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Top Ten KOTOR 1 Mods


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*Updated List*


1. Redhawke's ORD Mandell

2. Redhawke's Weebul and Utinii's shop

3. Redhawke's Rodian Elder Merchant

4. Darth333's EZ Swoop Racing

5. Darth333's Deadeye on Manaan (that was just plain funny! and good for an LS point)

6. Darth333's Kill Yuka Laka Mod

7. Grif Vindh's Roleplay Padawan Mod (Based off Achille's Padawan Mod)

8. Daebryn's Jedi Investigator Robes

9. Shimaon's Enhanced Sith Lightsaber

10. Redhawke's Sith Tomb Items

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  FiEND_138 said:
LS 6 Pack

Neequams Robes

Ord Mandell

D333's party Mods

Selkath Relief Mod



Probably more, just cant remember what all use'd to be in the override.


@ staffsaberist & The Doctor.... There is a PM function to avoid moderator wrath for posting questionable links you know...


*Laughs at the flood of PM's the Doc's going to find in his box from hard up kids wanting to see pixilated boobies*




*EDIT* @ Hawke; Fixed * ;)


I've gotten so many that whenever I get them I delete them. I don't eve read them. I shouldn't have mentioned it...

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Anyways, I love the ORD Mandell Mod. It is really tough though, especially since my really powerful character can't seem to go to it, the only one that can is a really weak female character who is still on her first planet. Needless to say, I got slaughtered by Mr. Happy and those Exchange thugs. The only one I was able to kill normally was the Wookiee, I used Force Whirlwind. Other than that, I was killed by the others, along with those droids.

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  RobQel-Droma said:
Anyways, I love the ORD Mandell Mod. It is really tough though, especially since my really powerful character can't seem to go to it, the only one that can is a really weak female character who is still on her first planet. Needless to say, I got slaughtered by Mr. Happy and those Exchange thugs. The only one I was able to kill normally was the Wookiee, I used Force Whirlwind. Other than that, I was killed by the others, along with those droids.

Yup, I made it hard but the rewards are worthwhile, you leave with a ton of expensive stuff so essentially you are rich! :D


  TreeX said:
True, those guys are tough... Well maybe not Mr. Happy as I easily beat ze crap outta him he nearly killed Bastila tho ^_^.

He He He! :xp:


Mr. Happy Note: Mr. Happy originally was my circle of freinds name for the Cyberdemon in Doom & Doom II, we would use the Doom Control Center and make 50% of the placeables on the various maps weapons and armor and the other 50% Monsters (half of them set to Cyberdemons) then I would irritate one and get him to follow me and lead him to where the others were having a fragfest, usually blurting out as I sprint by "Here's Mr. Happy!", then he would rocket them to death... Good Times!

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Shamelessposer made the recruit mod I requested, so I MUST update this list!!! :D

It's not completely finished yet from what i understand, so I haven't dl-ed it yet. Check under "Republic Soldier Recruit Mod" in the mod requests forum


*Updated List*


1. Shamelessposer's Republic Soldier Recruit Mod

2. Redhawke's ORD Mandell

3. Redhawke's Weebul and Utinii's shop

4. Redhawke's Rodian Elder Merchant

5. Daebryn's Jedi Investigator Robes

6. Darth333's EZ Swoop Racing

7. Darth333's Deadeye on Manaan (that was just plain funny! and good for an LS point)

8. Darth333's Kill Yuka Laka Mod

9. Grif Vindh's Roleplay Padawan Mod (Based off Achille's Padawan Mod)

10. Shimaon's Enhanced Sith Lightsaber


11. Redhawke's Sith Tomb Items

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Let's see:


1. Talchia's Padawan Mod / a mod that made your character only "force sensitive" (forgot the name), so you had force powers from the beginning, but no lightsabers or robes

2. Talchia's Hardcore Mod

3. Darth333's Deadeye Duncan on Manaan

4. Darth333's Selkath Door Relief mod

5. A mod (also forgot the name) for the "neutral" ending for females (that one were you turn evil on the Unknown world but die together with Carth on the Starforge)

6. Shimaon's Enhanced Sith Saber which evolved with his permission to my updated version of it

7. T7nowhere's Revan's Mask Plus + mod

8. The mod for tk102's birthday

9. A couple of new robes / reskins for robes

10. Some new sabers

11. My own recruitment mod (ok, that doesn't really count) ;)

... and some more.


