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Darth Malak - IMPROVED


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Title: Darth Malak - IMPROVED

Author: Shem

Date Released: 10/27/05


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Description: Is Darth Malak just getting too easy? If think so, then this mod is for you. If Darth Malak is just right or still too hard, I would not download this mod yet. It's pretty easy to guess by the title of this mod that Darth Malak is going to be a tougher opponent. How I did it is your question? Well, here is your answer.


Darth Malak in default has these stats (for those who didn't know).

Strength 29

Dexterity 18

Constitution 23

Intelligence 15

Wisdom 15

Charisma 20


What I have done is add ten points to each of those stats. Darth Malak

Now has these stats

Strength 39

Dexterity 28

Constitution 33

Intelligence 25

Wisdom 25

Charisma 30


I also made his lightsaber more deadly. Malak's lightsaber by damage by default is 2-16 energy damage. I changed that so now it's 42-56 energy damage. So be prepared. I also have given Malak new feats.



Improved Toughness

Master Toughness


Still not enough for you? Malak now regenerates his life. He regenerates 20 of his vitality points every two seconds. If you are wondering if that is it. It isn't. Malak also has been given an extra 10 points to his Defense Bonus. Oh, and I also have given him an extra 10 points to his Attack Bonus.


What I did something very simple. As some of you have found out, to get Darth Malak's lightsaber, you type in "giveitem g_w_lghtsbr06". However, when you fight Darth Malak on the Star Forge, his lightsaber is using a different tag. I simple modified the different tag to improve Darth Malak. These reason why I chose to modify his lightsaber stats instead of Malak's tag is because the tag used for Malak in the final duel is the same tag used on Deck 3 on the Star Forge. As some modders have found out that if you modify a person's tag and there is another with the same name in a different location, that screws up one of the spawns in the game.


Very Important: When you put in the mod, don't just open a save that has you on Deck 4, where you go and confront Malak on the Star Forge. Your current game CAN NOT be on the final duel, or the new modification will not take effect. You will have to go to a previous save that never has been on the final duel map. If your closest save is a long ways away from Malak, and you really want to test it out right away, I would suggest you warp to Deck 4 of the Star Forge. To do that type "warp sta_m45ad" (without quotes).

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  Achilles said:
Anyone that thinks Malak is too easy never played with the hardcore mod.

Even with the harcore mod, he still doesn't put up much of a fight for me, as I boost the heck out of my character's stats and lightsaber. I also use the all Force Powers/Feats mod. Pretty easy.

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  The Doctor said:
Even with the harcore mod, he still doesn't put up much of a fight for me, as I boost the heck out of my character's stats and lightsaber. I also use the all Force Powers/Feats mod. Pretty easy.


Here is the thing with me. If I have all the hyper shots, along with the Echani Boost Shot, and the Echani shields, and the Force Power of Master Speed, I can destroy Malak so fast and easy, even on Hardcore that it isn't even funny. That's including boosting up the lightsaber stats. My character is so powerful that Malak looks like a pansy at the end. It's not even a challenge.


What I wanted to do is find a way to make Malak more of a challenge that you have to to have those boosts to be able to keep up with him. The boost I gave Malak is way more of challenge, but it can be done. This makes it very important how you build your character if you are going to be able to beat Malak. That is the challenge I give you to try. :saberb:

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  • 8 months later...
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  Zat said:
He was hard, but not invincible, have both this and hardcore mod installed. Good job
Thanks. I'm glad Malak isn't such a pansy anymore to people.



  Qliveur said:

Agreed. You always have good ideas, Shem!

Thanks! :D


I would like to hear people's story about their techniques about how they beat Malak with my mod here. Like what they had to do different to overcome his new strength and power. That way it helps others out there who wonder if the new challenge is worth trying. :D

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Have bet him two times wiht this mod installed, one with force powers, and one with a clean fight. I have never needed stims for Malak, but this time i boosted up with them before the fight, then i just used standard methods. The one with the force user was a little thougher, but i had very high wisdom, i used force kill, and the times it worked on him it did over 100 damage in evry choke


And yes, i have other mods installed that boost my characther a bit, but not to overkill, i have deleted all those mods.


Edit: If anyone want to see the stats for the characther i used



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I'm not sure if I've installed this mod right. I extracted it to my override folder, but when I faced Malak I didn't notice any real change when I faced him on the Star Forge, and I waited during one fight to see if he regenerated the 20 points as he should do, but nothing. I'm wondering if the problem is because I've got RedHawke's Revan the White's Booster pack installed, which may use the same Malak's lightsaber file for Revan the White's lightsaber. Anyway, any advice you have on what to get it working right would be greatly apperciated.

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  Skywalker3248 said:
I'm wondering if the problem is because I've got RedHawke's Revan the White's Booster pack installed, which may use the same Malak's lightsaber file for Revan the White's lightsaber.

Nope, there will be no conflict... he should be using Shem's saber in the final duel. My item mods modifies the 'cheatable' Malak's Saber. ;)

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  Skywalker3248 said:
I'm not sure if I've installed this mod right. I extracted it to my override folder, but when I faced Malak I didn't notice any real change when I faced him on the Star Forge, and I waited during one fight to see if he regenerated the 20 points as he should do, but nothing. I'm wondering if the problem is because I've got RedHawke's Revan the White's Booster pack installed, which may use the same Malak's lightsaber file for Revan the White's lightsaber. Anyway, any advice you have on what to get it working right would be greatly apperciated.
Read this part of the readme...


Very Important: When you put in the mod, don't just open a save that has you on Deck 4, where you go and confront Malak on the Star Forge. Your current game CAN NOT be on the final duel, or the new modification will not take effect. You will have to go to a previous save that never has been on the final duel map.
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  Skywalker3248 said:
I installed it in prior to facing Malak on the Leviathian and played it through to the end, but I'm wondering if mabye I should start a new game with the mod installed. What do you think?
You don't need to start a new game. When I made this mod and tested it, it was during a game in progress. I'm almost willing to bet that the conflict is something you've overlooked and there's not much anybody can do because nobody else has physical access to your computer to see what you did.
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Ah, well, I guess I'll have to keep looking through my override folder to see if I can see anything else that could be conflicting with your mod. Anyway, thanks for taking the time to respond to my queries and creating the mod, Shem.


Edit - Looking again I think it is another mod that is the problem. Your Malak red lightsaber has appeared in the Holo emporium I downloaded, so it's there, but for some reason when ever I face Malak he's now wielding a white lightsaber, not red. But if I remember that was already happening before, so I'm going to have to find which mod has replaced Malak's red one, anyway, again, thanks for all your help.

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