alright, be careful with his force absorve...he'll draw power from us if we give him the chance" - Juhn-Kai said.


Juhn-Kai faced Nihilus, but did not take his saber out, Nihilus on the other hand took out his and charged at him, Juhn-Kai evaded the sith's blade and put his hand on the sith's stomach, with a blinding white light he sent Nihilus crashing back into the wall. Now Juhn-Kai took one saber out and turned to face Strider.


- "We'll just have to draw his power out until his hunger consumes him" - Juhn-Kai said.


Nihilus got up and this time he charged at Strider.

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Strider shrugged, "I have a rather simple plan," he said, looking at Juhn-Kai. He turned to face Nihilus and dodged his strike with his lightsaber, then planted his knee into Nihilus' gut, then struck him in the face with his fist, sending him right back to where he was before. He looked back at Juhn-Kai, "I simply just won't use the Force," he finished. "He cannot feed off what is not exerted," he said with a smirk.

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- "Sounds like an idea, then let's get him" - Juhn-Kai said.


Nihilus came back and started fighting both Juhn-Kai and Strider, Juhn-Kai blocked his swings easily and using his strength he broke through Nihilus' defense and left him open infront of Strider.

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