This thread reminds me that I never played Redhawke's ORD Mandell Mod although I downloaded it at that time ... :confused: I guess I need to do that before Oblivion comes out. :D

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I wouldn't call this a top 10 list of mods but this is what I normally have in my override folder:


A customized version of Lil'Jawa's Revan Reincarnate mod

Talchia's hardcore mod

Most of svösh's skins and models

T7nowhere's Revan's mask +

T7nowhere's Bastila on Korriban

Tanesh's Mekel recruitment mod (the best one IMHO)

Some of Seprithro's mods, including the Jedi Battle armor

And the rest are from me:

EZ swoop racing ( I really hate to loose time on swoop racing)

AIOFPM (the version which includes Beancounter's Blaster balance pack)

Deadeye Duncan on Manaan

Selkath Door Relief mod (necessary to preserve my sanity)

Kill Yuka Laka mod



  Tanesh said:

I guess I need to do that before Oblivion comes out. :D

You have time: Oblivion's release has been postponed to February 2006 :( (but I prefer a delay than getting a bugged game )

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  Darth333 said:
Tanesh's Mekel recruitment mod (the best one IMHO)

You think so? :blush2: Wow, thank you. :)


You have time: Oblivion's release has been postponed to February 2006 :( (but I prefer a delay than getting a bugged game )

Yes, I heard that. I also prefer to wait a bit longer instead receiving an unfinished game (I wish they'd done the same with TSL). And I can ask to get Oblivion as a birthday present. ;) But until February, I want to finish my actual game of Baldurs Gate SoA and ToB, finish a new Morrowind mod, want to play X3: Reunion and maybe Battlefront 2 and Black & White 2, although I'm quite sure that I don't manage to do all of that because my studies require some time, too. :p

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I have one that I like, although I didn't think it was the best. It was "Tomb of Jesset Dal-Kast" or something by somebody. I have a few problems with it though. For some reason, when I enter the hologram or vision of the Ebon Hawk, and

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There is a problem with T3 and HK. The rest are just really hard, and I won't go through it on this playthrough because I am like level 13 (I went to Korriban second because I wanted to see Yuthura and Kel on Dantooine). But anyways, about T3 and HK. I can't kill them! They are invincible and nothing I do hurts them! I even cheated to get the "Insta-Kill Pistol" (Special Properties: Instant Kill, DC 100 :D), but it doesn't do anything to them!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Heres mine


1.Shameless's Remix mod.It makes the overall experience more enjoyable(to me)but I can't find the Robe Salesmen...

2.Talchia's Padawan Mod.I LOVE THIS MOD

3.Prime's Stormtrooper Mod.IMO the Sith Trooper voices fit Stormtroopers more.This goes with...

4.I don't know who wrote it(the file is FINAL PROJECT)but it changes Blaster Rifles to the Stormtroopers' blaster,and the Sith Aussault gun to the Clones' blaster.THIS goes with...

5.Shem's Classic Blaster Sounds.The blaster sounds are replaced with those from the Trilogy.with these 3 I can pretty much completely change Sith Troopers into Stormtroopers :)

6.Prime's New Jedi Robes mod.It has 5 .zip files in it,and each contain files for replacing one of the four robes with the look of:Mace Windu's robes,Qui-Gon's robes,Obi's robes,Anakin's robes,or two custom made ones for LS or DS.One file is for white/asian models and the other is for black models.

7.Dark Heads mod.Dunno who made it,but it gives most(but not all)of the male heads a new DS feature(unique to each head)when you get about 9/10 DS mastery.

8.Colja's Hilt mod.It replaces the single saber hilt with a cooler looking one.

9.Xavier3's Jango Fett armour,helmet:jango:,and Westar 34 blaster(3 different mods)these look awesome and are really good too(I got two Westar 34's with 4-17 EACH after fully upgrading)

10.Voyager 763's Sith Launcher.It looks so much cooler then the regular launcer

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Umm....Override contents (that I remember...)


ORD Mandell

RH's item pack

Manaan door relief


one of t7's mods (I think, though I'm not sure which),

reskinned dblsbr hilts by Achilles

sabre seven-pack (the one with RH's sabre in -can't remember the exact name)

T7's Sith War Sword

Mav's mod shop (plus all the mods needed for it)

Ebon Hawk basement

Sabre forms for K1,

Achilles' Jedi Council sabres

RH's Verpine Reflec Armour

JdNoa's DSF alternate ending restoration

D333's Deadeye Duncan on Manaan

Holowan Spire


Errr...think that's all of them :)

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