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  • 2 weeks later...
As for the mod, someone made a request similar to this but no one took up the offer so I doubt anyone will now =/

Um yeah they did

im working on that mod, I cant model but i am reskining the Sith assassins( actually they are the ubese clan members). Finished the appearance.2da, now working on the skins. The ubese clan is the closest thing in tsl to the master chief armor and the black armor the marines wear.

Lando is doing a version of the MC's armour and he even stated so in this thread. Hes not using the Iridonian armour though.

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You can?


G** Dangit I thought you could only do the refelction "BAremetal" effect


I should always trust my instincts

what script do you put in the Txi to do that

You don't, you just use the almighty GIMP and erase something on a texture that doesn't use a shader (like CM_baremetal) and it will appear transparent ;)



Thanks for correcting me...

I forgot Lando was working on that and since his updates haven't really been like...alive... I thought he abandoned it.

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